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First of all, yes I have persmission to post this :o Will also be posting in the "Marketplace" section of DOL.

Steve Courtney aka K9 Pro is coming to Adelaide in May for a group workshop, and he will also be conducting two days of private lessons. I have booked to do both, attend the workshop and have a private lesson, but due to personal circumstances I no longer require the use of the private lesson. I am offering it up for sale.

HERE is a link to more information on this private lesson. Whoever buys it will also receive further information and instructions from K9 Pro via email.

I paid $423 for both the workshop and private lesson. To attend just the workshop costs $120, so $423 minus $120 equals $303, so I am asking $300 for this private lesson. A private lesson on it's own (without workshop) costs $350, so it's a saving of $50.

Any questions, feel free to PM me or post in this thread. The date of this particular private lesson is Friday 7th May. Time is up to the buyer to work out with K9 Pro.

Edited by cassie
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K9: NB I am travelling from Nsw to SA to run a workshop and private consults. The terms and conditions on purchasing tickets are very clear, I cannot book flights and days off based on hope that people may come, I guarantee there is no professional that does.

We have been working with the OP to try resell this ticket for her, she is as I understand it very happy with the process. I can't see though how it has anything to do with you.

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Hi Nekhbet. As Steve said, the terms and conditions were very clear and I knew very well when I purchased the ticket that there were no refunds. When my circumstances changed I ummed and ahhed about what to do, and eventually contacted the K9 Pro team to discuss my situation. They were incredibly understanding and have been working with me this whole time in regards to what to do with my ticket. They have been nothing but professional and helpful. It is ME that is stuffing THEM around, not vice versa, and I am very greatful that they are doing what they can to assist me. This is NOT to reflect badly on them in any way, shape or form.

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wish I was in SA too

I'd love a touch up lesson with K9 with my guys and would gladly have put my hand up

I also recall from when I did book lessons with him that K9 is very very upfront about conditions and terms :) part of his professionalism ;)

hope you manage to find a buyer Cassie and anyone thinking about it go for it is my advice, you won't regret.

PS: however if Zephry was thrown in permanently with the ticket I would fly to SA to do the lesson :(

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LOL Onsntillnflash! :rofl: I'd consider trading Hudson, he's the bugger of the two! But Zeph is an angel, he's not going anywhere! :rofl:

(I'm joking, wouldn't give up either for the world :laugh: )


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