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Terrier Traits


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JRT breeders are doing a hell of a lot of work to breed for type and temprement. Yes there are some purebred JRT's who have iffy temprements, but I think that can be found in most breeds.

I would have thought the issue would be more to do with bite thresholds than temperament. For a dog bred to kill vermin, a good startle reflex, quick reactions and a readiness to bite would have been assets. A dog that defends itself.. wonderful!!!

Problems only arise when people don't respect those characteristics and expect dogs to act like stuffed toys, especially around kids that grab and pin. I have no desire to ever own a terrier but I sincerely hope that breeders don't breed out of them what makes them unique (and what their fanciers love) in the first place.

What attracts me to terriers is that they think for themselves. I love that independence. I'd hate to see it bred out of them because people can't handle it.

That said I have two vermin hunters AND a mouse problem at the moment. Complete terrier fail I think... Anouk will chase, but she certainly doesn't seem able to catch at the moment.

Anyone want to lend me a JRT for a week???

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Wow. I was going to keep out of this but can't ignore the bolded part above. It makes me so mad that people come into these discussions and turn JRT's into monsters who will bite when bored and turn nasty. I grew up around JRT's, family members owned them before I did and I have not once been bitten by one. They do not turn nasty because they are bored, in my experience, the ones who are nasty little buggers are the ones who people lable as JRT's because they are brown and white little dogs, just bred for the hell of it with no regard for temprement.

JRT breeders are doing a hell of a lot of work to breed for type and temprement. Yes there are some purebred JRT's who have iffy temprements, but I think that can be found in most breeds.

Mine enjoy their walk every day, they swim in the warm weather, and right now, they are all asleep on ther back verandah. They are not on the go 24/7, they relax. If a bird comes into the yard, they will chase it out. If there is no bird to chase, they sleep in the sun.

Some JRT's can be over the top, but not ALL of them, people need to stop bagging the breed because of the traits of some individual dogs.

You have said exactly what I was going to WnJ... I am yet to meet a purebred papered JRT that I could fault temperament wise. I think they are awesome little dogs and to be honest I wouldn't hesitate getting the right one (from the right breeder) if I had children. Absolutely awesome little dogs that have a very undeserved reputation.

If the two of you met my JRT you couldnt fault her temperament either, she is a great little dog...now

That comment was about the people who get a cute little JRT puppy from the petshop or wherever and throw it out in the yard after the cuteness wears off and expect to find it trained when they let it in or decide to take it out, I am not bagging the breed, simply pointing out that it is a breed which needs special care and attention to keep it focused

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Wow. I was going to keep out of this but can't ignore the bolded part above. It makes me so mad that people come into these discussions and turn JRT's into monsters who will bite when bored and turn nasty. I grew up around JRT's, family members owned them before I did and I have not once been bitten by one. They do not turn nasty because they are bored, in my experience, the ones who are nasty little buggers are the ones who people lable as JRT's because they are brown and white little dogs, just bred for the hell of it with no regard for temprement.

JRT breeders are doing a hell of a lot of work to breed for type and temprement. Yes there are some purebred JRT's who have iffy temprements, but I think that can be found in most breeds.

Mine enjoy their walk every day, they swim in the warm weather, and right now, they are all asleep on ther back verandah. They are not on the go 24/7, they relax. If a bird comes into the yard, they will chase it out. If there is no bird to chase, they sleep in the sun.

Some JRT's can be over the top, but not ALL of them, people need to stop bagging the breed because of the traits of some individual dogs.

You have said exactly what I was going to WnJ... I am yet to meet a purebred papered JRT that I could fault temperament wise. I think they are awesome little dogs and to be honest I wouldn't hesitate getting the right one (from the right breeder) if I had children. Absolutely awesome little dogs that have a very undeserved reputation.

If the two of you met my JRT you couldnt fault her temperament either, she is a great little dog...now

That comment was about the people who get a cute little JRT puppy from the petshop or wherever and throw it out in the yard after the cuteness wears off and expect to find it trained when they let it in or decide to take it out, I am not bagging the breed, simply pointing out that it is a breed which needs special care and attention to keep it focused

When Anouk did puppy preschool there was an old couple there with a JRT. Poor little thing - they just had no idea. Completely mismatch.

Terriers are awesome but they can be stubborn little buggers...

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I am tired of people telling me that Gilbert is going to turn into a little monster because he is a JRT.. :dancingelephant: There is a difference between the BYB JRT x down the road and the pedigree JRT bred by a responsible breeder. I don't think terriers are stubborn- i think they are smart and like any smart dog, they will do things that work for them- good and bad.

I understand that i am not the average dog owner, i really do. But Gilbert has been a fabulous puppy- easier than others i have had. I also agree that JRT's need good training and socialisation- but then again i struggle to think of a breed that doesn't. Different breeds cope with poor socialisation and training in different ways- none of those ways are good for the dog or owner. I can think of a handful of breeds that develop characteristics other than aggression more typically, when not trained/ socialised. But although that may be better for the owner, its certainly not always better for the dog. :birthday:

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In a perfect world any dog owner would have access to dog parks, obedience schools, dog sports etc. Not everyone has access to that

I would have loved to get Tess into agility or flyball when she was younger, I think that would have been just the thing she needed, but I was in an isolated town with no help for her. The town I come from isnt even the tiniest bit dog friendly, they only have an off leash park because they are required to provide one, but it has no water, no grass, and its in a horrible part of town...you dont even consider driving through that part of town or the 'locals' will throw stones at your car or step in front of you and refuse to move, I wasnt able to socialise her because I didnt know anyone with dogs and there was no dog groups of any kind in the town

I love JRTs, and who knows maybe after Tess Ill really miss them and one day decide to get another terrier, but I dont recommend them for anyone who has never owned a dog before because they have no idea what they are getting in for. Big things really do come in small packages

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What attracts me to terriers is that they think for themselves. I love that independence. I'd hate to see it bred out of them because people can't handle it.

That said I have two vermin hunters AND a mouse problem at the moment. Complete terrier fail I think... Anouk will chase, but she certainly doesn't seem able to catch at the moment.

Anyone want to lend me a JRT for a week???

That's a complete terrier fail. It's a wheaten fail. I'm telling ya, your wheatens are broken. :eek:

Admittedly, I found a dead mouse outside a few weeks back but I don't think it was my two. Mini would have insisted on showing me and with Grumpy, I wouldn't have seen it. I scooped up the body and disposed of it before they realised it was there.

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What attracts me to terriers is that they think for themselves. I love that independence. I'd hate to see it bred out of them because people can't handle it.

That said I have two vermin hunters AND a mouse problem at the moment. Complete terrier fail I think... Anouk will chase, but she certainly doesn't seem able to catch at the moment.

Anyone want to lend me a JRT for a week???

That's a complete terrier fail. It's a wheaten fail. I'm telling ya, your wheatens are broken. :cry:

Admittedly, I found a dead mouse outside a few weeks back but I don't think it was my two. Mini would have insisted on showing me and with Grumpy, I wouldn't have seen it. I scooped up the body and disposed of it before they realised it was there.

Yes, they really, really are broken. Ah well I kinda like 'em this way :eek:

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I love the 'prancing' gait. Oh dear, I do miss them. :)

Deb, if you're ever in Perth you must come and visit Izzy :(

I'll be there but I might dognap!! Also want to hassle amypies manchester too. :) I think she's in Perth.

Funnily enough I would also love a foxhound and they were used in conjunction with lakelands in UK for hunting! I dont think??(could easily be wrong) that lakelands did much killing? I think they chased whatevers out of holes etc. but of course at my age!!! I could be mixed up. :wave:

When I was a child EVERYONE had terriers, mostly Foxies (real ones :) ) and without doubt all were adorable.

I've met some really lovely welsh terriers too.

My Lakeland had no issues with 5 kids AND their friends AND 4 cats! :laugh: we had a rule of never putting your face near him though, just in case, those TEETH. He was a fantastic playmate for them all, never a problem. Lovely boy. His lines were from Bill Cosbys kennels in USA and I waited 2 years for him! Only one breeder in SA then. He was worth it!! :laugh:thats him in the pic, with antlers on, looking decidedly crapped off! in the middle.xxx

Edited by Monah
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The number of BYB Xbred "JRT" at work is amazing, very few well bred examples come in. Many small terrier xbreeds seem to be labelled as a Jack resulting in the whole breed having a negative name. I love the well bred ones with the great personalities! :laugh:

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Guest *Pixie*

I agree that a lot of the problem with the JRT rep is largely caused by the fact that everything with short legs or a tan/white coat tends to be called a JRT! I've lost count of the number of "JRTs" I've met that look absolutely nothing like my pedigreed one :laugh:

My JRT girl is a feisty, enthusiastic, snuggly, irrepressible and very energetic little scruff. She loves to cuddle up under the doona, wrestles with my GSD boy (and wins) and throws herself madly into the air totally expecting you to catch her - if you don't, well she hadn't factored that in, so she tends to plummet back to earth to land flat on her back with a mildly surprised look on her face.

She is brilliant and quick and very easy to train, she doesn't bark excessively (but if she gets reeeeally excited she has been known to scream...) and you can do absolutely anything with her. I often carry her around upside down with her head hanging down near my knees and she is totally relaxed with it. She can be very gently mouthy when she plays but I'd drop dead with surprise if she ever snapped at a person, she has a beautiful temperament and I can't dream up a situation in which you could push her to bite someone.

I absolutely adore my little Finta girl and will never be without a JRT from now on - but I fully intend for Finta to live until she is 20 so I'll only need to go through 2 or 3 :(

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Aussie terriers are such fun to have around, real characters, fun loving, they have their play time when they go ballistic for 15 minutes but then lay down and collapse. Very smart and quick to learn but often it is "talk to the paw" as they are easily distracted. They just love to be part of the family. Not destructive, don't dig or chew things that aren't allowed. Bark when someone comes to the house or when excited in play but otherwise very quiet. Great with kids and not at all nippy. Fine with the cat (but then you don't argue with him, they learn that very quickly!!) Pet grooming is easy, just run a comb through once or twice a week, for showing there are different trains of thought but basically trim feet and tail and strip topline.

After having dobes and kelpies with more serious attitudes, Aussies are just joy. Real Aussie spirit, just want to have fun!

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Aussie terriers are such fun to have around, real characters, fun loving, they have their play time when they go ballistic for 15 minutes but then lay down and collapse. Very smart and quick to learn but often it is "talk to the paw" as they are easily distracted. They just love to be part of the family. Not destructive, don't dig or chew things that aren't allowed. Bark when someone comes to the house or when excited in play but otherwise very quiet. Great with kids and not at all nippy. Fine with the cat (but then you don't argue with him, they learn that very quickly!!) Pet grooming is easy, just run a comb through once or twice a week, for showing there are different trains of thought but basically trim feet and tail and strip topline.

After having dobes and kelpies with more serious attitudes, Aussies are just joy. Real Aussie spirit, just want to have fun!

:) Couldn't of said it better myself, Aussie terriers are so much fun to have around, I would never ever be without one now. :p

They are so intelligent, cheeky, funny, so full of personality. They really like to think for themselves, but you have to make sure they understand that you are the pack leader, or they will quickly take over the house hold. :rofl: They are so loyal to their family & love being with their people & they seem to love kids. They never chew or destroy things that they know their not allowed to touch, but they get great pleasure in deboweling their soft toys. :D They love getting about half an hour walk a day, but are equally happy with a game of fetch, however my dogs favourite thing to do is to go for a walk down to our dam, & go for a swim. :p

I haven't had any problems with mice, since I've owned Aussies, they a are fantastic at hunting vermin. :rofl:

They really do have the easy goiing fun loving Aussie spirit, & it is such a shame more people don't own them. :p

My Aussie bitch whelped her first litter of 8 pups last Wednesday, & I know we are going to have so much fun raising them. ;)


Edited by Baileys mum
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:rainbowbridge: Couldn't of said it better myself, Aussie terriers are so much fun to have around, I would never ever be without one now. :cry:

They are so intelligent, cheeky, funny, so full of personality. They really like to think for themselves, but you have to make sure they understand that you are the pack leader, or they will quickly take over the house hold. :rainbowbridge: They are so loyal to their family & love being with their people & they seem to love kids. They never chew or destroy things that they know their not allowed to touch, but they get great pleasure in deboweling their soft toys. :rainbowbridge: They love getting about half an hour walk a day, but are equally happy with a game of fetch, however my dogs favourite thing to do is to go for a walk down to our dam, & go for a swim. :cry:

I haven't had any problems with mice, since I've owned Aussies, they a are fantastic at hunting vermin. :rainbowbridge:

They really do have the easy goiing fun loving Aussie spirit, & it is such a shame more people don't own them. :cry:

My Aussie bitch whelped her first litter of 8 pups last Wednesday, & I know we are going to have so much fun raising them. :mad


Congratulations on your litter!

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I think I make my terriers faulty :rainbowbridge:

Cruise - my first Westie, he was quite happy to be a couch potato, he picked up simple obedience commands, sit, drop, stay (terrier people were shocked I would put him on the top of the trolley and walk away), he was a super showdog, he stood on command, he gaited according to command (if I told him go, and gave him the lead he would trot out ahead). He passed away at not yet 2yrs before I got the chance to take him back to melbourne to try out his 'hunting' skills.

Hemi - my second Westie, he is only coming up 5 months, he is as michevious as a puppy comes, however, he does what he is told, stands and watches on command, gets out the kitchen on command, wont come in the back door unless he is given permission. He loves a good snuggle and only occasionally digs, as Cruise did, but Cruise grew out of it...

Roxy, My staffy x, well she is just super, she respects us and hopefully we will be able to get an obedience title on her one day, and perhaps Agility too... I just need to get off my butt and get into classes and trials, she already knows many commands. She is happiest lounging around either in the backyard in the sun or inside with us...

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I think I make my terriers faulty :rainbowbridge:

Cruise - my first Westie, he was quite happy to be a couch potato, he picked up simple obedience commands, sit, drop, stay (terrier people were shocked I would put him on the top of the trolley and walk away), he was a super showdog, he stood on command, he gaited according to command (if I told him go, and gave him the lead he would trot out ahead). He passed away at not yet 2yrs before I got the chance to take him back to melbourne to try out his 'hunting' skills.

Hemi - my second Westie, he is only coming up 5 months, he is as michevious as a puppy comes, however, he does what he is told, stands and watches on command, gets out the kitchen on command, wont come in the back door unless he is given permission. He loves a good snuggle and only occasionally digs, as Cruise did, but Cruise grew out of it...

Roxy, My staffy x, well she is just super, she respects us and hopefully we will be able to get an obedience title on her one day, and perhaps Agility too... I just need to get off my butt and get into classes and trials, she already knows many commands. She is happiest lounging around either in the backyard in the sun or inside with us...

Some things you read can make terriers sound like monsters, which they certainly aren't. My Ziggy is a total cuddle bug. He'd sleep on the bed all day if I let him and on your lap all evening. He's always anxious to please. Anouk is the sweetest girl in the whole world. Yes she is a madame and is a kleptomaniac and a thief, but she is also an endearing little character.

I just think terriers can take a bit of effort, simply because they were bred to act independently of humans a lot of the time.

Edited by Mollie10
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Aussie terriers are such fun to have around, real characters, fun loving, they have their play time when they go ballistic for 15 minutes but then lay down and collapse. Very smart and quick to learn but often it is "talk to the paw" as they are easily distracted. They just love to be part of the family. Not destructive, don't dig or chew things that aren't allowed. Bark when someone comes to the house or when excited in play but otherwise very quiet. Great with kids and not at all nippy. Fine with the cat (but then you don't argue with him, they learn that very quickly!!) Pet grooming is easy, just run a comb through once or twice a week, for showing there are different trains of thought but basically trim feet and tail and strip topline.

After having dobes and kelpies with more serious attitudes, Aussies are just joy. Real Aussie spirit, just want to have fun!

:o Couldn't of said it better myself, Aussie terriers are so much fun to have around, I would never ever be without one now. :eek:

They are so intelligent, cheeky, funny, so full of personality. They really like to think for themselves, but you have to make sure they understand that you are the pack leader, or they will quickly take over the house hold. :) They are so loyal to their family & love being with their people & they seem to love kids. They never chew or destroy things that they know their not allowed to touch, but they get great pleasure in deboweling their soft toys. :D They love getting about half an hour walk a day, but are equally happy with a game of fetch, however my dogs favourite thing to do is to go for a walk down to our dam, & go for a swim. :eek:

I haven't had any problems with mice, since I've owned Aussies, they a are fantastic at hunting vermin. :)

They really do have the easy goiing fun loving Aussie spirit, & it is such a shame more people don't own them. :hug:

My Aussie bitch whelped her first litter of 8 pups last Wednesday, & I know we are going to have so much fun raising them. :p


Congrats on the litter, must post some photos.

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I love the 'prancing' gait. Oh dear, I do miss them. :rofl:

Deb, if you're ever in Perth you must come and visit Izzy :rofl:

I'll be there but I might dognap!! Also want to hassle amypies manchester too. :o I think she's in Perth.

Hey! :) I only just saw this! :rofl:

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