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Help Working On Stand With Luuka


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Okay so I think the penny is starting to drop! I had mince today, one of her favourites, and was treating her with bits of that and at first she was still sitting but then I had her heel beside me then we walked a few steps, I said 'stand' and she sort of started to sit and I said 'stand!' a bit firmer and she slowly stood back up ;) So I treated straight away and made a big happy fuss of her. I got her to stand a few more times, only had to physically correct once, then I quit while we were ahead and before she stopped having fun :)

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When you say heel next to you do you mean that in an obedience way??

When i trialled my show guys heel exercises where never part of show.Obedience was always done on obedience collar with the distinct difference in body language & show was done on show leash with show body langugae & showing was never part of the heel exercise as in the ring i dont want heel i want running out from me or away from my legs not velcro or looking up.

I think you need to separate the too aspects otherwise as soon as you go into heel mode that is what the dog nows sit for .

You need to now make show mode different where stand is the must & changing the body position to cue

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Okay so I think the penny is starting to drop! I had mince today, one of her favourites, and was treating her with bits of that and at first she was still sitting but then I had her heel beside me then we walked a few steps, I said 'stand' and she sort of started to sit and I said 'stand!' a bit firmer and she slowly stood back up :) So I treated straight away and made a big happy fuss of her. I got her to stand a few more times, only had to physically correct once, then I quit while we were ahead and before she stopped having fun :)


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