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Litters Due June 2010


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Cavalblaze, hope everyhting is settling down?.

Brody goes today and Diva next week. :laugh:

Thor and Nikki :rofl:

Lovely pics. They are stunning puppies, very much like their parents. Staying goodbye to the babies is a tear jerking experience, stay strong! I really have noticed the difference since Chanel left us, Shari goes mid next week and Banjo if fully recovered goes next Sat. I'll be lost without them, but Mystic will be even more so lost as she has always had sibling company. I was going to let her run with her mum until her milk dries up completely she will remain by herself which i'm sure will be protested.

All is well in our camp today, still a bit of a upset tummy but shoveling down food and is alot more happier in himself. Mum also scoffed her food down this morning which are all good signs. ;)

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Mine have started leaving the nest as well. Girl pup has gone to a lovely home and will do obedience & agility when older & has two sheltie sisters. Her brother will be flying out this afternoon with his new parents to Adelaide and he will have two older sheltie sisters as well so that will leave just two. The other little boy wil probably go to his new home next weekend.

Mine are still running with their mum but she doesn't have any milk anymore & she loves playing games with them.

Hesa - great photos. Will have to try and get some of my little girl Ella when someone visits - very hard to get standing shots on my own.

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Oh Cavalblaze I ams o glad your baby is on the mend - how very distressing for both of you.

Hesa your babies are just magnificent

Shelby glad your babies are running with mum. We havent been that lucky with this litter. Mum hasnt been near them for over a week adn still has milk. We let them out together this morning to see what would happen, at first she ran away but after about 5 minutes she was happy to stand for them. And on top of that, her mother - the pups grandmother - is also happy to stand for them even though she is the pub with no beer.

I had taken orders for my pups and they were leaving next week at 9 weeks. Partly because I like to keep them an extra week or two and partly because the owner of the sire is coming to look at them. Yesterday the people who had paid a small holding deposit on a black girl rang and said they had changed thier mind. I have one yellow boy and one yellow girl and not sure yet which if either I will keep - part of the reason for the visit from the sire's owner. One person was desperate for a yellow girl but said that if we kept the girl then he would take the yellow boy and he has been in contact with me since two weeks before the pups were born and every two or three days. He had first option after me. Hadnt heard from him since last weekend so shot of an email to him last night just touching base and he responded with

have bought another dog and I pick him up next week. We weren’t sure if we were going to get one or not and I guess I am as excited as kids to get him. I appreciate all your help!! and maybe in future we may want another and will be sure to contact you.

Grrrrrrrrrrrr :hug:

Ian happy that I can find other homes for my babies but when I think of the number of people who had contacted me and I said,no sorr...

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Mercedes, it is frustrating when you think you have a home for them and they turn around and buy something else

without asking you to remove them off your list.

I had ours outside for 15 mins this morning as it was a nice day and they weren't too sure what to make of the new noises and mum



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Yeah iv had the same prob.. this lady wanted show Quilty, but i wont sell a pup at 8 weeks of age saying its show quilty!! she just wouldnt understand!!

Good luck to her if she finds one.. Id hate for it to come back n bite me on the butt if he didnt turn out!!!

But i had a lady rang me the nite before, she lost her 16 year old dachie.. and there 9month old (dachie) is very lost without his mate... They are driving up here (4 hours from brisbane) to come see him and take him home the next day!! When i rang her to say she could have him if she still wanted him she had tears of joy!! At that point i kew that was his 4ever home!! Made me cry too...

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It really is annoying when they change their mind or get a puppy from somewhere else and don't have the common courtesy to let you know.

Mercedes - I am sure you will have no problem finding homes for your babies - maybe even better than the ones you had lined up.

Teamsnag - sounds like a very lovely home for your baby.

I was very good today and didn't cry when I had to say goodbye to my baby boy at the airport. I think it is the thought of him growing up in Adelaide & being so far away but his new parents have promised photos & updates.

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Ohhhhhhhhhh yes, I hear all your pain...

I think my guys have all had about 10 different owners each, since they were born :laugh: . I am getting cancellations, (usually cos Ive been the one to flick off the email, to see where people are at :mad), only to be told, if Im lucky, that no longer are interested... Im struggling to work out which pup is possibly going to who :). Im sure the list I have now, will completely change by next week !!!

I do have 3 pretty committed people/owners though, and for them I am really thankful :rofl::) :D

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Just wanna share a photo of Dakota (mum to the pups)

I snaped this photo of her on the weekend.. How good does she look.. u wouldnt even think shes got 9 week old pups!!

Shes lost some hair, but weigth wise she is looking awesome!..


ETS.. If only we were all like that after having kids :cheer:

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Teamsnag, Nice pic of mum, Jess still has sagging boobies and has stopped

feeding them I guess I would too with their sharp teeth.

We have found a home for one boy interstate and we're not sure what to do with the other two.

I am giving them more freedom most days and boy do they sook if you leave em in their pen for too long.

Does everyone find that they have at least one that is bully? eg plays rough or if others are asleep

they will deliberatly wake em up so they have some one to play with.


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Now I don't believe that Fanny is the naughty one :) she is just too cute for that.

The new owner who came to pick up her girl pup on the weekend asked me who was the naughty one?? I just looked at her, smiled & said "Guess?" :laugh: Yep it was the one she was taking LOL

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