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Meet My Foster Girl .. And A Bit Of A Vent For Good Measure


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What a lucky little girl to have fallen into a soft lap :laugh: I wished there was a way you could report the cretin who handed her over to you....it makes my blood boil that she gets away with it :laugh:

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You are an :laugh:

Never seen a black one in this breed before, very pretty :o

Time is a great healer of all things.

A rescue I once had did nothing but sit in a bed with her head down, jump out to eat & pee & that was it for 6 weeks.

Every day I patted her & the dog she slept with but ignored in every other way. Never made one sound.

One day on week 6 she licked my hand, came out of bed & started barking. Tears streamed down my face, happy ones.

No turning back after that. So it can happen when she is ready.

I think you will keep this girl for ever :D

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You guys are so lovely :)

MM, I think I is hooked! :laugh: . But seriously, I think that's enough Cresties in one household now (yes, I know I said that when I got Pepper :laugh: ), but I mean it now ! ;) . It's funny though, how love doesn't diminish for the others when another one is added, it just keeps growing! I can't imagine not having four gorgeous faces to kiss now :D

CAD, I really don't know what the owner was thinking when she got Banshee :) . When she showed me all the pictures of Banshee she had on her phone I thought it was interesting that she hadn't taken any after Banshee was about 6 months old. Maybe that's when the novely wore off?

Miz J, thanks so much for the offer to come into the shop, but from this week Banshee is happily staying at home with the crew.

Actually, just had a thought, I'll bring her into the shop with me this Saturday, so if anyone wants to help with her rehab (pretty much just treats and pats) feel free to come along. One of my customers is a behaviouist/trainer ( :( ) and she says Banshee isn't a natural biter, she doesn't want to bite, it's a conditioned fear response she's developed to protect herself. We've done a fair bit of work with her already and she will only bite if she is afraid, nervous or cornered, so she'll be absolutely fine with people who are calm with her :)

Percyk, I so agree with you about Banshee having winter protection now. She sometimes gets cold even with her shirt on, I can't even imagine her being left outside shirtless on cold nights like we've been having recently! :( . Poor little bub

You are an :cheer:

Never seen a black one in this breed before, very pretty :)

Time is a great healer of all things.

A rescue I once had did nothing but sit in a bed with her head down, jump out to eat & pee & that was it for 6 weeks.

Every day I patted her & the dog she slept with but ignored in every other way. Never made one sound.

One day on week 6 she licked my hand, came out of bed & started barking. Tears streamed down my face, happy ones.

No turning back after that. So it can happen when she is ready.

I think you will keep this girl for ever :)

Beautiful story Christina. I remember when my Madeline's real self came out one day. I did the same thing, just burst into tears, I was so happy to see her there after she'd protected herself for so long :)

Thank you to everyone else who's posted, I really appreciate your support and kind words :) .

Quick update on the 'breeder' side of things - The owner told me a few things about where she got Banshee from and I put a few things together and made a few calls to 'people in the know', and managed to track down the person who bred Banshee!! She was born early January 2009, so she's about 16 months old. The breeder says her father is a papered powderpuff crested and her mother is a non-papered hairless crested. The 'breeder' only breeds 'pet' Cresteds without papers so there's no real history or any testing. She had said that she would email me the sire's details so I could look him up on the CC Registry but that didn't happen. I rang her again early last week to see if she could forward them, but still haven't received anything.

Not that Banshee's imaginary pedigree matters that much to me, but I would have liked to look up her parantage and see if she's maybe related to any of my dogs. Oh well, I love her regardless of who her daddy is :)

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