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Video Of Pets Being Euthanased ..


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Absolutely agree, who better than to spend the last moments of your life with than someone who genuinely loves & cares. Of the thousands upon thousands of animals that I saw leave this world, from the 'loved' to the abused to the starving to the feral, each and every single one had a kind voice, a kind hand and at least a few minutes of respect given to them.. Some had never known what a gentle pat was ever in their life or a soft reasurring voice, at the very least I got to show them that and even if it were for only a few minutes, I got to show them what life should have been :love:

:love: :love:

Black Bronson

I would be very interested to know what YOU term as Random Breeding ??

Breedings with no purpose. In other words, someone wanting their bitch to have a litter from the mutt down the road is an example. :love:

I TOTALLY AGREE, these people are so stupid, what are they trying to prove? They don't even consider the future of these pups they are breeding, they just want to have a 'few cute little pups' around and don't think of the bigger picture. Idiots.

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Black Bronson

I would be very interested to know what YOU term as Random Breeding ??

Breedings with no purpose. In other words, someone wanting their bitch to have a litter from the mutt down the road is an example. :love:

I agree, but even with breeders (registered) unless they are breeding for the betterment of the breed and intend to keep a puupy for themselves, this could also be classed as a form of Random breeding ( in a sense) Its up to ALL ( both reg and others) to be scrutinised and accountable in terms of keeping to Canine rules, along with the education of the public to overcome the problems we all face today.


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I'm fairly sure Ive seen it before... so I won't dare watch it again. That's how powerful it was, but I'm very aware of the reality and I deal with it.

This is the stuff everyone needs to see. Everyone.

I always say... if you couldn't euth a dog yourself with your own bare hands, if you can't look it in the eye while you take it's life - don't contribute by byb'ing, buying from pet shops, have your animals desexed - BE RESPONSIBLE - they are not disposible.

I thank God that there are caring people who do this job, because I certainly couldn't.

The fact is, too many people turn a blind eye - they know dogs are put to sleep - but as long as they are not confronted with it they can pretend it's not a real problem, they can pretend that it's only ever the old, the sick, the injured. They don't want to know it's puppies, cute puppies that haven't even had a life yet, they don't want to know it's someone's best friend who they've given years of loyal service and have now outlived their use or cuteness, they don't want to know that it's good, brave, loyal dogs with good hearts who just need a chance.

And I agree it's time the blinkers were taken off. Just like they have those visual quit smoking ads and drink driving/speeding ads (that made me stop smoking)... we should also have videos like these. To make people see what really goes on, force them to deal with their own actions.

I agree Dogmad... when will it ever end?

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that left me crying my eyes out =( those poor animals at the end. I really think more people need to see stuff like this, the ones who usually watch them are the ones that care for the cause not the ones adding to the problem

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Black Bronson

I would be very interested to know what YOU term as Random Breeding ??

Breedings with no purpose. In other words, someone wanting their bitch to have a litter from the mutt down the road is an example. :)

I agree, but even with breeders (registered) unless they are breeding for the betterment of the breed and intend to keep a puupy for themselves, this could also be classed as a form of Random breeding ( in a sense) Its up to ALL ( both reg and others) to be scrutinised and accountable in terms of keeping to Canine rules, along with the education of the public to overcome the problems we all face today.


Yes, there are some registered breeders that border on puppy farming for sure and breed litter after litter which isn't ideal, but the puppies from those breeders do end up in more suitable for ever type homes than the BYB random cross breed. The amount of times over the years we have been offered puppies from freinds of friends that have done a BYB breeding and can't home them effectively or even give them away. Many people take on a puppy in these circumstances on impulse of the cuteness factor and when the growing puppy becomes too much effort for these people or cramps their lifestyle, the dog ends up in rescue. But the point that I always see here, is that these people were not in the market to add a dog to their family but took a puppy for the wrong reasons, or worse, almost had the puppy forced upon them by the BYB breeder trying desperately to find homes. To make matters worse again, some of the BYB's after experiencing difficulty homing puppies the first time, before long, their bitch is pregnant again :D ;)

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I don't get why so many of you are watching this video as the title clearly states what the video is about ;) Why would you want to watch something as distressing and heartbreaking as pets being euthanised :D . Its abhorrent and I fail to understand why this video was posted on a dog loving forum :mad

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I don't get why so many of you are watching this video as the title clearly states what the video is about ;) Why would you want to watch something as distressing and heartbreaking as pets being euthanised :D . Its abhorrent and I fail to understand why this video was posted on a dog loving forum :mad

Have a look at a how many visitors come to this site every day, check out how many people come on here asking questions,

how many threads on BYBs, puppy farmers do we have?

If one person every day who doesn't have a clue what is happening watches that and wakes up it has done it's job.

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I don't get why so many of you are watching this video as the title clearly states what the video is about :birthday: Why would you want to watch something as distressing and heartbreaking as pets being euthanised :thumbsup: . Its abhorrent and I fail to understand why this video was posted on a dog loving forum :o

I think it was a good idea, in fact, to post this video on a forum. The sad reality is that there are so-called "dog lovers"

who may still be ignorant to the fact that more dogs are being bred than there are homes for them. Perhaps such a video

will open the eyes of those breeders who genuinely care about the outcome of the litters of pups that they bring into this

world if such stark reality is brought to their attention. Then there are breeders who are simply doing it for the almighty dollar and such a video will not make an ounce

of difference. I watched it in the hope that the majority of animals are put to sleep in a humane manner; I have seen videos far grimmer than this, dogs being thrown in a gas chamber and being made to die a slow agonising death. Such a sad sad world. May those innocent animals play on greener grass on the other side, I hope there is another side...but whilst we are on planet earth I guess noone will ever know for sure.

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Oh my god, That is so sad, I had to turn it off after the first dog. I hate the fact that this happens everyday. I wish I had not seen that but I agree people should be first to watch that before letting there dog breed just because they can't be bothered getting it sterilized. :thumbsup:

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Has anyone considered forwarding this to A Current Affair or Today tonight or Four Corners to get them to publicise the plight of all the animals in our pounds and shelters at present.

I know there was a recent piece on puppy farming on ABC but I am wondering if a bigger audience would be gained through the commercial channels (especially when ACA allows you to send them an email to tell your story). Particularly when everyone in rescue is pushed to capacity, many good dogs, puppies and Cats and kittens are being euthenased and there doesn't seem another way to stem the flood apart from publicising this so the silent majority are aware.

I know that they may not take it on board as the subject matter may be considered too confronting but considering the problems in rescue at present due to everyone being so full and a never ending stream of animals to take the place of any that are saved, it may be worth a try.

I know that I was very naive to the issues until I became involved (accidentally) 2 months ago and I consider myself well read and educated.

Apologies if this is out of turn but I am getting very frustrated by the sheer volume of good dogs that are being PTS and those I cannot save and as someone said on an earlier thread it would be nice to be standing at the top of the cliff rather than at the bottom.

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This is so sad but unfortunately it's not going to stop. I totally agree with Dust Angel that the general public needs to be made aware of the issue. So many people aren't aware of puppy farmers, etc. I also think that people should need a licence for having pets. I agree that only registered breeders should be allowed to sell pups but there needs to be much stricter rules put in place for breeders to ensure that only sound, healthy dogs are bred and breeders don't decide to increase prices because they are the only place to get a pup.

A most excellent idea, perhaps a law that prevents vets putting their prices up because they are the only health care option,

or a law preventing emergency vets from charging more because they're the only place open at 2 in the morning,

would also be effective?

I agree with you Lilli that when dog breeders do a few years at university to deserve their right to breed, they can negotiate a price. Putting a dog and bitch together and waiting for them to mate doesn't make a person eligible to charge outrageous prices. Are you a fan of puppy farmers?

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This is so sad but unfortunately it's not going to stop. I totally agree with Dust Angel that the general public needs to be made aware of the issue. So many people aren't aware of puppy farmers, etc. I also think that people should need a licence for having pets. I agree that only registered breeders should be allowed to sell pups but there needs to be much stricter rules put in place for breeders to ensure that only sound, healthy dogs are bred and breeders don't decide to increase prices because they are the only place to get a pup.

A most excellent idea, perhaps a law that prevents vets putting their prices up because they are the only health care option,

or a law preventing emergency vets from charging more because they're the only place open at 2 in the morning,

would also be effective?

I agree with you Lilli that when dog breeders do a few years at university to deserve their right to breed, they can negotiate a price. Putting a dog and bitch together and waiting for them to mate doesn't make a person eligible to charge outrageous prices. Are you a fan of puppy farmers?

As a breeder I would welcome the Uni degree course but I doubt many could spare the time to do this, sad really as it could be a way of education, but unfortunatley not all are in a position to spare the time and $$.

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Have seen this before but even though I and a lot of people come here regularly it does not mean that this sort of stuff is always at the front of our minds, it definately reiterates (sp?) the issues.

Get the general public - the people who let their dogs run free and fall pregnant to the dog down the road or those who have "accidental matings" to watch this by posting the clip to everyone in your address book and asking them to forward it onto their friends.

I think it is good that this has been posted here - we as dog lovers - have a responsibility to share it.

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