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Talk To Dog Or Not ?


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I talk to my dogs, they are trained with words like 'stay' and 'stand' - but I never use their names in the ring.

My older "kids" just love the ring and love the attention & treats I give them.

I currently have a 6 month old puppy who is being shown, when training the young ones,

I am the same, I say

"up", prior to running so he knows to take his nose out of the grass,

"look" when I want him to animate,

"stand" when I want him to stand

"teeth" before the judge looks at their teeth

I do say good boy etc when he is doing it right :rofl:

I don't use his name when running as dogs reach & drive a lot better when looking ahead.

I always have a mixture of treats to keep it interesting... In saying that my young man is only a fan of chicken & steak at the moment.

I do however talk to my boy, play & pat him in the best in show line up because he is a puppy and their are so many interesting things outside the ring :laugh: but I alway make sure I do not distract the other dogs. In my breed class we are generally not in the class for to long so the basic commands are used.

I think there needs to be a balance and timing is everything :rofl:

Best of luck with your little one

Edited by Kelza
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Has anyone ever been told off for this in the ring due to distracting other dogs? Does it distract other dogs? Curious. :laugh:

What I find distracts other dogs is when people use "high pitch sounds", squeeky toys and 'rats' while in a line up! C'mon people there is another dog standing right next to you, why are you making noises and throwing soft toys about??

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Has anyone ever been told off for this in the ring due to distracting other dogs? Does it distract other dogs? Curious. ;)

Not if you doing it correctly.

Yesi have told people to tone it down especially those who feel the need to yell at there dogs .

As for squeakies yes i use those too & when appropriate BUT my dogs are a also trained to not react to other people or if i do i deal with it.

What people forget is over using any tool(voice,squeakie,food) can become a turn off for many dogs & when you want that special moment it doesnt happen.

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Has anyone ever been told off for this in the ring due to distracting other dogs? Does it distract other dogs? Curious. :eek:

Not if you doing it correctly.

Yesi have told people to tone it down especially those who feel the need to yell at there dogs .

As for squeakies yes i use those too & when appropriate BUT my dogs are a also trained to not react to other people or if i do i deal with it.

What people forget is over using any tool(voice,squeakie,food) can become a turn off for many dogs & when you want that special moment it doesnt happen.

Yes, I can see that 'overuse' of anything could make an animal "dead to it".

And that training your dog to ignore other peoples noises makes sense, but it's usually in the puppy ring that toys and squeekers are mostly used and it's a lot to expect of a puppy to learn that lesson so quickly. Especially dogs with a strong hunting instincts as these high pitched noises replicates 'prey' apparently.

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Has anyone ever been told off for this in the ring due to distracting other dogs? Does it distract other dogs? Curious. :)

I have been abused IN the ring by another handler as there dog was misbehaving badly although if the silly b!tch stopped talking to the person outside of the ring long enough to actually talk to her own dog then it would have behaved better :laugh:

Keep in mind it was the same silly b!itch that was dropping bait ALL through the ring :D :D :D :D Now that DOES piss me off, especially when you have a scent hound.

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Has anyone ever been told off for this in the ring due to distracting other dogs? Does it distract other dogs? Curious. :laugh:

The only thing that distracts my dogs are other handlers that drop/toss their bait in the ring and don't bother picking it up. Gives me the willies.

Edited by whippets
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I do find that even when I don't talk to her I still get that "I love you Mum" look as she looks up at me from time to time. I love that :laugh: It's like she's saying "Do you love me Mum? Are you happy with me?"

I think you've just described every Cavalier I groom :D They all look at me with loving eyes and pleading me to tell them that they're a good dog with their tail wagging the whole time. I say I love them and it brings on a flurry of kisses and tail wags :eek:

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I do find that even when I don't talk to her I still get that "I love you Mum" look as she looks up at me from time to time. I love that :) It's like she's saying "Do you love me Mum? Are you happy with me?"

I think you've just described every Cavalier I groom :( They all look at me with loving eyes and pleading me to tell them that they're a good dog with their tail wagging the whole time. I say I love them and it brings on a flurry of kisses and tail wags :laugh:

Yep, that's a Cav alright! real smoochie poos! :) They do seem to be the kind of dog that is looking for approval. In an old book about Cavs I read that if 'abused' (heaven forbid :laugh: ) that they are the type of dog that will always forgive, unlike some other breeds that will never forgive and could become aggressive . Thank goodness 'harsh training methods' for any breed are the rarity these days (I hope).

Edited by LizT
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i can quite often be heard talking/syching up the dog while running around the ring. Go Casey Go Casey and boy does this work. She shows well without it but with it she has the extra Umph to beat her mum. :wave: :D

Then when we need to go in for Challenge with her mum in front of her Go Casey Get mum and repeated the whole way round. THis puts her at the end of the lead (controlled) not bad for 8 years old,. :provoke:

(POINTERSRULE can you add this photo of Casey please).

Each dog is different and i am more subdued with the whippets and Cavs. But talking constantly works for the Dallies and pointers.

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i can quite often be heard talking/syching up the dog while running around the ring. Go Casey Go Casey and boy does this work. She shows well without it but with it she has the extra Umph to beat her mum. :rofl::rofl:

Then when we need to go in for Challenge with her mum in front of her Go Casey Get mum and repeated the whole way round. THis puts her at the end of the lead (controlled) not bad for 8 years old,. :)

(POINTERSRULE can you add this photo of Casey please).

Each dog is different and i am more subdued with the whippets and Cavs. But talking constantly works for the Dallies and pointers.

This one?????

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I always talk to mine in the ring, it helps keep them focused on you, not the commotion going on outside the ring.

You have to be mindful if you are out there with other people not to distract their dogs. That's why I don't use squeekies and only talk in a low voice, I know my boy would go crazy if he heard a squeeky behind him.

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