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Feeding A Dog Gravy


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If your dog is going well on the Euk, why change? I know lots of people say its crap, but I know a lot of Dane folk raise their pups on it because its great for slow growth etc.

IMO, offering the dog something different everytime it turns its nose up at it, is asking for a fussy dog.

I would try making up a gravy yourself with some watery mince and tossing that through the food.

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I don't advocate chopping and changing dry foods all the time, but there are plenty of dogs who refuse to eat and simply do not enjoy certain dry foods. If someone has persisted for some time and with little luck, then I suggest a change in dry, rather than constantly lacing it, to make it more appealing.

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I'll have to side with SBT123 with this. The fact is I have been feeding the dog Eukanuba since I got him (8 weeks old) and he's never really been keen on eating it. I've tried "lacing" it but still not really keen (even added chicken mince).

I figure I have to give somthing else a try.

On a side note, when he saw another dogs dry food he ate it up, it was a different brand, not sure what though.

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I would agree with trying a different dry food. I have read a LOT of threads about fussy eaters and dogs not eating their dry food (doing research as I have a fussy eater myself) - and in so, so many of those threads, Eukanuba was the problem.

It must be a very bland and boring dry food to a lot of dogs.

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I have just tried out Royal Canin and i can say it has gone down much better than the Eukanuba ever did. From day dot the dog never really took to the Euk, however he seems to actually like the RC (i hope i dont jinx it).

Although he is a mastiff puppy, i did have to feed him the Large puppy mix (in lieu of the Giant puppy mix), as this was all i could find (in a rush). I have made another topic here where i am asking people to post locations that they know RC Giant Puppy Mix is sold.

Thanks for the help.

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