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Worming And Water


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Yesterday our pup was wormed and later in the day I gave him a bath without even thinking about the worming treatment.

Have I washed it all off before it did its job?

Do I need to re apply the treatment?

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I don't use spot-ons on my dog (if I treat at all, it is ONLY for those things that I have a NEED to treat for) but I believe Advocate is water resistant one hour after its application. If you didn't wash puppy until well after that I could only think it should be ok. I'm also presuming your puppy received the other of its previous regular wormers?

I would not double dose, if it were me. If you're in an area where you need to be concerned about heartworm prevention, I understand you don't need to start this until pup is 6mo, so from that aspect you should be fine as well.

When my boy was a pup he received the recommended worming treatments (tablets) at the prescribed times for the prescribed period. Now I worm IF I think my dog might need to be wormed. If I want to check in the interim "just in case" I get the Vet to do a worm-burden count (I just take a stool sample with me and they can check on the spot.)

I live in Victoria and do not believe I have a need to administer heart worm preventative drugs. All the more especially now, when the weather is cool and the mozzie season is finished. I know it is different for tropical climates such as where you live.

I don't have a flea issue, so I don't use flea preventatives.

We don't have the tick issue where I live, either, so I don't use tick preventatives (although I would if I were travelling to an area where paralysis ticks were likely).

Edited by Erny
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