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Satin Balls

Red Fox

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I'd like to make up some training treats for my dog, similar the VIP chunkers maybe but with raw roo.

I'm thinking about using a satin balls type recipe but omitting the extra oil and molasses and of course using lean roo as opposed to fatty beef. The idea I have in my head is roo mince, eggs, oatmeal, sardines, some finely grated hard cheese and perhaps a little garlic mixed to the right consistancy for them to hold the ball shape. I was debating about adding breadcrumbs to thicken it up if needed.

I've also done a google search for recipes and noticed that most have gelatin in them. Why? Is this a neccessary ingredient? Does it help hold them together?

So... does anyone have any ideas on if this is gonna work? :grouphug: Or am I going to end up with a big crumbly mess? I really want them to be raw not cooked but I need something that will hold its shape...

Ideas please? :grouphug:

edited as I missed something out lol

Edited by SecretKei
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If they are just going to be for training treats, why so many ingredients? :(

Egg is a good binder but even a little will make the mix sticky. Next time you have some roo mince, why not mix a little with grated cheese and egg into small treat-size balls and microwave so the cheese melts to bind the ball and the egg cooks a little, also to firm up. Place it on some paper towel to soak up any extra moisture and once cool, balls should be firm. :nahnah:

And yummy :bottom: And just cooked a little bit. :) You do want it to be special right? :p

Alternatively you could make the balls raw with some cheese and roll in wheatgerm or oatmeal.

I personally wouldn't add sardines 'cos then you really can't put a ball in your pocket or pouch and your hands will stink to high heaven when training! :laugh:

You can buy lil' dried fishies for cats - just plain dried with no added stuff and I've found these to be quite good as training treats. :love:

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Thanks t-time. I'm using the treats to train in food drive so they need to be exceptionally high value :love:

I had a go last night and used around 300g mince, 2 eggs (I really only need one!), some grated fresh parmesan, sardines (I wanted stinky treats :laugh: ) and then enough oatmeal and a little breadcrumbs to get it stiff enough to roll into balls. I also added the gelatine 'just in case it did anything' lol.

This made well over 200 of them though! So we experimented lol, one tray in the oven for 5 mins, one in the freezer and one in the fridge. The ones in the oven cooked nicely and ended up pretty much looking and feeling like chunkers - but a little more rubbery. The fridge ones seem to have set well too, though are a little sticky when squeezed. I tasted one of the oven baked balls and it was :nahnah: although Kei seemed to think they were okay.

As an after-thought I also chopped up some roo meat into tiny pieces and soaked it in the remaining sardine oil.

Well... I pulled a meatball out of the fridge this morning along with the container or sardine infused roo. Any guess which one the dog went mental for?

Blah, now I have 200 meat balls that I probably wont use and hands that stink to high heaven of sardies and roo :bottom:

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:nahnah: :bottom:

High value to you will be different high value to Kei :( If you don't feed cheese, it will be HUGE value...ditto with sardines :love:

Maybe try the dried fishies if Kei likes the fish so much? :laugh:

Or straight Parmesan balls (not dried cheese but grated fresh stuff screwed up)??

Just chuck a few meatballs in with the regular feed to get them gone - you know they're healthy even if they didn't work out as high value treats! :)

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Thanks for the ideas :confused:

I've tried the dried fishies before and they are good! I need soft food for this training though so they're out unfortunately.

I think we've found a winner with the sardine soaked roo though :rofl:

Haha, I've threatened to cook up all the meatballs and send them in to OH's work for afternoon tea ;)

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Hi Secret Kei, sounds like a great idea for Kei.

Now, I could be wrong about this, but as far as I am aware, the gelatine is added because it is very high in protein which would assist in the weight gain component that is typically required with the satin balls. Hence, I don't think you need to worry about it. Also, Kei might not like the taste of it, though it is typically somewhat tasteless, it would be a shame to drop the drive you would be gaining from all those other yummies.

I hope these do the trick for you :confused: Good luck ;)

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Thanks Dyzney :provoke: I never thought of the protein content of the gelatine! That makes sense.

Oh well, they didn't quite work out for training treats but perhaps I will be able to use them to bump up Kei's energy when needed :laugh:

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