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I Just Reported A Pet Shop


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how people can BUY from there (supporting them) beats me

Lack of education.

People don't know that Pet shops can often be wrong and cruel, it isn't there fault (granted common sense would go a long way...)

Too much $$$$ in pet shops for the Government to really care. As they say, money makes the world go round.

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It seems as though a few of you know this place. Can I suggest you ALL write separately to the Health Department and the Local Council and the RSPCA.

It is only through joint efforts that anything will ever get done. These people must be made to stop the torture (because that is what it is) of animals.

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Poor animals. Why are some humans so damn idiotic! Makes me so mad. I went to fruit markets last weekend and couldn't walk any further because I heard puppies barking in small cages. What exactly do they think they call themselves.

Glad you reported them. Thank you.

Isn't it illegal to sell live animals at markets?

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I know that one in Springvale. That place is sooo dirty.

I reported one last year. It popped up out of the blue. It had 20 pups or more. All different mix breeds. It was winter, they were in cardboard boxes, front door was wide open, which opened out onto a main road. Whippet pups in full breeze huddled together shivering. She was talking to a customer, I yelled at her to keep the door shut, give the pups a blanket and I told her I was reporting her.

So I raced home hope rang council, who put me onto Animal Welfare, the officer told me she was already going around as some else complained. They did an audit on her and she had 48 hours to fix the pens. The officer rang me back, and told me that she had complied-and there was nothing more she could do, and that she would keep an eye on her. She is still traiding

This women doses her pups on scourban and lactaid.

I get so mad driving past and seeing this weeks specials.

Good luck with your report puggerpup

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That's great you reported them.

I keep telling everyone I know if they see horrible things TELL SOMEONE to try and get it fixed, not come to me and whinge about it!! That's not helping anyone at all and just makes me mad!

I really hope the RSPCA can/will do something - poor kittens, hopefully you'll all be cleaned up soon!

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I hate irresponsible pet shops, I recently walked past one of the biggest pet shop franchises around my area and they had American bull dog pups that had bloated stomachs (probably full of worms) and you could see their ribs, they were sooo under weight, I hate that franchise :laugh:

What suburb in Melbourne had the kittens in that sort of condition?

Edited by animalia
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There is only one pet shop in the suburb, so if I say, then I would basically be saying which pet shop it is. Could a moderator confirm if it is ok for me to post which pet shop it is please?

PM Troy before naming. I think that he can be made liable for allowing businesses to be dissed but I am not sure. Best to check directly with him first.

Good job on the reporting too! :laugh:

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They were Ragdolls in one glass box covered in fleas that it looked like they were selling fleas and some cats somehow snuck in. One of the kittens was just laying there lifeless with fleas crawling all over her face :laugh: In another glass box was a litter of short haired domestics (not sure if they were given an exotic label) and the kittens were so young they couldn't clean themselves and had dags and poo all over them and matted fur.. and they were SHORT haired and still matted around the bum and belly :laugh:

That is just disgusting.. Why would someone buy an animal in that sort of condtition? and I know the old the public are unaware line, but really if you can see fleas all over and kittens and they have matted fur and poo in them you would know something wasn't right..

Or do people walk around with, flea and poo blinkers on....

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No apparently, (this is what I heard the staff telling a customer) they aren't ready to go yet :laugh: they have to be quarantined apparently. The kittens with fleas had just been treated, which wasn't good enough IMO, they were ill from the fleas, it was obvious, and they should have been having vet care not put back, fleas and all in to the glass box for customers. The other kittens she said needed a bath :laugh:: anyone that knows cats, knows that kittens don't get baths unless they are taken from their mothers too young. Mother cats cleans their young until they are old enough to clean themselves.

I will PM Troy about naming and shaming.

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