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Wow, It's Going Cheap


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Just thought I would mention that DWI is selling the Canon 50 1.4 at an amazingly cheap price right now.


Be aware though that some of these lenses have problems as I can sadly attest to. I have mine back now though, after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing Canon fixed it free of charge. When it behaves itself, it's a beautiful lens and for less than $400 a very good price, I paid almost $600 for mine in Dec 08.

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Just thought I would mention that DWI is selling the Canon 50 1.4 at an amazingly cheap price right now.

Wow - that's a great price! I paid I think about $100 more than that for mine (at the end of last year) and then spent money on a lens hood for it so it was about $540 or something. It really is a beautiful lens! I haven't had a problem with mine at all but I know you have Kirislin!

You know you want one Bec... :mad

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Ive got the 1.8...is the 1.4 worth it for the difference...I would love to see a couple of shots taken with it if anyone would like to demonstrate?

have a look here


and here

the sigma


the Canon


You might not see alot of difference. I think the 1.4 focuses more quickly from what I've read.

Edited by Kirislin
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