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Typical Dogs Playing Within A Pack


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Hi guys, I just wondered if any of you guys with multi dog households have any videos you could post of how your dogs play together. I am particularly interested in how rough or not rough they play together and what do you consider normal. Occasionally I have people tell me my dogs (the younger 3) are fighting but to me it is play and it never escalates to anything more than a yelp if it gets out of hand then they all back off....unless Cooper comes in and tells them all to behave. :( I think sometimes people read them wrong because Bronson and Lacy are quite vocal when they play.

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Mine can often sound like they are killing each other. :(


My three like to take turns chasing and pouncing on each other and then pinning each other down. It can sound really scary but they are the best of friends most of the time. I know my three well so I know when it is getting too rough. Although usually Daisy is the one to step in and stop it :) And nobody messes with her!!

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Ah well seems it is just normal then which is what I always thought. Cooper and Lacy have had a couple of real fights and not in play. You can definatley tell if it is serious!! I will post a video shortly just uploading now.

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Very often people who are over have said something to the effect of "shouldn't you stop them before they kill each other?" whilst the dogs are playing. I can tell when it's getting out of hand though and the dogs all respect each other and will back off when one has had enough. When you actually see a full on fight you can see that their playing is obviously playing.

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Very often people who are over have said something to the effect of "shouldn't you stop them before they kill each other?" whilst the dogs are playing. I can tell when it's getting out of hand though and the dogs all respect each other and will back off when one has had enough. When you actually see a full on fight you can see that their playing is obviously playing.

Definatley I totally agree.

here is a couple of Vids of my lot playing, actually these are not as full on as they can get, I think they were playing it down because I was filing them :rofl:


This is why Bronsons collars get ruined.


Bronson getting frustrated because he couldn't get in on the action. :laugh:


All I see in these clips is doggys having fun! :laugh:

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This is an oldie, it's a bit long, sorry :laugh: We hadn't had Trixie very long. They play a lot rougher now! :rofl:


ETA: That's mild compared to Chopper and Angel playing btw!

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Great Video Ruth, they look like they are having a lot of fun!!

I will admit mine are not at thier most rambunctious in the links I have posted. I have never thought to take any footage of them playing till today. usually it is only footage of them being clever or quiet and alseep. :laugh: They are at there most playful at the park, I'll see if I can get some of them when we go tomorow.

molasseslass, you are dead right non dog people just don't get it. I love watching them play. My only bug bear with them doing it at the park is that they are usually right under my feet, does anyone else have this happen. Like they havee the whole park to themselves and they have to go crazy inbetween and around my feet. :rofl: Whats with that??

If I leave Tully and Bronson together I take thier collars off, but I know they sleep most of the time that I am not home.

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I don't think there is any such thing as "normal" dog play anymore. There are lots of different styles, and what they do with dogs they know is often completely different to what they do with dogs they don't know. Erik is thoroughly obnoxious in his play with Kivi. He bites his legs, barges his side, grabs the fur on his back as he's running and makes him crash, climbs onto his back to bite the back of his neck, and then there's the growly bitey face and crash tackles head-on. I've seen them kamakaze each other before. And Kivi mouths at Erik's back, holds his tail while they're running, bowls him over, and noms his belly. They don't do those sorts of things to dogs they don't know really well. They know each other's limits and are amazingly comfortable with each other. The only time I have to intervene is if a coveted object comes into play.

I have a video from the dog park, but it's a bit long. http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=melsta...u/4/7iqVSn_Djwk

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Corvus I definatley agree mine play so differently with each other than they do with other dogs.

They stalk each other and I have seen Bronson go flat out towards Lacy and if she doesn't see him coming he just full body slams into her and then they do a crazy dance :thumbsup: but if she sees him coming she runs as fast as her little legs will carry her but he always catches her. They are so rough.

Cooper doesn't often join in but if he does he usually only plays with Lacy. He likes to break them up if he thinks they are getting to rough. The other week he ran in to break them up and Tully was running flat out and they collided heads, I thought for sure one of them would be knocked out. They must have the hardest skulls!!

They all have thier little playing techniques, Lacy does this move with her fat bottom and uses it as a weapon soooo cute!! :rofl: If the girls play with other dogs at the dog park Bronson goes in and pull them away from the other dog? I think it is a jealousy thing they are definatley his girls! He doesn't get agro at the other dog but he just pulls the girls away and back to him. :rofl:

I love watching them play and seeing the little tactics they use with each other and the dynamics that running with other dogs brings. last weekend we went to my friends who has Bronsons 2 brothers but much older and she also has a mini shnauzer Harriet. Harriet was so desperate to play with my lot she tried and tried to join in but my lot just acted like she wasn't even there and just went on playing with each other, it was really funny to watch.

Corus I will have to wait till tomorow to watch your video as I have swapped Pc's and this one is too slow for You tube! Your two sound like a hoot, I can really imagine Eric being quite the character!! I bet Kivi didn't know what hit him when you added Eric to the mix.

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Our two are ridiculous :thumbsup:

Lili will run around and Mo practically mauls her down to the ground, they make a LOT of noise, if he ever gets too rough though she gives him a sharp little warning bark and he backs off :rofl:

Honestly, unless there is blood I wouldn't worry!

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I think too many people these days expect that dogs are suppose to act as part of our "civilised" society and not like dogs at all. That means playing nicely :thumbsup: no rough and tumble, no making noises unless they're all "nice" noises. Bit like kids aren't allowed to playfight anymore, or play cowboys and indians and the like.....because we're "CIVILISED"! Bah Humbug....let them be dogs I say!! (without killing each other of course :rofl: ).

My boy is an old man and isn't in to rough play with other dogs yet likes to wrestle with my OH. My girl tries like mad to get the boy to play, sometimes her persistance pays off, but not often which is why she enjoys visits from her other doggy friends. LOL

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