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Litters Due June 2010


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TS, that photo was adorable.

How did you manage to get them all to stand/sit still all together like that?

Or just a fluke?

Mine are two weeks old today. they have already started to change in appearance but still can't tell who is who so I have marked the boys

with white nail polish. Would prefer red (Bombers colors) but tried red on last litter but you could barely see it.

The girl opened her eyes yesterday, one boy has his open this morning so now waiting on the other boy.

We will worm them later this afternoon.


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Yes im thinking of marking a red boy with purple nail polish lol only cos they only way u tell them apart is one has more white then the other under its chest.. and for photos its soooo hard to tell lol

I think it was just a fluke.. I grabed them all and placed them there n ran away lol.. They were abit like wtf!! till they clicked on n said i can run too LOL

Thanx.. i love the photo too.. hehe

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Well it was all drama at our place this morning :laugh:

WE moved the whelping box - just turned it around, extended the puppy pen out of the front to give them an 'outdoor; area.

So that meant we all had our first foray into the wild world of 'outside the box' :laugh:

Then we had another small meal of mince :grouphug: , and we tried lapping some Wambaroo from a plate :laugh:

Then one by one they had a trip outside on OH's lap to sit in a sunny spot and have a manicure :rofl:

So we are all set now for the next few days, worming on Tuesday at 4 weeks. Oh in response to the question earlier about wormeing medication. I used to use drontal at all times but last couple of litters I have noticed that it seems to knock some pups around a bit at 2 & 4 weeks. So Troy until 6 weeks. :rofl:

To identify the black pups I use non toxic liquid paper

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Well it was all drama at our place this morning :laugh:

WE moved the whelping box - just turned it around, extended the puppy pen out of the front to give them an 'outdoor; area.

So that meant we all had our first foray into the wild world of 'outside the box' :rofl:

Then we had another small meal of mince :grouphug: , and we tried lapping some Wambaroo from a plate :laugh:

Then one by one they had a trip outside on OH's lap to sit in a sunny spot and have a manicure :rofl:

So we are all set now for the next few days, worming on Tuesday at 4 weeks. Oh in response to the question earlier about wormeing medication. I used to use drontal at all times but last couple of litters I have noticed that it seems to knock some pups around a bit at 2 & 4 weeks. So Troy until 6 weeks. :rofl:

To identify the black pups I use non toxic liquid paper

It is great how the pups love the first outdoor experience. Problem is they want out all the time now. lol. :laugh:

I've got one girl drinking water, eating kibble and is really good on the meat solids. While her sisters and brothers are not interested as much in the finer dining, they rather mum. Which is causing me headaches as she still wants to be with them 24/7 and today i decided it is a case of locking her out for "time out time" and reduce access to them so they get a slight bit hungry and might actually eat and drink the stuff i have provided. Such a good mum, She is still cleaning up their toileting movements and plays with them and is rather protective of the little buggers.

Here are the lastest photos of the pup we intend to keep.


Edited by Cavalblaze
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He is soo cute Hesapander.

OH said the other night that he is looking forward to our girls first show

so I said Well getthe lead onto her now & start training. :(:hug: Just as a joke and he replied

Just look at her she is only two weeks & One day old and sleeping so training can wait. :(:laugh::o

I said thats fine.


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