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Naughty Dogs! Cya Later Futon!


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:mad Definatly waiting for the OH to get home. Don't even have my vacuum cleaner here, Mum has borrowed it so I might wait till she gives it back!

I dont even know who would have thought to start it. Sparky (the blue) tends to chew things up, but Peach doesnt, but is generally the ideas woman, she is the smarter of the two..

This sounds like sister Maizie! We say Beau is her henchman! :laugh: We are sure it's her ideas but he's the one who physically completes the naughty tasks. :rofl:

Oooo OT but I love the new trolley! And look at Peach's ears!

ETA: How did you end up with the naughty Tuscamada bitch? :rofl: You attract naughty dogs me thinks! At least you know your lot are enjoying themselves!

Edited by Lyndsay
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Oooo OT but I love the new trolley! And look at Peach's ears!

ETA: How did you end up with the naughty Tuscamada bitch? :laugh: You attract naughty dogs me thinks! At least you know your lot are enjoying themselves!

Her ears are back to normal now, forward like usual, maybe she had some foam in them this morning!

And I have no idea how I got the naughty one but it doesn't suprise me!

Sammy, peach almost ended up on your doorstep this morning after she stole my brownie off me :rofl: it was the last piece too! Rude.

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:laugh: Ok. I don't mind the ears in the pic though! Tell Peach to send those ears to Maizie please! :rofl:

Sparky's face looks like Holly's when Maizie and Beau are naughty. "I didn't do it Mum, honest!"

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:) :) :cry::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What more can you say.

Thats pretty much what happened when I opened the door this morning! :rofl:

Lyndsay, you know you ave no hope of getting the ringleader!

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I duno you did mention a swap on facebook! :) You just want the dumb, well behaved original version. Look at this face! She's an angel!


Although... your cardboard won't be safe!


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Just drive up and swap them over Lyndsay, Sparky likes cardboard too, they can match! Although, he name isnt very food, may have to change it :cry:

:) Dust angel, naughty GSP's! At least mine is contained to one room! (and yep, still sitting there, the dogs slept on the bed last night :) )

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