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Pet Dogs To Be Put Down After Killing


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It is fact that these dogs escaped from their yard broke into another's and killed five tiny dogs. Whatever breed these killers were is of no consequence. The fact is they got out of an unsecured property and caused heartbreak to an elderly couple. From the footage shown on ACA, the owner of the escapees showed no remorse or compassion. If he had contained these dogs in a secure setting, then none of this would have happened. On the footage, it showed another dog he acquired and I hope to g-d something like this doesn't happen again. Again, it all boils down to the irresponsibility of owners.+

The breed of dogs that kill is of consequence and should not be discarded. Yes, these dogs did manage to get out due to an irresponsible owner and set out on a killing spree, it was the dogs' decision to kill! How they managed to get into the other property, I have no idea but they obviously heard the barking of those poor chihuahuas and thought all their birthdays had come at once. How many cavaliers or westies out there set out on a rampage and killed other people's pets????? This prick now owns 4 of those animals, pfft pathetic country we live in.

Ok, you win lets restrict all breeds that have had one of their own kill something, I'll start off by suggesting Dachshunds because one up the road killed a cat, a min foxie and 3 chooks, and the dally I used to live next door to that killed a silky T .

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It is fact that these dogs escaped from their yard broke into another's and killed five tiny dogs. Whatever breed these killers were is of no consequence. The fact is they got out of an unsecured property and caused heartbreak to an elderly couple. From the footage shown on ACA, the owner of the escapees showed no remorse or compassion. If he had contained these dogs in a secure setting, then none of this would have happened. On the footage, it showed another dog he acquired and I hope to g-d something like this doesn't happen again. Again, it all boils down to the irresponsibility of owners.+

The breed of dogs that kill is of consequence and should not be discarded. Yes, these dogs did manage to get out due to an irresponsible owner and set out on a killing spree, it was the dogs' decision to kill! How they managed to get into the other property, I have no idea but they obviously heard the barking of those poor chihuahuas and thought all their birthdays had come at once. How many cavaliers or westies out there set out on a rampage and killed other people's pets????? This prick now owns 4 of those animals, pfft pathetic country we live in.

Ok, you win lets restrict all breeds that have had one of their own kill something, I'll start off by suggesting Dachshunds because one up the road killed a cat, a min foxie and 3 chooks, and the dally I used to live next door to that killed a silky T .

What is a "dally" ? How can you compare a chook to a dog? I don't doubt that many a westie or cavalier would probably love to chase and/or kill a chook; I don't think killing chooks is breed specific. What concerns me is that certain breeds of dogs, no matter how much socialisation they've had with other dogs, always seem to retain a certain sense of killer instinct. Having said that, there always will be the exception to the rule and I bet that there are many a pitbull that wouldn't hurt a fly.

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At the end of the day, Erny, staffies and staffy crosses, pitbull and pibull x are dog aggressive. NO two ways about this.

??? What stats and educated information is your obviously strong and undoubting opinion based on? I'd be interested to know.

Obviously I am unable to come up with a list of numbers but I have owned a staffy 10 yrs ago and have known a fair number of people who did and not all were tossers, I can assure you of that.

As I have said in the last post, is it not so that staffies were bred to fight dogs in the pit along with pitbulls?

I'll just add my 2 cents worth to this debate - in my time as a Dog Obedience Instructor I NEVER saw a Staffy/Staffy Cross which wasn't DA - it is something of which most Obedience people are aware and allow for in classes (ie not letting Staffies getting too close to other dogs in "socialisation" exercises etc)

ETA - almost all the Staffies I saw were great with people - just not with other dogs

Thank you! :laugh: :D

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Take this, if I was a believer of BSL I would say so, in no uncertain term. If you want to play games with words, go right ahead. I am not going to apologise in saying what I have said. I still maintain that these dogs are not for everyone and not just anyone should be allowed to own them. A secure fence, an enclosure to ensure they cannot dig their way out or climb their way out and an owner that does not have a bleak past with these dogs! BSL means that these dogs should not be owned by just anyone and that is not what I am advocating here!

:laugh: :D What are you advocating then?

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I still maintain that these dogs are not for everyone and not just anyone should be allowed to own them.

right so restrict who owns them ...gotcha

BSL means that these dogs should not be owned by just anyone and that is not what I am advocating here!

BSL means what exactly?

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I am not one to be involved in discussion about BSL or whatever but I must say I am surprised at what Poodlemum has said.

It is a broad generalisation indeed to say all staffies are DA? I am not that experienced but even I go to training with a entire male staffy who is built like the proverbial S***house. My small dog dislikes full on bully breeds maybe because of a past incident. I find I have to watch my guy doesn't go near the staffy at training as he hates him. The staffy is oblivious and couldn't give a stuff. The first time my dog met him and had a snap at him, the staffy just went the other way.

I am not a huge fan of some breeds but you can't say all are the same.

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... All the talk about staffies being Dog Aggressive just because of their breed is absolutely RIDICULOUS. I've known so many staffies, staffy crosses and other bully breed crosses who have been perfect with other dogs.. very friendly, very happy and very unlikely to start any fights! How the hell can people make such a blank generalization? ANY breed can be dog aggressive if not socialized properly from a young age, for instance my neighbours dog was badly savaged by a purebred GOLDEN RETRIEVER, of all things! It's just ridiculous to make such a huge statement like that and then only back it up with "well every staffy mix I've known has been aggressive so therefore they are all aggressive!" Seriously?

Honestly, this has all to do with the person who owned the dogs.. not the dogs themselves. ANY breed is capable of being dog aggressive, ALL dogs should be socialized, trained, and kept in secure yards.. people that dont realize this (such as the guy who owns these three dogs) are f***wits who dont deserve the companionship of a dog.

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What concerns me is that certain breeds of dogs, no matter how much socialisation they've had with other dogs, always seem to retain a certain sense of killer instinct. Having said that, there always will be the exception to the rule and I bet that there are many a pitbull that wouldn't hurt a fly.

Absolute drivel...Certain breeds, Killer instinct!! you really have a way with words! I think that any dog with the 'killer" instinct is the exception tho the rule not the other way round.

So you've seen a few staffies that according to you are DA, most people never let any squabbles get past the first growl only to declare all staffies DA! maybe if dogs were introduced in controlled enviroments where the dogs were at ease and not random in a park or the excitement of obedience classes, which is the worst place to try and socialise you dog effectively and in a controlled matter, you wouldn't have the same opinion.

My rescue staffy was DA because of being mistreated/baited, i trained him and now he has plenty of dog freinds, but also plenty that he doesn't get along with, this is not because of his BREED!!!

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There's a few cats in this area who have cat fights at night. Must find out what breeds they are so I can blame it on that.

They must be fluffy.... All fluffy cats are C.A don't ya know..

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The breed of dogs that kill is of consequence and should not be discarded. Yes, these dogs did manage to get out due to an irresponsible owner and set out on a killing spree, it was the dogs' decision to kill! How they managed to get into the other property, I have no idea but they obviously heard the barking of those poor chihuahuas and thought all their birthdays had come at once. How many cavaliers or westies out there set out on a rampage and killed other people's pets????? This prick now owns 4 of those animals, pfft pathetic country we live in.


What concerns me is that certain breeds of dogs, no matter how much socialisation they've had with other dogs, always seem to retain a certain sense of killer instinct.

I fail to understand how you can say you don't support BSL, yet your statements (above) DO support BSL.

Do you not understand what BSL means (I explained it for you earlier) or is your cognitive literacy extremely low?

I get sick of saying this, but ANY BREED OF DOG CAN KILL - most dog breeds have been involved in attacks on dogs and humans.

Any dog or breed, similarly treated and contained, could have perpetrated this attack.

And that brings us back to the breed of the dogs.

I do not think they were staffies.

Per se, this forum does not support BSL. It may be that you would be more comfortable on one which does support it?

And cavaliers and westies are quite capable of killing - given the right situation.

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And yet again, another thread washes over a grieving owner and goes into0 foaming, rampant screams of 'it couldn't have been a Staffy' and BSL crap.

Look at the 2 dogs... they were Staffy x's.. as the owner admitted. They look like it too.

Essentially though.. so what.

An old man has lost 4 of his dogs because some arsewipe retard doesn't have decent fencing.... they KNOW it was these dogs.. the owner has accepted liability.. he was only objecting to having the dogs put to sleep.. NOT denying that they attacked and killed this old man's dogs in their own yard.

Abigail.. seriously.. quit while you are far far behind, girl! Stop arguing a point that you just keep on contradicting... it's looking foolish.

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And, frankly, if they were my dogs, I would, regretfully, have them pts. Because the risk of them escaping and doing it again would be too great.

The one witnessed killing the dog should (and will) be pts. I would have ordered the other 2 pts as well, but they should now under existing legislation, be declared dangerous, and the regulations for dangerous dogs should be enforced.

I actually didn't think they were staffy x, Cords, but maybe they were. Who cares, they were badly socialised, badly trained, badly contained dogs belonging to someone who probably shouldn't have a dog at all. Someone who put little value on this dogs, and even less on the grief and hardship they have caused.

If this moronic bogan had put the effort into training and containing the dogs that he put into defending them in court, none of this would have happened.

5 little chis would still be enjoying life, an elderly couple wouldn't be heartbroken, and wouldn't have lost their entire bloodline -- which may well be important.

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It is fact that these dogs escaped from their yard broke into another's and killed five tiny dogs. Whatever breed these killers were is of no consequence. The fact is they got out of an unsecured property and caused heartbreak to an elderly couple. From the footage shown on ACA, the owner of the escapees showed no remorse or compassion. If he had contained these dogs in a secure setting, then none of this would have happened. On the footage, it showed another dog he acquired and I hope to g-d something like this doesn't happen again. Again, it all boils down to the irresponsibility of owners.+

The breed of dogs that kill is of consequence and should not be discarded. Yes, these dogs did manage to get out due to an irresponsible owner and set out on a killing spree, it was the dogs' decision to kill! How they managed to get into the other property, I have no idea but they obviously heard the barking of those poor chihuahuas and thought all their birthdays had come at once. How many cavaliers or westies out there set out on a rampage and killed other people's pets????? This prick now owns 4 of those animals, pfft pathetic country we live in.

You speak about these dogs as if they were humans, "thought all their birthdays had come at once" ?? Yeah, ok, sure that's what they thought :laugh: "Set out on a killing spree" ?? Emotive enough??

You say you don't advocate BSL, and then in your next sentence you ADVOCATE BSL?!

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It is fact that these dogs escaped from their yard broke into another's and killed five tiny dogs. Whatever breed these killers were is of no consequence. The fact is they got out of an unsecured property and caused heartbreak to an elderly couple. From the footage shown on ACA, the owner of the escapees showed no remorse or compassion. If he had contained these dogs in a secure setting, then none of this would have happened. On the footage, it showed another dog he acquired and I hope to g-d something like this doesn't happen again. Again, it all boils down to the irresponsibility of owners.+

The breed of dogs that kill is of consequence and should not be discarded. Yes, these dogs did manage to get out due to an irresponsible owner and set out on a killing spree, it was the dogs' decision to kill! How they managed to get into the other property, I have no idea but they obviously heard the barking of those poor chihuahuas and thought all their birthdays had come at once. How many cavaliers or westies out there set out on a rampage and killed other people's pets????? This prick now owns 4 of those animals, pfft pathetic country we live in.

You speak about these dogs as if they were humans, "thought all their birthdays had come at once" ?? Yeah, ok, sure that's what they thought :( "Set out on a killing spree" ?? Emotive enough??

You say you don't advocate BSL, and then in your next sentence you ADVOCATE BSL?!

My girl (NOT a bull breed) would probably think all her birthdays had come at once if she escaped the yard and ended up unsupervised with someone's pet rabbits, birds, or even cats. :rofl: She wouldn't kill other dogs, but she would kill other types of pets, and probably wildlife and small livestock too.

It's MY responsibility to keep her in the yard.

If I made a mistake and she escaped my yard and ate someone's pet bunny, cat, or lamb, I would totally understand they would want to fine me, inspect my fences, put restrictions on me owning dogs. I would fight tooth and nail to keep her from being PTS if that happened, though. It simply wouldn't be her fault. She's just being a dog. Dogs kill small fluffy things.

I am sorry for the owner of the chihuahuas, but I fail to see how this means the dogs should automatically be PTS. The owner was a moron. The dogs were just being dogs.

If a dog broke into my yard and attacked my dog, or my cats, I'd be furious. But I'd want the owner punished, not the dog.

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The breed of dogs that kill is of consequence and should not be discarded. Yes, these dogs did manage to get out due to an irresponsible owner and set out on a killing spree, it was the dogs' decision to kill! How they managed to get into the other property, I have no idea but they obviously heard the barking of those poor chihuahuas and thought all their birthdays had come at once. How many cavaliers or westies out there set out on a rampage and killed other people's pets????? This prick now owns 4 of those animals, pfft pathetic country we live in.


What concerns me is that certain breeds of dogs, no matter how much socialisation they've had with other dogs, always seem to retain a certain sense of killer instinct.

I fail to understand how you can say you don't support BSL, yet your statements (above) DO support BSL.

Do you not understand what BSL means (I explained it for you earlier) or is your cognitive literacy extremely low?

I get sick of saying this, but ANY BREED OF DOG CAN KILL - most dog breeds have been involved in attacks on dogs and humans.

Any dog or breed, similarly treated and contained, could have perpetrated this attack.

And that brings us back to the breed of the dogs.

I do not think they were staffies.

Per se, this forum does not support BSL. It may be that you would be more comfortable on one which does support it?

And cavaliers and westies are quite capable of killing - given the right situation.

I would most certainly not be comfortable in a forum that supports BSL ! :(:rofl: You are right in saying that even westies and cavaliers are quite capable of killing, I suppose at the end of the day all breeds of dogs are capable of doing so. Just one little observation, Ernie, what do you mean that "any dog similarly treated and contained, could have perpetrated this attack" ? I wasn't under the impression that those staffy crosses were maltreated in any way therefore I would not blame their deed on that; obviously if they were contained and unable to get out the chihuahuas would still be alive and that is what I am supporting - a situation that ensures that dogs are unable to get out of their own property and find themselves on a killing spree.

Edited by Abigail
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It is fact that these dogs escaped from their yard broke into another's and killed five tiny dogs. Whatever breed these killers were is of no consequence. The fact is they got out of an unsecured property and caused heartbreak to an elderly couple. From the footage shown on ACA, the owner of the escapees showed no remorse or compassion. If he had contained these dogs in a secure setting, then none of this would have happened. On the footage, it showed another dog he acquired and I hope to g-d something like this doesn't happen again. Again, it all boils down to the irresponsibility of owners.+

The breed of dogs that kill is of consequence and should not be discarded. Yes, these dogs did manage to get out due to an irresponsible owner and set out on a killing spree, it was the dogs' decision to kill! How they managed to get into the other property, I have no idea but they obviously heard the barking of those poor chihuahuas and thought all their birthdays had come at once. How many cavaliers or westies out there set out on a rampage and killed other people's pets????? This prick now owns 4 of those animals, pfft pathetic country we live in.

You speak about these dogs as if they were humans, "thought all their birthdays had come at once" ?? Yeah, ok, sure that's what they thought :( "Set out on a killing spree" ?? Emotive enough??

You say you don't advocate BSL, and then in your next sentence you ADVOCATE BSL?!


LOL. My saying "all their birthdays had come at once" is only a figure of speech and only goes to say that whilst the dogs were committing the deed they were obviously enjoying every bloodied moment. As for my saying "set out on a killing spree" what I meant to say was that upon hearing the chihuahuas bark, that was the defining moment when those dogs had only one thing in mind and that is to kill hence why they entered the property. I am not saying, by any means, that these dogs formed a convention in which they had some spiritual heart to heart and planned how to best spend their afternoon.

In saying that I believe that certain breeds of dogs and especially so a pack of staffies should be owned by someone that can ensure 100% that they cannot ever get out is not supporting BSL. If I was a supporter of BSL I would have clearly said that staffies and their crosses should be eradicated altogether and I do not believe in that stance under no circumstance.

Edited by Abigail
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In saying that I believe that certain breeds of dogs and especially so a pack of staffies should be owned by someone that can ensure 100% that they cannot ever get out is not supporting BSL. If I was a supporter of BSL I would have clearly said that staffies and their crosses should be eradicated altogether and I do not believe in that stance under no circumstance.

Actually, technically, BSL is "breed specific legislation", so if you think that legislation should be different for different breeds of dog, then you support BSL.

BSL isn't just about eradicating breeds. It means there will be laws specific to certain breeds.

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