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Piper's Right To Breed, Grrrr.....


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Latest update - council has entered a property, seized a schnauzer, and desexed it.

This is called stealing.

Several dogs have died whilst being desexed.

Watch the court lists for more on this!!

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Latest update - council has entered a property, seized a schnauzer, and desexed it.

This is called stealing.

Several dogs have died whilst being desexed.

Watch the court lists for more on this!!


Is that even legal??

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I expect it will end up in court then - and I dont expect the council to win.

Dont think too many owners will take kindly to the council entering their property and seizing their dogs for desexing. And what do they do when they are done? Call the owners to collect them? Or do they seize and impound the dogs until they are desexed?

After losing a few court cases on this perhaps they might change their tune...?? Much as I think the guy in the OP is a tosser I really hope he wins his case.

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Latest update - council has entered a property, seized a schnauzer, and desexed it.

This is called stealing.

Several dogs have died whilst being desexed.

Watch the court lists for more on this!!

What the hell is wrong with people O_o

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I wish people would refrain from using words like 'stupid', 'knob' and similar for the cases like this.

Wanting to breed his own dog may be wrong, unethical and so on, but that doesn't make the man stupid, idiot and whatnot.

People here are way to quick to use abusive and offensive language if they disagree with something.

Well said Felix. And completely agreed. People on this board need to realise and understand some people arent as dog knowledgeable and savy as some of you are. If he is wanting to breed his dog as wrong as it is. The key here is education not slander. Maybe he is unaware of all the problems that can occur with breeding, of all the animals euthanised due to over population etc. Some people are unaware. Don't be so quick to judge. You know better he doesn't.

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The bottom line is that the council is taking away people's rights to make their own decisions regarding their own property.

Which is a reduction of basic freedom.

I don't agree with people randomly breeding dogs because they can either,


who knows how much he knows about breeding?

who knows that his family aren't hanging out for a pup from Piper?

And if councils mandatorily desex all cross bred dogs, there will be no more, and those who want cross bred dogs wont be able to have one.

And even if that is not the case, we should be fighting for basic freedoms, because if we don't they will continue to remove them.

Instead of the council making across the board laws to cover their own laziness and lack of interest in enforcing current laws, they should take the steps to ensure that ratepayers do abide by the current laws.

There have been several purebred pups who have been seized and desexed. Someone bought a show pup, it was seized, council wouldn't give it back AT ALL unless it was desexed.

It was.

The excrement will hit the fan about that one too. One extremely irate registered breeder (not one you'd mess with) is on the council's case.

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Latest update - council has entered a property, seized a schnauzer, and desexed it.

This is called stealing.

Several dogs have died whilst being desexed.

Watch the court lists for more on this!!

Jed do you have a link to the story would love to read it. Or has it been posted in a different thread?

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