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Dogs Body Language


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Morning all :o

I took my 2 dogs to the dog park yesterday afternoon , there were a few newbies there that had no manners, and it occurred to me about DOGS body language and how little i knew about it

for instance there was a newbie there that was being very cautious and his/her tail was pointed straight out ? just wondering if that meant anything

can you let me know different signs of body language and what it all means ,

many thanks


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You can write a book on it! And people have. I think there's a Brenda Aloff book about dog body language, and a Stanley Coren one.

I think it's interesting that humans have decided to decree what is "good manners" for dogs. I don't see any manners conventions when I watch my dogs interacting with other dogs at the dog park. I see my dogs responding to the specific body language of the dog they are approaching. Some dogs they race right up to and some dogs they walk up to and some dogs they trot or run to, then stop a good 5 metres away and turn on the non-threatening body language, or let the other dog make the next move. Most of it is in the eyes and the general tension in the body. Mind you, there is behaviour that happens sometimes that I put a stop to because the other dog thinks it's rude.

A tail straight out parallel to the ground is one I don't see often. I usually interpret it as caution with a bit of submission. Kind of like permission to sniff under the tail, but lacking in confidence. Tail up is confident. Tail down is submissive, but a dog can be confidently submissive, which is usually clear in the speed and surety of their movement. Ears up and forward is confident and alert and sometimes aggressive. Ears swivelled back and away from the head is sometimes fear, but in other contexts it's associated with play. Hackles up is generally just arousal, not necessarily aggression. How high the head is held is often an indication of confidence, as is how high the tail is held. Licking lips and sniffing the ground are often displacement activities designed to lessen the tension in an interaction. They may be interpreted as calming signals or signals of stress.

That's just a few. :o

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Have a look at the thread called "My First Scary Dog Park Experience" (I think it's on page 2 at the moment). There was a bit of a discussion about dog body language and the ways that different breeds can present challenges when meeting other dogs.

Hope it helps

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