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Litters Due June 2010


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Well mine have started spending the days outside - they have a large awning and lots of beds to snuggle in. Just too hard to keep them locked up in the puppy pen all day while I am at work. They seem to be enjoying their time outside with their mum. She only lets them feed for about 1 minute in the mornings and that is it for the day.

Microchipping is this Friday and eye test next week. Geez the prices they are charging for eye tests is getting beyond a joke :eek:

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We live outside now and only come in late at night. They usually sleep all night but last night they woke up at 5 in the morning and behaved as though their stomachs thought thier throats had been cut. I go tup and gave them some milk and went back to bed. Tweny five minutes later they started again so I fed them. They still ate thier breaky at 8:30.

Here are some piccies of the yard we put up for them and thier new log cabin chalet.


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  TeamSnag said:
What a great set up!! I wish i could leave my pups outside to play.. But we have bad hawks around here.. :D

After I posted that I left home to go back to work for Parent / Teacher interviews. Stopped at supermarket on way to get some extras adn when I came out it was raining. First time in weeks and I had left pups outside, debated with myself and then decided I had better race home and check them. Just as well I did :thumbsup: dont think they knew what rain was. Poor babies were all huddled up on teh trampoline bed getting drenched when they could have gone into that nice warm kennel So I nearly drowned in the pouring rain bringing them all back inside. Then they all had to be towelled off before I could go back to school

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So iv set the pups up in the kitchen with an area closed off for them... We will see if it was a great idea or not...

Gives them alot more room to run around and they are loving it atm

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  TeamSnag said:
So iv set the pups up in the kitchen with an area closed off for them... We will see if it was a great idea or not...

Gives them alot more room to run around and they are loving it atm

Mine are in the kitchen. They are rather amuzed by us travelling past them all day and eating dinner with beady eyes watching over us.

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Great set up Mercedes, you forgot they are Labs who like water. :( If that had been a sheltie they would have run for cover :nahnah:

Ours are still in the living room and were out three times today, last was a run for nearly an hour, needless to say they are sound asleep now. Tried bringing them inside earlier but they run like heck when they think they are going to be picked up. :rasberry:

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Only bringing mine in at night now. But the raucous they made at 3 this morning was revolting. First time ever I have had to get up to pups in the middle of the night. Gave them biscuits and warm milk and they settled. But 6 oclock and we're starving again :laugh:

If they keep that up it'll be outside all night every night and if they're cold they can buy a blanket :eek:

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Yep mine start crying around 230am.. iv started to ignore them.. 10mins later there quite again till around 6ish an di place the dry food down for them.. then feed then again around 10ish when they go outside for a play.. then back inside till arvo around 4ish n they have other feed/play...

I wish i could leave them out there but i just cant cos of the hawks.. a dachie is a good size for them to pick up n go!

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Well my widdle munchkins will be 5 weeks old on Sunday...

We took them outside both yesterday and today, for about 10-15 mins, and they loooove it. Yesterday just after we put them on the grass, 6 little Basenji bottoms were squatting down to do a poo :laugh:... So cute, wish I had a pic of that !!!

They are all doing really well. Mums only really giving them a top-up drink about 4-5 times a day now... They are eating really well, pooing really well, (wish Mum liked cleaning up the poo still, though :D ), and doing everything they should, and some things they shouldnt !!! They are at the really lovely stage now where I can start to see the little personalities coming out in them too. Oh, and we have a barker in the group, (Basenji's apparently dont bark, [except for the very occasional yip, that some may do]... Nobody told my Saba that :laugh: ). I think its the big girl, but Im not 100% sure, cos she is only doing it when nobody is around :o ...

Vaccinations at about 8 weeks, eye tests about 9 weeks, new homes about 10 weeks :laugh: . I will miss them a lot...

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Well my babies havent seen mum's milk bar for two days and was hoping that her milk was starting to dry up. Just went into the puppy room and here is Nanna standing in the box allow the pups to suckle :) Fruitless exercise - sh'e be like the pub with no beer :love: but amazing how strong their maternal instinct is.

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Our litter are 7 weeks today, Bree hasn't fed them since they were 5 weeks old. We have had an excavator working next door and yesterday it was on the fenceline. They were all outside and Bree went over and let them feed, guess it was a comfort for them with the noise.

Ours sleep through until approx. 5.40am :love:

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Mine are waking up at 230am lil buggas and im starting to ignore them....Then waking up again around 6ish...

But this morning ud think i have a litter of mice!!!! All the paper riped up everywhere!! they had whoopie this morning.. Im so over paper!!!!

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TS, unfortunately I think you set a precedent by getting up to them in the middle of the night when they were younger. :rofl:

Ours have their last run at around 4.00pm, dinner at 6.00om and then don't wake up until just after 5.30am.

Hoping for some help with a stack photo shoot this afternoon. :laugh:

PS We too are fed up with paper and pooh!!

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Our guys & girl are 5 weeks old on Sunday too.

We have them in the lounge in a large C Crate on tarp which has a sheet on top which has newspaper on that.

Little buggers are starting to play with the sheet or newspaper.

I changed their matt in their basket and one started to play tug of war with it. :rofl:

Boys love mince meat the girl isn't too sure about it.


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