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Indoor Puppy Toilet


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I purchased a Clever Pet Pad today (The clean indoor doggy restroom).

Jorja, my puppy is still piddling and pooping indoors. She is starting to understand that she is to go outside but sometimes she is too busy and forgets.

She has been asleep since I got home about 3.30pm so I can't try her on it.

Who else has tried it to help train their puppy?

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sometimes she is too busy and forgets.

aahh- yes, that is why it is YOUR job to train her ;) It is your job to make sure she is taken outside very often, shown where to go ,and praised for complying.

Unless she is to stay indoors, I believe getting her to use this new thing will be confusing- she may then not bother to go outside at all- she knows she is allowed to pee indoors!! :)

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If you want the puppy to toilet outdoors don't confuse matters by introducing pads, by doing so you are actually teaching her that it's ok to soil inside. If the puppy is having accidents it's because you're not supervising her properly. If you can't watch her pop her in her crate and only allow free run of the house when you're able to keep an eye on her and put her outside when she needs to go. Put her outside after sleeping, eating and playing and about every hour in between and praise like mad when she goes. It takes time and patience, but you must be consistent because every time she goes inside is reinforcing the behaviour.

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My puppy (and 16 month old) dog are inside during the day whilst I am at work. We have puppy pads down which the puppy uses. He goes on the pads 99.9% of the times, however if I am home then he goes outside and if the door is not open, will go to the door and bat it with his paw. He is 16 weeks old and has only had the odd accident inside. At night, he sleeps with us, either on the bed or on a dog bed kinda crated into an alcove next to our bed. He will wake us if he needs to go out.

My pup certainly hasn't seemed confused by the pads being down sometimes and not others. I have seen him go to the laundry and look for the pads (when they've not been down) and then circle back round and run out the back door - so he's seemed to clue onto the fact that when the pads are not down, he cannot pee inside.

Good luck - toilet training is not fun!


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