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Litters Due June 2010


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TeamSnag, they are soooo cute. Nice names too.

Me thinks my girl may be the first to open her eyes :laugh: soon.

OH wanted pics of him holding the babies and I asked him to hold them up & support their heads and to hold them like they

were standing and he said no they babies. :laugh:


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  TeamSnag said:
Veru cute Mercedes

How do u get the lil buggas to try a lil water lol

We are still not having alot of success on water either, just a occassional lick. :laugh: Also not having any luck with kibble either, regardless of the extra milk and toppings to make it more appealing they turn their noses up at it. Fresh meat is all they desire. :laugh:

Our babies went outside today for the first time. Oh did they enjoy it, skipping and rolling around in the grass! They also meet dad, he was a bit wary but very good. Must of been a big experience they are all sound asleep now. :rofl:

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We dont start weaning with water or kibble (biscuit) we start with mince meat.

Just the tiniest bit on the end of the finger, let me sniff it and then they happily let you open thier mouth, and they just mouth it. Within three days they know the smell of the meat and will eat it. When we start them on biscuits we soak it in a misture of warm water and warm Wambaroo until it is soft and then add it to thier mince.

Water they seem to just start naturally.

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Is to much meat to bad?

My guys have kibble soaked in goats milk with yogurt last few meals.. and i only give em meat here n there.. but i just gave them some mince this arvo n boy did they love it!!!

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  TeamSnag said:
Is to much meat to bad?

My guys have kibble soaked in goats milk with yogurt last few meals.. and i only give em meat here n there.. but i just gave them some mince this arvo n boy did they love it!!!

Well every body has thier own ideas and IMHO I dont believe meat (raw) is bad for them. Look at how much they loved their meal when you included meat. You can always use the meat as a means to introduce something else and then slowly decrease the meat.

We feed our weaned pups what we call pink porridge in the early morning - a bit of biscuit and mince with warm milk. Its very cold here and we like porridge in the cold mornings so we figure the pups need something to warm them too.

Then they get soaked biscuits and meat and yoghurt / cheese etc for lunch - again with milk

Then depending on thier age determines what they have to dinner.

Lets face it they are only small so the amount we are talking about is not kilos per day.

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