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Piper's Right To Breed, Grrrr.....


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I don't believe in compulsary desexing.

As much as I dislike the deliberate breeding of cross bred dogs, it is not fair simply to say someone cannot breed because they are not a registered breeder of an ANKC recognised breed.

He will go to court and he will win this one.

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I don't believe in compulsary desexing.

As much as I dislike the deliberate breeding of cross bred dogs, it is not fair simply to say someone cannot breed because they are not a registered breeder of an ANKC recognised breed.

He will go to court and he will win this one.


I agree with you SPT123.

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I don't believe in compulsary desexing.

As much as I dislike the deliberate breeding of cross bred dogs, it is not fair simply to say someone cannot breed because they are not a registered breeder of an ANKC recognised breed.

He will go to court and he will win this one.

I agree.

Compulsory desexing is not the answer.

Yes, I think he will win too.

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The world really needs more JRT/ terrier crosses.. :)

I understand why people disagree with mandatory desexing, but i also think we need to stop people from breeding from dogs just because they're 'nice'. How do we do that?

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It's never going to go away and it won't stop while the demand is there. The best we can do it to educate potential buyers and point them in the direction of the ethical registered breeders.

To be honest, we really need to be targetting the lower socio-economic areas and implementing heavily subsidised desexing programs, in order to prevent the accidental and unwanted litters. That is something that we could get owners to take advanatge off.

Going in hard with the blanket desexing rules, just means that owners won't register their dogs, if they intend to breed them.

I'd rather see owners encouraged to desex, chip and vaccinate.

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This goes around and around in circles every time it comes up, there are no easy fixes, because they all involve people actually taking responsibility for their decisions and actions.

We could make endless lists of TO DO and Not to Do

Don't get a pet until you are in a position to properly care for it.

Do your homework and choose the pet that suits your circumstances.

Take full responsibilty for your pet and its actions.

IMO the first two are so very important and so very often overlooked.

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I don't have an issue with the dog being entire - I do have an issue with the indiscriminate breeding of pet dogs because they are cute or have a nice nature - go and volunteer at a shelter or do some foster caring and meet some dogs who are cute and have nice natures but who are unwanted through no fault of their own - the guy is a knob.

I don't know what the answer is but giving encouragement to persons such as this is not the answer. ;) :eek:

Edited by frufru
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The City of Greater Geelong will be introducing compulsory desexing into the "Domestic animal management plan" of 2008. Will be introduced in year 3 of the plan (2011).

Breeders will have exemptions. Be interesting if that is only ANKC breeders or includes ABN puppy farmers as well.

Be interesting to see if the compulsory desexing actually goes through. I know a couple of vets in this area that are total leaches and would probably double their desexing fees if it went through.

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Disagree with compulsary desexing

Disagree with breeding a cross bred mongrel because

she is a beautiful and even-tempered dog. I have friends who want a Piper pup.

Bet you have friends that want a Ferrari too. Are you gonna buy them one?

Perhaps the laws should concerntrate more on unregistered breeding and less on desexing...

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I wish people would refrain from using words like 'stupid', 'knob' and similar for the cases like this.

Wanting to breed his own dog may be wrong, unethical and so on, but that doesn't make the man stupid, idiot and whatnot.

People here are way to quick to use abusive and offensive language if they disagree with something.

I also think he would win, and he should. These bylaws are ridiculous. IMO of course.

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My dad shares a factory with a guy who has a mastiffx who knows what and has been used at 'stud' 3 times in its less then two year life :laugh:

Why because there is a demand for cheap, big and menacing looking dogs, especially in lower socio-economic areas. :laugh:

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The City of Greater Geelong will be introducing compulsory desexing into the "Domestic animal management plan" of 2008. Will be introduced in year 3 of the plan (2011).

Breeders will have exemptions. Be interesting if that is only ANKC breeders or includes ABN puppy farmers as well.

Be interesting to see if the compulsory desexing actually goes through. I know a couple of vets in this area that are total leaches and would probably double their desexing fees if it went through.

COGG are a pack of morons. They let puppy farmers perpetuate, do little about educating the public, providing for responsible dog owners etc. I just forked out $75 for two entire dogs to be registered. WHat for? Tempted not to at all I see nothing for it. And if they want my dogs desexed they're free to go in and drag them to the vet themselves if they can. All very well to say a dog has to be but no one around here enforces the laws we already have, no one stops BYBers or puppy farmers spreading ill tempered, poorly bred dogs about. What will the law do but hit us responsible owners. And frankly you cannot force me to surgically invade my dogs.

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If the law states that a dog must be desexed if it isn't a registered purebred.. then I sit and wait for the day that the councils get onto ACA Puppy Breeders and every other puppy farm in Victoria (of which there are MANY) and order them to have their animals desexed.

As for really dealing with desexing laws.. whilst I think for the average pet owner it is a good idea in theory (case in point is the moron who wants to breed his hideously ugly mongrel JRT x) but when other laws aren't enforced or non-existant (ie: making puppy farming illegal) why bother.

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You can't rule that it's ok for some and not for others, especially when the back yardies with their cross breds, are breeding the same thing as the 300 plus dog puppy farm.

Truth be known, the bitches breeding in most people's back yard, would at least have some human contact and a bit of love and affection, the same goes for the puppies. The BYBing in the majority of cases, would be the lesser of two evils in terms of animal welfare.

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I don't agree with cross-breeding which is why I joined the relevant dog authorities, but I hope that this man does win and it sets a precedent that council's cannot make these blanket by-laws.

My opinion only - these laws would only hurt registered ethical breeders who would probably need to pay for special permits and meet who knows what other requirements to do what they are doing while others breeding crosses, etc will just go further underground - the people who would normally comply anyway will be punished.

I also am very concerned with the way that various levels of government are imposing more and more rules on everyone - we virtually have no rights on our property as it is - do we really want to lose more?

That's my take on it - both sides of the discussion have merit and I understand the reasons but I don't believe it would deliver the outcomes desired.

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did u know frankston classifies white shepherds as cross breeds and says they must be desexed? my pick bitch went to owners in frankston and although they are half way through building a house in casy its a race against time as to weather she will be out of the town before shes old enough for the desexing or weather she will still be stuck in frankston, she has papers with the white shep club (well their on their way LOL) and she is on co-ownership with me n i hav breeders papers but frankston wont take a bar of it, they also dont understand how a large breed dog matures and i dont want her desexed before her hormones are done doing their stuff (sorry not very technical over here - dont flame me i have the flu and couldnt even remember what day it was this morning!!! but u get wat im saying... i hope :) ) i understand why the law is here but this is ridculus, since when is a group of people that know nothing about dogs and devaloping breeds or even what a real purebreed is for that fact aloud to decide weather my breed is pure or not, guess their gonna say the same thing about my mini foxies too now hey? bit of a insult when one of the most bogan towns around thinks they have the right to comment on the 'pureness' of my dogs? coz ah the same town that cant keep i train station clean would know best (just wanted to add i was born and raised in frankston im a EMC / FHS girl and still live 15 mins away so i know wat its like and i mean no insult to people living in frankston or kingston city council areas im just unfortunate to have 2 of my best pups up on the chopping block coz they are not ANKC reg'ed and ah they have bigger issues to address then how many dogs hav puppies ther...)

rant over.

on another note, this mornon should just desex his dog, everyone here knows temp is a major issue when choosing to breed ur dog but its not the only thing, another good point to remember is that the dog should not be a mutt!!!! :D

i dont think he loves her that much if hes willing to part with her just for some pups, if push came to shove i would desex rather then re-home my dogs, at least i still get to have my babies with me!

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