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Condys Crystals ..............has Anyone


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used this with success in treating fungal infections on dogs feet?

I have a client (poodle) who has this problem, the creams etc from the Vet have not been working, and I know that I have heard somewhere in the deep dark past that Condys crystals work really well.

I would be really interested if anyone has tried this and had success, cos' this poor dog is being driven mad with his itchy feet.



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I know a woman from walking at the park whose dog Razor had awful fungal infection and she'd spent a fortune at the vet trying to clear it up. I suggested bathing in Betadine and she came back a few days later and thanked me cause it worked, so I'll say again, try Betadine. :thumbsup: hope you have as much success as Razors mum did with it.

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I doubt there's a single answer, as lots of microbes might find woolly feet a good environment. If one thing doesn't work, try something else. My favorite 'kill all microbes' solution is chlorohexidine . ..unlike peroxide, it won't burn, unlike iodine/betadine, it doesn't stain. It's the primary ingredient in the stuff doctors and vets use to sterilise thermometers. I got a bottle from a dentist who wanted me to use it as a gargle but it tastes like toxic waste. Sure is good for sterilising things, though.

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Betadine liquid!! Much faster and easier than creams on localised areas... .... :laugh: Anything a bit 'iffy' here(wounds/bare spots/itchy bits) gets the betadine treatment.As it kills bacteria/fungus/some viruses which can be nasty on the skin... ..I use it just in case.

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A friend of mine had a Stfford with feet that were ongoing red, weeping and oozy. SHe also had generalised allergic skin problems. She took to soaking her feet in a reasonable strong Condy's solution weekly and her feet were great with only the odd small easily controlled break out. The very bootm of her toes and feet were a browny colour, but they didn't care as she was no longer sore.

She had been on many many courses of creams and pills and it was continually re-occuring. The condys made it a much smaller once or twice a year affair.

ETA I also like Betadine liquid as is helps dry the area out and doesn't stain clothing - not sure about Poodle hair though.

Edited by Rommi n Lewis
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A friend of mine had a Stfford with feet that were ongoing red, weeping and oozy. SHe also had generalised allergic skin problems. She took to soaking her feet in a reasonable strong Condy's solution weekly and her feet were great with only the odd small easily controlled break out. The very bootm of her toes and feet were a browny colour, but they didn't care as she was no longer sore.

She had been on many many courses of creams and pills and it was continually re-occuring. The condys made it a much smaller once or twice a year affair.

ETA I also like Betadine liquid as is helps dry the area out and doesn't stain clothing - not sure about Poodle hair though.

Thanks, I have been grooming for many years, too many to mention, and I had Condys in the back of my mind for fungus feet infections, but was loath to recommend it unless I verified the information. I have passed it on to the owner, she also has a Powder Puff whose feet always look a bit sore, so she is going to try a mild mixture with him too.

If that doesn't help Betadine will be the next thing to try. They have spent so much money at the vets for creams etc, and the problem has not improved at all.

So :grouphug:

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I have had people buy it for many reasons.

Foot problems

Dew claws

Dying of red/brown coloured dogs

Tracking of leaking water

Make sure your buying fresh stock, i have been told by customers they have used there old stuff and it loses it's ability to work as well

over an extended period of time (2-3 years)

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Not sure if someone said this already - but be careful using condy's - it can burn

When I was young we used to use it on the coats of show horses to darken the coat, but I always remember hearing of some horses being burnt as they din't dilute it enough (this was 10 years ago though, maybe my facts are hazy!)

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