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Do You Thik He's Still Too Fat?


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I took a photo of Ollie tonight.. I have no idea, if he is still too fat.

I am watching his food intake like a hawk and taking him for regular walks which seems to be helping but, I dunno.. how fat is a pug meant to be? :laugh:


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Photo directly side on would be helpful too.

He doesn't look too bad by that photo, even though it's not completely looking straight down, but because of the angle I can't see if he has a waste.

Can you feel his ribs when you firmly but lightly run your hands along his sides?

Edited by Erny
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I'll try to get some better shots.

I can't feel his ribs... will that EVER happen? :laugh:

You posted 8 days ago to say that he'd gotten fat again. It would be pretty unusual for a dog to go from fat to being okay in 8 days.

I wasn't going to wait for him to be totally rolling in fat before doing something about his weight. He had already lost a lot of weight, but then suddenly put it on over 2 weeks, so yeh, if he can put it on the fast I would hope he can take it off that fast too.

I don't want to go overboard or expect too much either... it's hard with a pug, because I have only ever come across fat ones irl so I don't know if they were all unhealthy or if that's fine for the breed.

What's cobby mean? I have seen pugs described as "cobby" before.

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I'll try to get some better shots.

I can't feel his ribs... will that EVER happen? :laugh:

You posted 8 days ago to say that he'd gotten fat again. It would be pretty unusual for a dog to go from fat to being okay in 8 days.

I wasn't going to wait for him to be totally rolling in fat before doing something about his weight. He had already lost a lot of weight, but then suddenly put it on over 2 weeks, so yeh, if he can put it on the fast I would hope he can take it off that fast too.

I don't want to go overboard or expect too much either... it's hard with a pug, because I have only ever come across fat ones irl so I don't know if they were all unhealthy or if that's fine for the breed.

What's cobby mean? I have seen pugs described as "cobby" before.

I'd be getting more weight off him personally, he looks like hes carrying a big of weight around his chest going from that pic a few others might help!

People often get Cobby and fat confused they are ment to be stocky solid dogs not weddy and scrawny or big fatty bombas! :rofl:

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Yep going from those pics I'd be getting more weight off him!

Pugs in general are rather chesty but shouldn't be fat chesty if you know what I mean!

kirty who is Frankie?

ETA I dont think he needs alot more weight off but abit more wont hurt and he will feel so much better for it!

Edited by sammy_ballerina
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I sometimes think that even show dogs often carry more weight than they need or should. That's just my opinion, of course, and there are a good number out there that are just right.

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I sometimes think that even shows dogs often carry more weight than they need or should. That's just my opinion, of course, and there are a good number out there that are just right.

I tend to agree with you Erny, some like to keep their pugs what I would call fat because they think it makes them look like they have good bone which is important in the breed...silly really!!!

SecretKei's suggestion is a good one I was going to advise you to do this aswell, but personally I would only look at males, as females are finer. A few dogs that I think are a good weight are the following:

http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=45855 (recent BOB and in group winner for the royal...not only a fit healtrhy looking pug but also a good example of the breed)

http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=26954 Another of my faves

http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/profile.asp?dog=22339 And last but not least!

Edited by sammy_ballerina
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he looks a bit heavy in the front with rolls of fat/skin around his legs.

loosing a bit more wouldnt hurt. i think dogs are a bit better leaner than fatter, especially brachy breeds (i have one too). it seems to me the more weight they have the harder it is for them to adapt to the heat...less weight may also help their breathing and may reduce snoring and will help their joints.

one other way to test his weight (although i go by the ability to feel ribs) is to look at the breed standard to see whether he is within the weight range of the standard

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he looks a bit heavy in the front with rolls of fat/skin around his legs.

loosing a bit more wouldnt hurt. i think dogs are a bit better leaner than fatter, especially brachy breeds (i have one too). it seems to me the more weight they have the harder it is for them to adapt to the heat...less weight may also help their breathing and may reduce snoring and will help their joints.

one other way to test his weight (although i go by the ability to feel ribs) is to look at the breed standard to see whether he is within the weight range of the standard

Actually with pugs the breed standard weight isnt a very good indicator as alot of pugs are taller than what they should, its a sad fact but the breed has gotten bigger! Its always nice to see a correctly sized pug thou! :thumbsup:

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