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Litters Due June 2010


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Well 4 of my kids have left home in the last 2 days, and the place is so empty and quiet :rofl: ...

It was sooo hard to see them go, and dropping them off at the Airport was horrendous... No wonder I only have a litter every 7 or so years, it takes me that long to get over them ;) . Then when you hear that one pup was left in Melb, cos the flight from Hbt to Melb, ran late, so she was unable to get to Adelaide, and neither I or the new owner were told...GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :rofl::):eek: . Not happy, and I will be making a formal complaint, in the next day or so ;) ...

One more to go...

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I just got a email from one of my pups owners to notify me that they had her desex at 13 weeks old. gulp.... :rofl:

Apparantly they took her in for vaccinations and the vet pushed the subjected until they relucantly agreed.

She is just a baby, i don't agree with the vet at all and stand by the 6 month recommendation for female dogs which was written in the papers sent with the owners puppy pack. Poor miss is off her food a week later, it concerns me. :eek:

Nothing i can do about the situation now, just hope she recovers from such a huge operation on such a tiny pup. I've advised the owners of warning signs of infection and if they have any concerns to consult the vet.

rajacadoo sorry to hear of your bad day, things can only get better.

Blakbelgian you are very good with names, i might ask your help next time. Which will be some time away as we had to get our co-owned girl desex due to a health concern. :)

Hope everyones week has been better than mine. Suffering from a annoying head cold that has a consent flow of green snot. :rofl:

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Thanks Cavalblaze & Hespanander, I am starting to get attached to kaycee.

The pedigree names were alot of work between OH & I.

Sorry to hear Cavalblaze that the owners ignored your suggestion as to when to de sex.

If I were the owners & a vet pushed that idea I would find another vet and or clinic to attend if there was plenty around me to to choose from.

Hope she gets her appetite back soon.

Rajacadoo, sorry to hear about the airports stuff up, I hope yuor puppy wasn't delayed for too long.

My guys are having a 2nd Vacc today.


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BB - they are just beautiful. Are you keeping all three?

Rajacadoo - how did your baby end up with its flight? Hope you got an apology at least from the airline. I was lucky that my baby who went to Adelaide travelled with his new parents and was on a direct flight. Hate when you have to change planes.

Well my little girl Ella had a very social weekend. We went into my work so she could meet everyone. Thoroughly enjoyed all her pats and her ride in the car. Saturday, the dogs & I went over to Nanny & Poppy's house. They have a huge backyard so the dogs had a great time chasing each other. Sunday Ella & I went to the Holroyd Pets Day out - she had lots of people patting her and telling her how cute she was. Didn't let her walk around as too many people and too many dogs.

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Mine had there 2nd weekend of showing.. they were ok i spose but just cant get that gait going lol.. oh well there only puppies and they had a great time.. we have other show this weekend heading south.. i too hope the weather holds off!






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Toby left for his forever home via the Big birds in the sky to Adelaide.

At this stage we have kept Layla & Kaycee. They will be shown shortly.

Teamsnag, they are such cute photos. Its hard to train two pups when all they want to do is play.

We invited our pups cousins over the other day as they are 3 weeks younger than mine.

My guys stole their toys from their crate :laugh: They didn't want to play with their own.

The five pups had a ball with each other & slept the rest of the afternoon.


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I put a lead on the Kaycee & Layla yesterday. (one at a time of course)

Kaycee was a natural, he just followed me & stopped to watch the cars go by.

Layla on the other hand, she put the brakes on & wouldn't move until I waved some hotdog infront of her nose.

Will see if Kaycee was a fluke or he'll put the brakes on this time.


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Well I am off on my holiday tomorrow so will try and visit while I am over in the States.

Good luck to all those showing their babies. Ella had a lovely time at the shows last weekend meeting people and dogs. We were a failure in the ring but she did everything right so I was please with her.

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Teamsnag - that is no good. Hope all are well soon for you. I went to the Daschie (sp) National yesterday and got a couple of photos but don't think they are very good but I was given the goodies bag which has some neat stuff in it. When I get home, I will get your snail mail addy & post to you.

Am off to see an all breeds show tomorrow and am looking forward to seeing one. Will get back on DOL later this week.

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BB - they are just beautiful. Are you keeping all three?

Rajacadoo - how did your baby end up with its flight? Hope you got an apology at least from the airline. I was lucky that my baby who went to Adelaide travelled with his new parents and was on a direct flight. Hate when you have to change planes.

Well my little girl Ella had a very social weekend. We went into my work so she could meet everyone. Thoroughly enjoyed all her pats and her ride in the car. Saturday, the dogs & I went over to Nanny & Poppy's house. They have a huge backyard so the dogs had a great time chasing each other. Sunday Ella & I went to the Holroyd Pets Day out - she had lots of people patting her and telling her how cute she was. Didn't let her walk around as too many people and too many dogs.

Sorry Shelby, I completely forgot to answer this :thumbsup: ...

Well the little poppet left here about 7.30am and got into Adelaide at about 7.30pm, and home about 9.30pm. She was absolutely stuffed when she got to her new home, but thanfully she bounced back to her lively self, the next day... Poor little girl, she shouldnt have had to endure all that... NOT impressed at all... Still waiting for an apology from the Airline, all I have had is a hell of a lot of buck-passing, (oh just how surprised was I about that !!!)... Dont think I will ever risk a change of planes again... Still angry about it, but thankfully she was ok, which is the most important thing :eek:

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HAPB.. I did see u this weekend but everytime i went to say hi u were busy talking so i didnt bother i didnt wanna be rude..

Hope u had a better weekend them myself.. Didnt like the judging at all one judge just didnt have time for puppies...

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