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Fleas - Have They Gone Yet?


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A few months ago we moved into our current rental. About 2 weeks after moving I noticed fleas on Stan.

The fleas came from one of a number of sources either

1- he caught them from the 2 dogs next door - our garden and theirs is divided by chicken wire.

2 - he caught them in the garden, the house is an old queenslander and at the back of the garden is a huge dirt pile just made for flea breeding

3 - he picked them up in the house, there was a dog here before Stan however the house has no carpets so I think this may be the least likely option.

Anyhow with the help of Comfortis (great stuff) Stan is now flea free. I bomb the house every other month and keep my boy away from the girls next door and the dirt pile in the garden. So far we have seen no signs of further fleas and hubba is not being bitten anymore.

My problem is this - I'm not really sure I've attacked the source just treated the immediate symptoms and I worry the little buggers are still around. I am more aware of this as we are now about to move out of the rental and into our own place, I don't want to risk taking any fleas with me.

So are there any flea experts out there? What do you think, have I done enough? Any other treatments I should try to be completely sure?


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