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Litters Due June 2010


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  Blakbelgian said:
Well I can report to you that Jess has finished whelping and she has given us 3 black healthy puppies. ;) :eek::(

Yes we were lucky that she whelped during the day.


:D :p ;)

congratulations and all during the day - what a clever girl. :D

Now the pressure is on for photos :rofl:

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  mercedes said:
  Blakbelgian said:
Well I can report to you that Jess has finished whelping and she has given us 3 black healthy puppies. ;) :eek::(

Yes we were lucky that she whelped during the day.


:D :p ;)

congratulations and all during the day - what a clever girl. :D

Now the pressure is on for photos :eek:

x2 :rofl:


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  rajacadoo said:
Well done, and sooo very civilised that Jess whelped in the daytime, Ive never yet experienced that :D

Well you have three days to get your girl over the line before she becomes a July threader :(

If she was a human I would tell you to give her a dose of castor oil, take her for a long walk up and down hills and hope for the best. For dogs? don't know :eek:

Lets hope that in the next two days your girl just goes POP!!!! and of course during the day is SOOOOOO civilised. ;)

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  newfiesrus said:
I am fed up ..... poppy is day 63 from first mating and is really well. No sign of any puppies arriving :(

If any more prospective puppy owners phone me for an update I will scream ;)

Not phoning you :D Just checking in for an update and wondered how you and your girl are :eek:

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Well Im still WAITING, WAITING, WAITING... And Im damn sick of this waiting, I can tell you :laugh:

Still sipping coffee, waiting, waiting, waiting... My life is on hold, while I wait, wait, wait... :laugh:

I guess you get the picture :D .

When I wrote before, as a joke, about ending up in the July thread, I really was joking, NOT anymore... After all this there is absolutely NO frigging way she will whelp in the civilised daylight hours, Basenji's just dont/wont do THAT :o

Mercedes, if there is no action by tomorrow, we are going to take her 4 wheel driving in some of the back roads around here, (believe me, I could find some doozies ;)), following up with large quantities of castor oil, and then Mr R can take her for a 10 mile hike... If nothing happens afte that, Im leaving home :laugh:

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  rajacadoo said:
Well Im still WAITING, WAITING, WAITING... And Im damn sick of this waiting, I can tell you :rofl:

Still sipping coffee, waiting, waiting, waiting... My life is on hold, while I wait, wait, wait... :rofl:

I guess you get the picture :) .

When I wrote before, as a joke, about ending up in the July thread, I really was joking, NOT anymore... After all this there is absolutely NO frigging way she will whelp in the civilised daylight hours, Basenji's just dont/wont do THAT :eek:

Mercedes, if there is no action by tomorrow, we are going to take her 4 wheel driving in some of the back roads around here, (believe me, I could find some doozies :rofl:), following up with large quantities of castor oil, and then Mr R can take her for a 10 mile hike... If nothing happens afte that, Im leaving home :)

You'll be in the June thread with babies tomorrow :eek:

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How did you know chocolate :rofl:

Well finally Ochre did decide to finally have the little ones, meaning we stayed in the June thread :rofl: ;) ... She gave us absolutely NO warning that she was anywhere near having them, when suddenly, on my chair, with me sitting on the edge, she screamed like Ive never heard a dog scream before, and there was a baby :eek::eek::) . I nearly pooped myself :rofl:

Anyway, the long and the short of it, is we have 6 gorgeous little red/white babies, 2 boys for me to choose from, and 4 little girls... Mum and bubs doing fine, Im knackered :)

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Oh congratulations :rofl: I told you she would wait until your eyes were hanging out of your head :)

My poor girl gave a couple of screams too when the first one came but was very relaxed for the rest.

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:rolleyes: :laugh::rainbowbridge::cheer::cheer::cheer::laugh::laugh:

Yay Congratulations rajacadoo

I knew those old family recipes would come in handy. :)

Hessa it had nothing to do with the 4WD threat :D - You have obviously never tasted castor oil :rofl:

Of ocurse now we expect photos - so no sleep yet - WHERE ARE THE PHOTOS??? :rofl:

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