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My Poor Baby Is At The Vets Tonight :(


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Poor little Lottie had to have a trip to the vets today, and stay overnight.....

At first the vets were quite worried that she had a blockage, as Tuesday night she woke me through the night (around 1am) and vomited quite a lot (all her dinner)!! was off her food yesterday morning, and was kind of dry reaching a little, but yesterday afternoon she had really picked up alot, so i thought she must of just had a little stomach bug which was getting better!! very happy and bouncy, so I cooked her some bland rice and chick and fed her a little, and again last night she woke me again around 1am vomiting :( , then this morning vomited again!!! :( So STRAIGHT to the vets!!!! Xrays were taken, but luckily there was no significant blockages (they found a few little bone pieces in her pyloric sphincter, but nothing to worry too much about at the moment!!!!) But the vet will check again in the am. Luckily she's at the uni clinic which is a 24 hour emergency clinic staffed all night!!

My poor girl, fingers crossed i'm able to bring her home tomorrow afternoon!!!


Edited by Beth86
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Our Renae was quite sick recently too, and had to stay overnight at the vets. They just put it down to a tummy bug. She's a lot better now, but boy did she vomit heaps ! :(

Her son Joey was a bit off colour also not long before she got sick.

Hope Lottie's on the mend real soon! She's beautiful! :(

Edited by JulesLuvsCavs
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Poor Lottie, I hope she makes a quick recovery. Mokha was blocked up for three days, same things vomiting up all food, no pooping but finally on day 3 he pooped out the offending hair tie all tangled with grass and I was so relieved. Hopefully it is just a tummy bug and all will be well.

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Oh that's no good...

Orbit had a similar episode a few months ago. Just started one night with projectile vomiting that wouldn't stop. Took him to work (vet) that night and he was flat as a tack the next day. Even going outside to the toilet took it out of him and he'd just lay down on the ground outside. The vomiting stopped after about 24 hours but it still took him a good 3 days to recover.

It's so awful when they're sick. His second night in hospital I ended up coming in to have a sleep over with him. He was so happy to see me, he spent the night with me on the bed on the floor....


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Oh that's no good...

Orbit had a similar episode a few months ago. Just started one night with projectile vomiting that wouldn't stop. Took him to work (vet) that night and he was flat as a tack the next day. Even going outside to the toilet took it out of him and he'd just lay down on the ground outside. The vomiting stopped after about 24 hours but it still took him a good 3 days to recover.

It's so awful when they're sick. His second night in hospital I ended up coming in to have a sleep over with him. He was so happy to see me, he spent the night with me on the bed on the floor....


That's true love on both sides!

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You were lucky stormie you were able to spend the night with Orbit..

When Renae was in overnight, I wasn't allowed to spend any time with her. The vet only checked on her once at 10pm, and after he left she took her IV drip out and got out her cage because they didn't shut it properly!

Least Orbit was able to get your full time care (I guess it helped because its where u work) :laugh:

Hows Lottie going Beth???

Edited by JulesLuvsCavs
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Thanks everyone for your good thoughts, unfortunately she's back at the vets tonight :thumbsup: I brought her home last night to have her throw up again during the night, and more this morning, so back again (to a different emergency clinic where I work - the GREATEST VETS EVER THERE!!!!) so hopefully by tomorrow we'll have something to go on.... my poor baby!!!

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