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Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds


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So a family who are friends with my family are currently looking at getting a dog :mad!!

The couple has 3 kids, aged 9, 7 and 4. All the kids love dogs (They where over here last night lovin on my 2 labradors ;))

The wife and 1 of the kids has allergy's so they're looking at dogs which don't produce that reaction.

Jenny (the wife) mentioned they had thought about getting one of the poodle crosses, but I went on about how they had to be extremely careful where they got them from, due to not being able to tell whether or not they will shed, and of course where they potentially come from.

They went to the royal easter show to meet with the poodle breeders there who where apparently extremely helpful :D, and none of the poodles that they met caused any kind of allergy so thats great, but Shahram (the husband) does not want a standard poodle, and feels that the miniature poodle is too small. They want something that they will be happy to be around their kids and will be happy to get hugged and loved on. (They

The last dog they had was a keeshond, who they completely loved, but Jenny suffered allergys the entire time she was around. She passed away of old age about a year ago.

So what other breeds would you suggest?

I have heard of the lagotto, but haven't met one, so don't anything except the information I've read about on the internet, that says they're very trainable and great with kids. Are they extremely high energy, and very expensive? Someone mentioned they're around the $3000 mark?

Thanks in advance for any information :)

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The main thing is any of the breeds recommended can still react to some people but breeds considered more suitable are





Portuguese water dog

kerry blue terrier

soft coated wheaten



& there are a number of others that i cant think off.

Obviously the main pitfall is any breed that doesnt shed needs hair cuts but some can last longer than others between trims

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I have heard of the lagotto, but haven't met one, so don't anything except the information I've read about on the internet, that says they're very trainable and great with kids. Are they extremely high energy, and very expensive? Someone mentioned they're around the $3000 mark?

The lagotto may well suit this family...

  • They are often (but not always) suitable for people with allergies to other dogs
  • they are a good sized medium dog - between a mini and standard poodle
  • ours has loads of energy but is also happy not doing much at all. His zoomies still make me laugh.
  • ours is easy to train - quick to learn and super eager to please - but you need to make sure that the breeder has started them off well
  • ours is very good with our kids (2, 5 & 14). Tintin and our 2yo are inseperable.

We will definitely be getting another one. Love them :laugh:

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They went to the royal easter show to meet with the poodle breeders there who where apparently extremely helpful :laugh:, and none of the poodles that they met caused any kind of allergy so thats great, but Shahram (the husband) does not want a standard poodle, and feels that the miniature poodle is too small.

My guess is when they see what a Lagotto costs, they may reconsider that. :)

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They went to the royal easter show to meet with the poodle breeders there who where apparently extremely helpful :eek:, and none of the poodles that they met caused any kind of allergy so thats great, but Shahram (the husband) does not want a standard poodle, and feels that the miniature poodle is too small.

My guess is when they see what a Lagotto costs, they may reconsider that. :laugh:

Yip. Also, does he know that there are 3 poodle sizes? Many people don't and wrongly assume that the mini poodles are the very small ones. The toys are very small, but I've seen some reasonably sized minis.

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Lagottos are beautiful dogs. I've often said if I'd discovered them before the wheaten had stolen my heart, I may have thought twice about my breed of choice!

Wheatens are considered a low allergy dog, and I know it is the case with me. They are a great dog, although they may be a little too boisterous for young children (they do like to jump!) My two have always been quite good around the children we know, but I'm a little hesitant in recommending them to someone with a young family.

Your friend should be aware that most low allergy dogs are low shedding which means they will need to be groomed regularly (at least a couple of times a week).

Before getting any breed, make sure the allergic people spend some quality time with the breed. Bury the face in the fur, have the dog lick the face etc.

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I have 2 bedlington terriers and a toy poodle.

I also suffer from dog allergies. I am fine with one of the beddies and the poodle but one of my beddies has a sleep smell that I am quite allergic to. That said they still all sleep with me and I just suffer in silence.

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