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Should I Report This? Or Let It Go.. Update: She Came Back


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Yes its a risk but sometime the flight or fight reaction takes over and you fight to protect out of instinct, broken many dog fights up over there years, yes getting bitten is part of the risk, but if ppl had better controlled and sociable dogs it wouldn't have happend...

Still I would report it, casue I it could happen again or the next thing it attacks could be a child that accidently gets in the way...

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the next thing it attacks could be a child that accidentally gets in the way...

I would report it even if only for this reason :laugh:

That bite looks pretty nasty, I hope your ok.....

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I will be going to the doctor tomorrow, and will take photos. Will contact Warringah council on Monday to tell them ba

This is exactly why I don't go to dog parks.

I personally probably wouldn't report a dog that bit me while I was breaking up a dog fight, since I think most dogs could redirect and bite a person in those circumstances. When you step in between two fighting dogs, getting bitten is just a risk you take.

But I can understand why you might feel you need to report the owner if that's what it takes to make her control her dog.

Edited to add, I have actually been bitten before while breaking up a dog fight, at an obedience school. I didn't blame the dog for biting me in the heat of the moment - it was so juiced up on adrenaline I'm suspect it didn't even know where it's teeth were going - but I was really angry at the dog's owner for having her dog off leash when she knew it was dog aggressive and didn't have a reliable recall. Still makes me grumpy to think about it.

Its not the fact that the dog bit me that I makes me want to report this.

I agree that if you jump into a dog fight, theres a chance you will get bitten. Its never the dogs fault either, its the owners.

The fact that the owner did nothing about it is what really bothers me. She didn't even attempt to apologise or control her dog at all. Completely ignoring something that has happened right in front of her.

The dog has done this numerous times, to other dogs that where behaving well on lead. If I did intervene in a fight, its the owners responsibility to pay for any damages that her dog caused. Whether that be to me or another dog. She did the opposite, was rude, and then left.

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I would at least report it to the council. When I got bitten last year, (dog went to attack my dog and I got in the way.) I had a hole in my leg, I went to the doctors and had to have tetnus also a course of antibiotics which the doctor said was really important as the skin had been broken. Also the doctor asked a lot of questions about the attack and made a note of it all.

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Guest belgian.blue
This is exactly why I don't go to dog parks.

Same. I watch my dogs like a hawk when out in public, even on lead as you never know what they will pick up and eat!

I'd report it, that is going to look very nasty tomorrow! I walked into a knee high pole once [don't text and dog walk at the same time!!] and the bruise was deadly sore and colourful the next day.

Really looking forward to the dog beach this winter, the best time of the year to visit the beach.

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Definitely report it and hopefully from the details you are able to provide the council will have this dog on their records. I also think it's best to get your arm checked as well.

Whether it's a dog park or not the owner should be watching their dog and have effective control over it, sounds like this dog has issues as you stated it has attacked other dogs, whilst everyone has the right to exercise their dog even if they are DA they should take it somewhere that it can't cause trouble or go to the park when it is quiet. Don't you just love how when people are guilty they blame everyone else and their dogs :laugh:

All owners have the right for their dog to be safe in any environment.

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If the owner was was sorry, was dog savvy and this was just an out of the blue thing that happened and you knew that I would say just let it go for this time.....BUT the Owner ignored the situation & wasn't accountable so report her ass pronto.

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Edit to add: The dog park is in Frenchs forest, its the Frenchs Forest Showground.

That park is renowned for blues, there are way too many dogs there at peak times.

I've found the oval at St Ives to be really good. Most of the people who go there for training or agility use it so they are very dog savvy and not ignorant about any issues their dogs have. It doesn't ever get very busy, I know it's that bit further away for you though.

I would report it for sure. :laugh:

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I probably would report it, so there was a record - but mainly because the owner gave you mouth when you tried to discuss it with you.

Your arm looks to me as if the dog's teeth grazed it, rather than a full on bite, and it is probable that the dog did not intend to bite you - but it seems that he was threatening you, which is almost as bad, and very frightening. Hope you are ok. Not a nice thing to happen

Also, what is a "full on attack" in your book?

This sounds to me as if it was not really an attack, just an over active, example of a herding breed wanting a bit of a rumble.

I hope an ACO will go and speak to her as the dog does need some training and manners.

And the situation doesn't need to acelerate

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Report it.

A similar thing happened to my friends BC- was attacked and it cost a LOT of money& caused damage.

She regrets not taking action and reporting it.The attacking dog has since done it to others.

Hope you are OK.

Edited by MelissaS
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I probably would report it, so there was a record - but mainly because the owner gave you mouth when you tried to discuss it with you.

Your arm looks to me as if the dog's teeth grazed it, rather than a full on bite, and it is probable that the dog did not intend to bite you - but it seems that he was threatening you, which is almost as bad, and very frightening. Hope you are ok. Not a nice thing to happen

Also, what is a "full on attack" in your book?

This sounds to me as if it was not really an attack, just an over active, example of a herding breed wanting a bit of a rumble.

I hope an ACO will go and speak to her as the dog does need some training and manners.

And the situation doesn't need to acelerate

Yeah she did not bite me, she lunged but I moved so I'm assuming her teeth grazed and did not sink in. I do think she was going for me though, When I stopped Rosie, she jumped for the nearest target. I just happened to be it. Wrong place wrong time. Was certainly not fun but I am ok, thanks for the concern :D.

If the owner had been apologetic and taken responsibility I wouldn't have had a problem. Instead she was quite rude, even to the point of actually The way she acted is the problem.

A "full on attack" is when a dog goes in, intent on damaging the other dog. Its when they're intent on creating a fight.

example of a herding breed wanting a bit of a rumble.

Do you really think the a dog will fight just cause it wants "a bit of a rumble"? I think that dog fights are caused for a variety of reasons, but wanting "a bit of a rumble" isn't one of them. A bit of a rumble for me is rough play. Not a fight. but that of course is just my opinion :eek:

My idea of whats happened in this case, is a frustrated working breed with no real outlet :laugh:.

If she is continuously brought to the park I'm certain that her behaviour will only get worse.

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Edit to add: The dog park is in Frenchs forest, its the Frenchs Forest Showground.

That park is renowned for blues, there are way too many dogs there at peak times.

I've found the oval at St Ives to be really good. Most of the people who go there for training or agility use it so they are very dog savvy and not ignorant about any issues their dogs have. It doesn't ever get very busy, I know it's that bit further away for you though.

I would report it for sure. :laugh:

Hi Clyde, is the St Ives oval open at all times or is it restricted to different times? I know that there are horse shows on there at different times, but wasn't sure if it was open at other times. There is also a smaller enclosed area, is this for the smaller dogs?

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I personally probably wouldn't report a dog that bit me while I was breaking up a dog fight, since I think most dogs could redirect and bite a person in those circumstances. When you step in between two fighting dogs, getting bitten is just a risk you take.

I agree with this. I don't know whether it would stop me reporting it but you do have to take some personal responsibility for getting involved in a dog fight. It doesn't mean the dog is human aggressive, more that you got in the way. Sounds like the owner needs a kick up the ass though.

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Most definitely report it and make sure they're aware that both dogs and yourself were injured. It's completely not on, she shouldn't be allowed to have such an aggressive dog at the park. The poor thing has no hope with an owner like that.

Edited by iltbyâ„¢
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Edit to add: The dog park is in Frenchs forest, its the Frenchs Forest Showground.

That park is renowned for blues, there are way too many dogs there at peak times.

I've found the oval at St Ives to be really good. Most of the people who go there for training or agility use it so they are very dog savvy and not ignorant about any issues their dogs have. It doesn't ever get very busy, I know it's that bit further away for you though.

I would report it for sure. :(

Hi Clyde, is the St Ives oval open at all times or is it restricted to different times? I know that there are horse shows on there at different times, but wasn't sure if it was open at other times. There is also a smaller enclosed area, is this for the smaller dogs?

The oval is always open as such but if there is a horse event then they take precedent. There are now fenced off areas over near the training area too which is great for people whose dogs might not come back! So there are about 4 options there, the only time you might luck out is a Saturday avo if there's horse stuff and dog training going on. AFAIK there is no small dog/big dog area but as there is rarely that many people there it's easy to avoid either/or.

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I then confronted Jess's owner. Very politely. I told her that she needed to deal with her dogs issues because I know this is not the first situation shes caused

I don't understand why you were letting the dog play with Jess if you knew that she might escalate her behaviour?

Get some arnica for that bruise and start putting it on now and hopefully you might be able to reduce some of the swelling and pain :(

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Awful situation for everyone concerned ---- except negligent owner, of course :hug: . She sounds like a fruitloop and they are the ones who do most damage.

I'm for reporting to the Ranger.

I don't know much about the dog situation at St Ives as I've never taken my dogs there, but it is a huge area and I think there would be enough room to avoid people if necessary.

Sue & Crew on this forum goes there regularly. Perhaps you could PM her and get first hand information.

Edited by Mother Moocher
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Just out of interest, once the incident is reported to the ranger/council, what then?

Do they find the owner and fine her, give her a lecture, get her to pay your medical bills or does it all revolve around how far you being injured wants to take the matter?

Im just curious as to how much you can do and what rights the council has to get the owner to make changes?

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Just out of interest, once the incident is reported to the ranger/council, what then?

Do they find the owner and fine her, give her a lecture, get her to pay your medical bills or does it all revolve around how far you being injured wants to take the matter?

Im just curious as to how much you can do and what rights the council has to get the owner to make changes?

Ah yes, the big question. Depends on the ranger and the council and how much they care. :hug::(

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