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Kelpie Owners Please Help


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Just wondering when Kelpies are fully grown?

Also, my girl (just 7 months today) sometimes limps but only after resting, then all is normal when warmed up (like arthritis).

Not all the time, come and goes, she plays a bit rough.

Nothing wrong with her when I take her to the VET :laugh:

Thanks everyone.

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my jrt is ball ocd.... he had rsi in his front paw after injuring it. kept hurting it, sometimes limping sometimes not.

vet sugested anti in flams... and bed rest for 6 weeks not easy with him... he was only allowed out with me in sight and durring the day i made him come to work. where he sat in the car! his second ocd thing.

sounds like a minor thing which may come good with rest.

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I agree. I'd take her to a chiropractor too. My Tia was constantly visiting the chiro until about 18 months of age. She had no physical problems but in the words of the chiro - she was just a lunatic. She had a very flexible skeleton and her muscle mass wasn't mature enough to hold everything in place. She has been fine since.

I'm not sure when you could say a Kelpie is fully grown. My youngest has just turned two and has only recently filled out and looked like a mature dog rather than an adolescent. Mentally grown up is another thing - I'm still waiting for my 5yo as well as the 2yo to stop acting like puppies.

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I also suggest a chiro. Kelpies don't show pain often ( they don't stop till they are exhausted!) and so when they do limp I take mine off to the chiro. I have had to rest one of my kelpies for a month because she has strained her wrists jumping around. It's been hard but worth it!!

At 7 mths I would try playing hide and seek with food and doing some obedience to keep her amused.

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Thanks again for the advice.

I guess with the fully grown thing I was really after height, so the suggestion of 12 months would be accurate I guess?

I am going to try resting her. It seems weird,as she ONLY limps after rest, then once warmed up is OK. I would love to get her swimming, but she only goes in with her doggy friends, and I will have to ban her from play for a while. :laugh:

Dog Chiro's?? Are they Vet's specializing only in orthopedic stuff?

Is there any reputable ones in Newcastle/Lake Macquarie area?


Edited by sallyandtex
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I'd agree with Kelpies being fully grown at height in about 1yr, but they do take longer to fill out.

Kelpies do play hard and can be very heavy footed. My current boy sounds like a galloping horse when he runs :laugh:

Maybe take note of the surfaces your girl has been resting on. Is it a hard or soft surface?

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I'd agree with Kelpies being fully grown at height in about 1yr, but they do take longer to fill out.

Kelpies do play hard and can be very heavy footed. My current boy sounds like a galloping horse when he runs :(

Maybe take note of the surfaces your girl has been resting on. Is it a hard or soft surface?

Oh she has the softest most gorgeous bed money can buy...BUT she often prefers to lie on the hard decking or concrete LOL :rofl:

Any suggestions for dog vet chiro Newcastle/Lake Macquarie?

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