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Horrendous Handling Blunders


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Since this thread has been resurrected I'll embarass myself too. This was in back in the '80's. I was in the ring with minor at her first show. Dopey partner of the time had my older bitch, Rosie, ready just outside the assembly area.

"Triangle please", says the judge and I am concentrating very hard on little miss, as it's her first show. On the final leg, I glance up and the steward is bearing down on me at speed, with a frown - I look at the judge, she is giggling and then I realise that most of ringside are giggling too. I stop in front of the judge, the steward dives past me and surfaces with my Rosie. Huh??? :wave:

Apparently, she had slipped her lead, and trotted into the ring, neatly following behind as we did the triangle. The judge cracked jokes about "reverse double handling" and my dopey partner had been yakkity-yakking away the whole time completely oblivious to the fact that the lead he was holding no longer had a dog on the other end!

oh this is great :eek:

i have not paid attention and got into the ring and thought bugger where am i setting up lol.

got given a friend's dog (minor) for challenge do you think i could stack him rofl he did get reserve though lol.

holding a friends sibe whilst she was in for bob looked at what was happening though oh crap bet said sibe has to go in sure enough so i slip number in and start running no idea what i am doing set up behind female told to go to front didn't get a chance to stack him and he got rubob good times lol.

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I have only had one of my girls do a huuuuuuge poo in the ring after she had been chowing down on cow poo the day before, I felt like everyone was thinking I was a bad owner cos my dog did a massive black poo and I hadnt toileted her gross. (I totally had toiletted her she was just full to the top!!!)

My friend Zoe had one of her girls barf on the judges foot and same day she fell over and flashed her knickers to all and sundry in the ring..... co incidentally it was years apart but the same breed specialist judge that her and my embarrassments happened to. :wave:

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My worst stuff up- my bait bag exploded in the ring! :) Bait was everywhere!

Needless to say, I don't use bait bags anymore! :)

oh i bet wolfy loved that happening lol.

my first show my pup pooed in the ring not once but twice, once in the open show once in the specialty boy i wished the ground would swallow me whole

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Oh dear, how long have you got ??!!!!

My first show, the judge waved his arm at the ring and said..."go round and do a triangle"....my poor nerve addled mind went into meltdown and I did some weird hexagonal or something...the judge said crossly..."what sort of geometric nightmare was that"? and I felt the tears well up !!

Think I've mentioned this one, but my boy Navarre & I were a few steps into our run round the ring, when the clip broke on the lead. I stopped and stood there like an idiot wondering what had happened, while Navarre continued his circle and had stopped at the judge, stacked himself and was patiently waiting. My nerves took over and instead of walking straight over to my dog, I RAN AROUND THE RING to arrive there !!!! lots of laughter at ringside & the judge - who by this time was laughing and goin over my boy, said to me...."you didn't really need to be here did you"?!!!!

My nerves still make it hard for me to see or hear, although I think I'm marginally better than my first show !!!


That would be great - seeing your dog show him self

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Havent done anything too bad.

I was showing for friends and first took in afghans ~ tail up, then took in beagles ~ tail up then took in a firends Dachie and yep you guessed what I done held its tail up :laugh: I stood there with this poor Dachie stacked on the table with its tail up like a beagle, didnt even realiae until the judge came up to me in tears from laughing and told me what I had done!

In my defence I was hurting as I had stepped in a hole while showing the beagles and hurt my hip. It will be 4 yrs in January and I still cop the flack for it from the person that owns the Dachies. :)

Also 2 yrs ago I was at a country show and I had to wait for baby in show, I was walking around talking and had my mobile in my pocket. A friend asked my to show her Pomeranian, so in I go half way around my mobile rings ;) I pull the phone out and throw it to the edge of the ring, it hits the ground bounced and lands in the judges hand wash tub! I couldnt have gotten it in there if I tried! I kept going with the dog (oh well the show must go on) but the lovely judge ran over grabbed it out and started trying to dry it off on her skirt! I pulled the phone apart and put it on the top of the trailer to dry out. The phone lasted another 2 months after that then died.

I have seen a guy run into the leg of a gazebo that was providing shelter for the table, the club had the gazebo legs wrapped in fluro tape but this guy just smacked straight into it. Bent the gazebo leg in a huge way!

Edited by Josuki
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Hahahah I had my ditzy moment on Saturday... I got to handle my friends absolutely gorgeous Saluki... normally handling a table breed, I'm standing dutifully by the side waiting for the judge to go over the first Saluki in the class...

Until the lovely bloke handling the first Saluki in the class called me over.. umm.. oops.. then to hurriedly try to stack poor said 'luki in a hurry.... then I toddled away from the ring to go tell his mum how well he'd done.. and was reminded that I should've been there in case the other dog got class of breed... oops!

We have so few dogs in our breed that I am a lost cause when it comes to knowing where I need to be.

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Oh dear, how long have you got ??!!!!

My first show, the judge waved his arm at the ring and said..."go round and do a triangle"....my poor nerve addled mind went into meltdown and I did some weird hexagonal or something...the judge said crossly..."what sort of geometric nightmare was that"? and I felt the tears well up !!

Think I've mentioned this one, but my boy Navarre & I were a few steps into our run round the ring, when the clip broke on the lead. I stopped and stood there like an idiot wondering what had happened, while Navarre continued his circle and had stopped at the judge, stacked himself and was patiently waiting. My nerves took over and instead of walking straight over to my dog, I RAN AROUND THE RING to arrive there !!!! lots of laughter at ringside & the judge - who by this time was laughing and goin over my boy, said to me...."you didn't really need to be here did you"?!!!!

My nerves still make it hard for me to see or hear, although I think I'm marginally better than my first show !!!


OMG!!! that made me have a huge coffee splutter :laugh::rofl: ;) sooo funny, but its something I can imagine myself doing too :laugh:

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Can I dob in a friend???

A few years ago I was showing a std and mini poodle at the same show and my friend offered to run my std around to pick up his BOB ribbon as he was the only 1 in, so I had the time to grab the mini. I handed over the lead and turned around to see my friend (very experience show person) running clockwise around the ring... LOL... when asked what the hell she was doing (in between fits of laughter), she said she thought it felt weird but assumed it was just cos it was a big dog instead of her little ones.

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oh gawd, we had major disaster's at Castle Hill a few weeks back. OH was going around with his GSD for the Ch dog run off, Riot crossed in front of him & ducked out of the ring & a there was a pole between him & the dog so he lost the lead & Riot ran up to our girl Poppy being held by someone else. Everyone has a laugh, grab the dog & he finishes the class. Then both of us are in the ring for the BOB run-off & he does it AGAIN!! :laugh: It doesn't end there, then we are running around for the RUBOB run-off, and a white streaker comes flying across the ring, THOR! He'd escaped his crate & came galloping, helicopter tailed, into the ring & jumping all over me as if to say Wooohooooo!! :swear: Apologised profusely to the judge, with the whole working dog group in stitches over our carnival of capers, hand Thor to a friend only to have him slip his collar & come running back in excitedly AGAIN!!! :)

Told the judge it was our tactic to ensure he remembered us :) .... we won Junior in Show!! :thumbsup: ;)

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oh gawd, we had major disaster's at Castle Hill a few weeks back. OH was going around with his GSD for the Ch dog run off, Riot crossed in front of him & ducked out of the ring & a there was a pole between him & the dog so he lost the lead & Riot ran up to our girl Poppy being held by someone else. Everyone has a laugh, grab the dog & he finishes the class. Then both of us are in the ring for the BOB run-off & he does it AGAIN!! :thumbsup: It doesn't end there, then we are running around for the RUBOB run-off, and a white streaker comes flying across the ring, THOR! He'd escaped his crate & came galloping, helicopter tailed, into the ring & jumping all over me as if to say Wooohooooo!! :cry: Apologised profusely to the judge, with the whole working dog group in stitches over our carnival of capers, hand Thor to a friend only to have him slip his collar & come running back in excitedly AGAIN!!! :cheer:

Told the judge it was our tactic to ensure he remembered us :cheer: .... we won Junior in Show!! :):eek:

oh this gave me a good giggle

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THese stories are so funny, at the moment I think its a dead heat between Bisart Dobes and fifi.

I have never fallen over (thank god) or gone the wrong way BUT I am such an unco person that every time I go in the ring its a disaster. Yes I have been showing on and off for years and know exactly what to do and have helped some younger or newer handlers. But its like my cricket coaching, I can teach you how to do it but cant play cricket!!

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I am a total disaster in the ring!!

Just this last show, The judge asked me to go out and back.. but he flung his arm to the side of the ring ,

sooooo stupid me went in the direction he gestured only to be yelled at!! "I SAID OUT AND BACK THAT MEANS THERE" pointing to the far end of the ring :D yep with my menor in tow- I guess I didn't deliver the wonderful impression of knowing what I was doing :)

I have also been called for group while visiting the ammenities :)

and have had the group awarded while I was concentrating on my dog The judge just stood there waiting for me to realise :vomit:

And if it wasn't for these blunders we would all be robots!!!!!!

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My very first show, I did a lovely triangle... only problem was that it was backwards! :vomit:

It doesn't need to be your first show for that one! I did it with my titled boy 3 years into showing :D I've also misread the Judge when he's awarding BIG to me thinking he was looking at the dog next to me - I just stood there until the exhibitor next to me told me it was me he was pointing to... :) Apparently the look on my face was "pure gold"..

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oh gawd, we had major disaster's at Castle Hill a few weeks back. OH was going around with his GSD for the Ch dog run off, Riot crossed in front of him & ducked out of the ring & a there was a pole between him & the dog so he lost the lead & Riot ran up to our girl Poppy being held by someone else. Everyone has a laugh, grab the dog & he finishes the class. Then both of us are in the ring for the BOB run-off & he does it AGAIN!! :) It doesn't end there, then we are running around for the RUBOB run-off, and a white streaker comes flying across the ring, THOR! He'd escaped his crate & came galloping, helicopter tailed, into the ring & jumping all over me as if to say Wooohooooo!! :D Apologised profusely to the judge, with the whole working dog group in stitches over our carnival of capers, hand Thor to a friend only to have him slip his collar & come running back in excitedly AGAIN!!! :)

Told the judge it was our tactic to ensure he remembered us :D .... we won Junior in Show!! :vomit::xmascheer:

You definitely had me in stitches :)

Thor was so excited when he ran over like 'Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mum, my turn now'

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