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Help Working On Stand With Luuka


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Okay so Luuka and I went to our first show on Saturday. It was really fun and we were 'adopted' by a lovely Pomeranian breeder and her husband and daughter, daughter had 2 German Spitz so that was really cool! Fellow Spitzers!

Anyway, they gave me some tips and the steward was lovely and so was the judge but I am really struggling with teaching her to stand. Lately (last month or so) I've been doing a couple of short training sessions in stand every day, absolutely no sit-work, asking her to stand and when she does, treating her. So what happens is she takes the treat and immediately sits whilst munching on it! Is there any point correcting her after the treat-point?

She is so determined to sit that even when I have my hand underneath her belly, she is pushing down on my hand trying to sit. This happened in the ring, she trotted around beautifully with her head up but as soon as we stopped she sat, I had to try to hold her up and in doing so obstructed the judge, ARGH, so embarrassing :o It's not her fault it's mine, I know that 100% and we still had so much fun and we still got BoB :) The judge was extremely complimentary and thought she was a real character and a lovely looking bitch :)

What do you do with a dog that just really likes sitting? :laugh: Yet another way in which she is the total opposite of Atlas - he loved to stand, we should have showed him but the ex wasn't a DQ member :laugh:

Edited by FranCQ
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What do you do with a dog that just really likes sitting? :laugh: Yet another way in which she is the total opposite of Atlas - he loved to stand, we should have showed him but the ex wasn't a DQ member :laugh:

You'll have to heavily reward the stand, cue it and add a "stay" as well.

My guess is she sits because its the first thing you taught her and has been the most heavily reinforced behaviour. Start doing it now. All treats now given in a stand position and practice stacking for a few minutes twice a day.

If you put your hand over her stifle, not under her belly, you can probably hold the stand better that way. But at the end of the triangle, if she goes to sit you can lure her forward.

Edited by poodlefan
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Lincoln was the same (and still has the odd sit) but has improved with time and expirence (sit was not the first think I taught him, he only learnt sit last week) I found that I have a command to stop and where I adjust his feet (stand) and then I say watch and he stares at my hand knowing food is in there and he will get it if he keeps standing. :laugh:

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You're quite right pf, Luuka had already been taught a strong sit before I even got her so it was the first thing she learned.

I'm going to get some BBQ chicken and shred it up, it's her favourite, and work on it twice a day adding in a stay. I think adding the stay will really help.

PF in that case do I reward the stand itself or the stand/stay?

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Hey Fran congrats on your win and glad to see you enjoyed the show ring :laugh: I had the exact same problem with Ruger when i first showed as had not intended on showing at first and of course the first thing she learnt was to sit and of course did this in the ring the first time but had great experience similar to yours so still had a great day. I have heard of lots of people not teaching their dogs to sit cuz they show them but i still think sit is a very important command. As with what others have said i practiced a couple of minutes each day with her and yes she was doing the same as Luuka but i would just put my hand under her belly and keep it from going down and she caught on real quick. Once i was happy with how she mastered stand i then moved on to having her stand and let me move her feet into the correct position. She can now be told to sit stand sit stand and will do these commands...just took a lot of patience and time and now in the ring she can stack herself about 80% of the time with me not even touching her. :o thought i would share this as i know you know of Ruger hehhe

Good luck with the shows and keep practicing :laugh:

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You're quite right pf, Luuka had already been taught a strong sit before I even got her so it was the first thing she learned.

I'm going to get some BBQ chicken and shred it up, it's her favourite, and work on it twice a day adding in a stay. I think adding the stay will really help.

PF in that case do I reward the stand itself or the stand/stay?

Stand first. Once the behaviour is reliable, work on extending duration. Coach yourself and your parents to reward ONLY the stand.

If you didnt' have to pick her up because she wouldn't move, you did better than me at my first show! :laugh:

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Hehehe ohhh those bullies! I will keep practicing, thanks for that! I just don't think she's connecting the food with standing up, one day the penny will drop I'm sure!

Just a tip, you don't turn to face her immediately at the end of the triangle so don't do it for the stand. Face the same direction as her and offer the treat from the back of your left hand. Different body cues from you may help her to realise she's not to sit. If you keep the food forward of her nose and move it forward if she goes to sit, she should get it quickly.

Cue the stand from a walk.. then from a trot. Only when she is stable in the stand should you turn to face her.

Edited by poodlefan
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You're quite right pf, Luuka had already been taught a strong sit before I even got her so it was the first thing she learned.

I'm going to get some BBQ chicken and shred it up, it's her favourite, and work on it twice a day adding in a stay. I think adding the stay will really help.

PF in that case do I reward the stand itself or the stand/stay?

Stand first. Once the behaviour is reliable, work on extending duration. Coach yourself and your parents to reward ONLY the stand.

If you didnt' have to pick her up because she wouldn't move, you did better than me at my first show! :laugh:

:laugh: The lady I was with who had teeny tiny 14 week old Pomeranians had trouble with that, little puppy was a bit overwhelmed so didn't move! When I was helping the German Spitz lady with her 6 month old GS puppy he was behind the biggest Great Dane I've seen in my life for her group, it was pretty funny, he was a teeny bit overwhelmed!

I have told the mums that sit no longer exists, stand only!

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Hehehe ohhh those bullies! I will keep practicing, thanks for that! I just don't think she's connecting the food with standing up, one day the penny will drop I'm sure!

Just a tip, you don't turn to face her immediately at the end of the triangle so don't do it for the stand. Face the same direction as her and offer the treat from the back of your left hand. Different body cues from you may help her to realise she's not to sit. If you keep the food forward of her nose and move it forward if she goes to sit, she should get it quickly.

Cue the stand from a walk.. then from a trot. Only when she is stable in the stand should you turn to face her.

Okay that is helpful, thanks!

I have another question, I start obedience training beginners class next week, should I be asking them if I can be excused from sit work or suck it up? :laugh:

Shouldn't your topic read help on stand not sit? :laugh:

HAHAHAHAhahahaaaa ahhh. See, I'm part of the problem. Fixed! :o

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Hehehe ohhh those bullies! I will keep practicing, thanks for that! I just don't think she's connecting the food with standing up, one day the penny will drop I'm sure!

Just a tip, you don't turn to face her immediately at the end of the triangle so don't do it for the stand. Face the same direction as her and offer the treat from the back of your left hand. Different body cues from you may help her to realise she's not to sit. If you keep the food forward of her nose and move it forward if she goes to sit, she should get it quickly.

Cue the stand from a walk.. then from a trot. Only when she is stable in the stand should you turn to face her.

Okay that is helpful, thanks!

I have another question, I start obedience training beginners class next week, should I be asking them if I can be excused from sit work or suck it up? :laugh:

Shouldn't your topic read help on stand not sit? :laugh:

HAHAHAHAhahahaaaa ahhh. See, I'm part of the problem. Fixed! :o

I think its fine for obedience sits. However you need to have a cued stand that you and ask for at the end of the triangle and you need to constantly reinforce the behaviour outside classes. There are plenty of dogs that are shown and do obedience.

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Okay great. Once she is firmly trained in obedience then I would think it's simply a matter of using the 'stand' command at the end of the triangle rather than saying nothing and having the dog sit?

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Congratulations on BOB :laugh:. Well done.

Remember that Luuka is a baby still and it may take a little time for her to adjust to standing because she's been used to sit - but she's super smart and she'll get there, jusst keep persevering with it, my two were the opposite - because I was doing shows they always did stand but wouldn't sit - it took a while to happen.

For now just take on board how complimentary the judge was because they don't usually say anything that they don't mean - so well done :love:

Can't wait to see you guys at the Bilo Ag :mad

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Congratulations on BOB :thumbsup:. Well done.

Remember that Luuka is a baby still and it may take a little time for her to adjust to standing because she's been used to sit - but she's super smart and she'll get there, jusst keep persevering with it, my two were the opposite - because I was doing shows they always did stand but wouldn't sit - it took a while to happen.

For now just take on board how complimentary the judge was because they don't usually say anything that they don't mean - so well done :cheer:

Can't wait to see you guys at the Bilo Ag :champagne:

Thanks Craig! I meant to reply to your message but I forgot because I was asleep when I got it :mad I may need to get a lift with you yet, stupid car company in Bris mightn't have my Jeep ready :champagne: Are you taking a tent?

i found theses as a great training tool to stand and to keep still.. i know alot of ppl who use them and i have not looked back since i have got them...



... :champagne: How do you get dogs to stand on those things? Luuka would lose her sh*t completely if I tried to make her do that :laugh:

Hi Fran-

I'll do a video of what I do with sausage and send it to you - maybe that will help :cheer:

:love::) sorry, my mind must be in the gutter today or is it the way you worded it ?

I had to clamp my hand over my mouth quick smart to stop the huge disgusting snortylol from erupting all over the waiting room full of patients then :laugh: :laugh: :champagne:

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