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Phew! That Was Scary


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I just fed my dogs some ecopet that a friend left behind. I've used it in the past and think it's a good product but I've cooked for my dogs now for years so haven't fed it to them for a long time.

I chopped it into medium chunks thinking they'd have the good sense to chew it first. Silly me! It's much firmer than the loaf I cook that they are used to and both Penny and Kibah gulped and swallowed too soon. Kibah started to choke and really frightened me and Penny started to whimper, I think she got a cramp. Kibah sicked up a bit and now seems OK and was able to finish her dinner and Penny improved after a tummy and back rub but it was really scary for a while there. I've learnt my lesson, not criticising the product at all, but will make sure I chop it smaller in future if they're not used to it.

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I once made the mistake of feeding a very greedy horse some apple and he choked on the pieces. Fortunately I was able to dislodge them by rubbing his throat and wind pipe but he was all ready to lie down and die. Freaked me out.

We got the horse dentist in after that which helped.

Every now and again my dog inhales her treat and I rub under her chin and down her neck until it comes loose. Blech. Chew and swallow, you silly hound.

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