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What Don't Most People Know About Your Breed?


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Not all Danes grow up to immense heights.

Seems like everyone I meet tells me my 2 year old must be a puppy because "they saw that there big dane dawg on da tv, I tink his name was George, and they growed up big n tall. Wunder why yours is so small"

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I've found that Vizslas have just as demanding mental and emotional needs as they do physical.

Like Monah said earlier, they're cling-ons. They bond very intensely and have a strong desire to please. My Vizzies find isolation from me harder, then missing out on a highly desired walk.

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My iggy is not a 'baby whippet' and yes they really ARE meant to be this small and skinny.

My golden is not a long haired labrador and yes there IS a difference between a golden and a lab.

That some goldens (like mine) dig and dig and dig and dig.. and some never outgrow this.

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I've found that Vizslas have just as demanding mental and emotional needs as they do physical.

Like Monah said earlier, they're cling-ons. They bond very intensely and have a strong desire to please. My Vizzies find isolation from me harder, then missing out on a highly desired walk.

its the same with my GSP, he is a couch potatoe....as long as we are with him, he couldn't care less about a walk. It's like he has no idea he is a breed that needs lots of exercise!

Edited by fiveplusone
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My Wire Haired Fox Terrier is not related to the Scottish Terrier! He is related, way back in history, to the Stafford. He is a working dog, in the sense that he was used to follow the foxhounds and go down the foxholes to grab the foxes, hence his docked tail. That is used to pull the dog back out of the foxhole.

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Oh and IRISH NEED GROOMING! Their coat needs regular work to keep it the way it looks for the show ring. It surprises me how many show people think their coat doesn't need work. It does, alot of work actually and it's not easy to get right. We are still learning after several years of showing her.

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Beagles aren't dumb, and they aren't untrainable.

Just because he's a Siberian Husky, does not mean he can't be trained not to pull on the leash and no, he doesn't "belong in the snow" and no, having brown eyes does not mean he isn't purebred.

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Just because I look tough doesn't mean I don't cry. And I do cry. I cry constantly. If you walk off and I can't see you. If you leave me in the car too long. If you leave home too long. If you don't feed me when I'm hungry. If the puppy bites my ear and it hurts. If the kids next door take my toy from me and refuse to give it back, if I step on a bindee. The list goes on.

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For my GR

No it is not the 'toilet paper puppy' that would be a lab, which means it is not a labrador, nor is it the curly coated variety

No it is NOT a labradoodle

You forgot these ones....

NO she's not a Labrador. NO she's not a "long haired Golden Retriever" NO she's not a "long haired Labrador" either and NO she's not a Lab x Golden cross.

Yes Labs and Goldens are similar in shape and size, and colour to an extent, but surely they're common enough to know the difference?!

Ooo, and the best one "My friend has a chocolate golden retriever" (or replace chocolate with black). Uh huh.

My iggy is not a 'baby whippet' and yes they really ARE meant to be this small and skinny.

My golden is not a long haired labrador and yes there IS a difference between a golden and a lab.

Oh yes I forgot those...Ill never forget the day just after I got Lexi I had a stupid woman ask me what colour my golden retriever was :laugh:

And the classic fat lab owner saying to their dog "you used to be like that"...no he or she wasnt, I know this is a pup and therefore doesnt have her nice GR feathering yet, but I bet your lab never had a beautiful long wavy coat like hers

Just something I learned since joining 'the doggy world' Border Collies dont just come in your typical black and white or red and white, they also come in merle varieties

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Ohhh! I see how it is!!!


We all do it!!


-They are not a Husky.

-They don't get hot (well, as hot as one would assume) being white, with silver tips, they actually stay quite cool. They also shed their undercoat in Summer so that their coat is not as heavy.

-They hardly shed - except for when they are blowing coat (they do make up for it then!) But the hair is much easier to deal with than that of a shot breed.

-They actually aren't big barkers. Like all dogs, perhaps if they're bored. But no one i've met has a Samoyed that barks 'at nothing' like i've read about.

-Most will have one black strand in their coat somewhere.

-They were used to keep children warm in the snow by the Samoyede tribesmen, and continue their love for children and are great family dogs and are unlike some Spitz breeds in that way.

-They don't have a normal 'doggy' smell, and are also surprisingly an hypoallergenic breed (from what i've read, and also what i've experienced myself, my Sam doesn't give me eczema but my Pug does)


-They didn't run into a truck.

-His head is *this* end. Ha ha, you are very funny.

-They have teeth (yes, i've been asked that)

-Their eyes will not pop out by being held in odd position.. ever.

-They fart and burp a lot.

-They will sneeze in your face, and eventually you'll love it.

-They are perfectly happy to spend all day in bed.

-They can be very very successful in obedience.

Edited by Bindii
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No pits, staffs and bullies are not supposed to be roid munching giants. They are supposed to be lean, athletic and fast. Just because your mate has an american bully cross doesnt make him a pitbull it makes him an american bully cross.

No there heads arent supposed to be the size of Africa. They're supposed to be the size of Egypt so stop telling me my dog looks skinny. He is not skinny he is athletic and fit.

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We all do it!!

We actually don't all do it!!! My Havanese assume the dead cockroach position pretty much every time they go to sleep whilst the Schipperkes can assume that position on occasion but don't do it all the time....

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Is that the "SNAP SNAP SNAP" in the air when they're excited to see you? It was quite frightening when he ran up to me doing that when i knew nothing about Grey's! lol.

Oh - i'll never forget our neighbour i heard over the fence saying "they've got a friggin giant whippet over there and it's vicious!!!" lol

:laugh::):( :D

I almost wet myself at this!!!!

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