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Inside Or Outside

Rileys mum

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I work full time and up until now I have been keeping my pointer puppy in the laundry.

I have always had in my mind that I will eventually have him staying outside while I'm working so he can have room to run and play but I keep reading that it's not a good idea leaving dogs in the yard alone. All the talk about them running away or being stollen has got me worried.

Does everyone else keep their big dogs in the yard alone while they work or go out?

I have also been considering building a dog run but do wonder if it's better to give him free rein of the yard as 8 hrs in a run may not be ideal for him.

What do people recommend?? I've always had small dogs who have stayed inside so this is very new to me.

He gets about an hr excercise at the dog park every morning before I go to work. Just playing with other dogs etc. He does wine and stress a little when I leave but has never shown any signs of digging out of the yard.

Any advice??

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I knew I shouldn't have read this topic this morning.

I have just found a speck of flea dirt on the Diva, but worse a hot spot starting. So back from the vet after an injection, antibiotic tablets, ointment and shampoo, I have been to Petbarn, couldn't wait for anything to come in the post, now have put Frontline on both of the dogs. The dog beds are in the washing machine, off to the supermarket for the flea bombs.

Being a woman can other women relate to the fact that I feel I now need to reclean my house and that I am a dirty person because my dog has a flea?

Your dog will be absolutely fine out in your yard during the day while you are at work if that is what you choose. Just ensure he has enough shelter. Yet if you would like him inside that will work for him too. I bet eventually he will just sleep all day while your gone and be ready for a good game when you get home.

I think as long as you allow him inside when you are home to interact with his 'hoomans' then he'll be fine while you're at work.

Do whatever you feel is best.

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Is there ANY area that he could jump out of, or escape from? Our dog has access inside and out, via a dog door, but she was not left alone inside until she was about 10months old. Before then, she had the backyard, and kept herself amused and probably slept in a nice spot. Once I knew she wasn't a 'house-wrecker, I felt comfortable allowing her inside while I was out on short trips. It didn't take long for her to start assuming the dog door would be open, so I eventually left her to have whatever she chose.... inside or out.

I do think it makes a difference leaving your dog inside if you are concerned about barking or whining from loneliness. If you leave the TV or radio on, and they have somewhere comfy, you will often get less barking from dogs that are inside. Less barking because of being alone, and of looking and smelling all those things/people passing by your house while you are out.

By the way, Heidi always has a good morning exercise too, so a tired dog also makes a happy one as well. Just make sure you don't overdo the exercise on a young pup though.

Edited by VJB
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For many years my big dogs were outside only when I was at work. As long as the yard is secure (both from the dog getting out and people/dogs getting in), the dog has shelter from sun, rain etc., a bed and the usual access to water etc. then he will be fine. I have since installed a dog door and my dogs now have inside/outside access, but only once they have proven trustworthy in the house alone. Until very recently my youngest dog was kept in a dog run by himself during the day.

Edited by FHRP
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8 hours in a run will give him more access to room, sunshine and fresh air than 8 hours in a laundry.

I honestly can't see how he'd have any sort of decent muscle condition confined to such a small area every day.

You can always put in a dog door that gives access inside and outside. Padlock your gates and you should be fine. The only thing I'd do is be sure he cannot access the front fenceline or be seen from the street.

How old is your pup. An hour of exercise in the dog park sounds a bit much to me.

Edited by poodlefan
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My boys have run of the back yard during the day.

You just need to be satisfied they are safe and can't get into too much mischief if they are not supervised.

I have had to fence off all my gardens (so I will actually have a garden). Make sure all chemicals, garden tools etc are securely put away.

I have to lock away the poo bin because my boys think it is fun to tip it over and find the plastic food bags that also get put in there.

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Our girl is outside while we're at work. If the weather is meant to be horrible (hot/storms etc) I leave her inside and we know she just sleeps all day.

Otherwise on outside days, she has our patio and her kennel for cover and before I let her outside I hide treats around the yard to keep her busy and she has her kong and some other bits and bobs to amuse herself with if she decides she can't sleep anymore than what she does. Our yard is fenced, and the front gate is super secure (last owners made it into a fort - lucky for us) and ew know she can't get out anywhere.

I also walk her in the morning before I leave and then at night OH and I take her for a walk again. She is fine, never had any complaints of noise or anything! (have checked with neighbours - one didn't even know we had a dog!!)

Maybe just test him, like set him outside and then "leave" but sneak back in to see what he does?? We have done this is a couple of times when we first started to leave her alone and we know her routine is find all her treats, play with the kong, go to the loo then if it's a cooler day curls up on her bed or stretches out in the sun for a nap!! Everytime without fail :provoke:

Edited by Jenni87
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Edward is outside during the day. He has a kennel and a bed in the laundry that opens from the verandah. Plenty of shade and toys - but I agree with kiesha09 that your dog will probably sleep most of the time.

I also have a chain and padlock on the side gate for extra peace of mind as someone once went down the street and opened all the gates and let the dogs out - idiot :provoke: Luckily most dogs stayed close to home, mine included.

If I'm out for shorter amounts of time I leave him inside.

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I work full time and up until now I have been keeping my pointer puppy in the laundry.

I have always had in my mind that I will eventually have him staying outside while I'm working so he can have room to run and play but I keep reading that it's not a good idea leaving dogs in the yard alone. All the talk about them running away or being stollen has got me worried.

Does everyone else keep their big dogs in the yard alone while they work or go out?

I have also been considering building a dog run but do wonder if it's better to give him free rein of the yard as 8 hrs in a run may not be ideal for him.

What do people recommend?? I've always had small dogs who have stayed inside so this is very new to me.

He gets about an hr excercise at the dog park every morning before I go to work. Just playing with other dogs etc. He does wine and stress a little when I leave but has never shown any signs of digging out of the yard.

Any advice??

Until I lived in the house I am currently renting, I used to have the back door open so Kenny could go in & out as he pleaed, but this place has bad fencing, so Kenny could get out in the street, so he is inside when I am out & only in the backyard when I am with him.

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My dogs are inside when I'm not home, and the back door is always open when I'm home so they can come and go as they please then - and funnily enough, they prefer to be inside lying around... *grin*

My yard is fully secure and has enough shelter, but I have a crazy bitch for a back neighbour, and I don't trust her not to throw baits into the yard if the dogs make any noise when I'm not home. Inside is safer all around for my babies methinks...


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When my pup was young ( I got him June last year) it was really bad weather and you could see into our old yard so when we went out he was left inside, I wasnt working though so it was just for a few hours at a time. We have since moved, got a place with a patio and fully fenced and no one can see in and so he stays outside now when we go out and when we are home he comes in and out as he pleases...

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Thanks for all the replies.

It sounds like what u guys do is similar to me. He has an open door so comes in and out as he pleases when I am home.

The yard is fully fenced and there is a huge pergola for shelter and shade ( plus his kennel). I was considering getting a dog door but considering the size he will be when an adult I may as well just leave the door wide open lol. Any dog door is going to be big enough for someone to just crawl Into the house :o

I should clarify too for those concerned. My dog is 4 months old and I'm very aware of over excercising him. I probably should have made it clearer in my original post.... He gets a play at the dog park every morning whereby he spends about 10 mins running after the other dogs and the rest of the time moping around sniffing etc. ;) he doesn't get full on excercise for an hr, I'm just gone from home that long :mad my vet is happy to allow this for a dog of his energy levels so long as he doesn't jump etc ( which he doesn't).

Again, thanks for the input. I think I'll slowly start leaving him outside :mad.

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Thanks for all the replies.

It sounds like what u guys do is similar to me. He has an open door so comes in and out as he pleases when I am home.

The yard is fully fenced and there is a huge pergola for shelter and shade ( plus his kennel). I was considering getting a dog door but considering the size he will be when an adult I may as well just leave the door wide open lol. Any dog door is going to be big enough for someone to just crawl Into the house :o

I should clarify too for those concerned. My dog is 4 months old and I'm very aware of over excercising him. I probably should have made it clearer in my original post.... He gets a play at the dog park every morning whereby he spends about 10 mins running after the other dogs and the rest of the time moping around sniffing etc. ;) he doesn't get full on excercise for an hr, I'm just gone from home that long :mad my vet is happy to allow this for a dog of his energy levels so long as he doesn't jump etc ( which he doesn't).

Again, thanks for the input. I think I'll slowly start leaving him outside :mad.

Hi, I have 3 pointers and they are outside when I am at work with what sounds like much the same set up as you have, good fencing and pergola covered area for shelter. Mine are 6yrs, 3yrs, and 10 months and apart from wrecking the garden and the excavation work they do, they so far have been fine LOL !!! I seriously doubt that a 4 month old pointer will sleep the whole time while in the house, it will find something to amuse itself ! Very active buggers that they are LOL !!! My yard is unable to be seen by passers by but I still padlock the front gate just in case. Dont be worried, it sounds like you are well set up and the pup will be fine. I always do a fence walk when I get home to make sure none of the excavations are near the fence line ! Good luck with your pup.

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why dont you want to leave him inside with full access to your house?

4 month old Pointer pup full access to house, home alone.....oooh....might not be pretty.

lots of training thats for sure :o

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My girl has free access to the backyard and inside, I have never left a dog outside while I am away. Becasue I work long shifts day and night I let her have the run of the backyard while I am at work. It helps that my neighbours are all very good and they never hear my dog bark unless there is a reason and keep an eye on my house when I am at work. One neighbour who is a very light sleeper has told me she never hears or sees my dog or cat for that matter when I am at work I think they both sleep all day. My side gate is locked, and I have a front fence so if my dog got out to the front while I am at work she shouldn't be able to get any further than the front yard. As a puppy there were a few chewing problems while I was at work but she soon grew out of damaging the house when left alone.

Another dog I had as a kid was left inside while Mum & Dad were at work, he slept until they came home and then he was naughty. Each puppy will be different, good luck with your decision.

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OMG, I would never have left Heidi in the house unsupervised at that age..... just way to much mischief, plus I would have worried myself silly about anything I may have not done before leaving....eg: closing toilet door (she was once a toilet drinker, and sometimes I bleach toilet before I leave the house) :laugh: It hasn't happened here, but some dogs have been known to eat through electrical cords, and that would be disastrous.

As for the dog door, Heidi is fairly large, and the door for her is not huge. My 10yr old daughter can fit through it, but I'm not sure about myself (will have to make that my weekly challenge).

And I do remember somebody mentioning to me that an intruder is less likely to venture through a big doggy door because of the fear of what could possibly be on the other side.

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My dogs are outside all day. I have four dogs - doubt anyone would be stupid enough to enter the yard to try and steal one! There are two large under-cover areas, good fences and lots of toys and bones. They sleep all day anyway though. :laugh:

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