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Cane Toads In Sutherland Shire, Sydney


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We've been picking two and three off our back lawn for the past few weeks..especially during this rainy part. Evenings comprise OH armed with broom or such and me with torch out for every toilet break. We do a full recky of the garden to check before our little ones go out. Unfortunately we haven't got to killing them yet - OH throws them over the fence into empty house' yard. yep, I know not the right answer..so would be interested in dettol solution..we're scaredy cats when it comes to killing them/picking them up!

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straight dettol, just get the no frills brand cos its cheaper, put it in a spray bottle and on a squirt setting, give them a couple of sprays. They sort of go into a bit of a coma after a little while and thats when i pick them up with the shovel and put them in the wheelie bin, but spray a bit of fly spray over it otherwise you will have maggots. A friend of mine has just changed to PineOclean and she said it works just as good and its cheaper

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straight dettol, just get the no frills brand cos its cheaper, put it in a spray bottle and on a squirt setting, give them a couple of sprays. They sort of go into a bit of a coma after a little while and thats when i pick them up with the shovel and put them in the wheelie bin, but spray a bit of fly spray over it otherwise you will have maggots. A friend of mine has just changed to PineOclean and she said it works just as good and its cheaper

Thanks GoldenGirl85 - sounds like a solution...!

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Heres a great site about canetoads for those who may now be needing info on them. http://www.canetoadsinoz.com/index.html

you have to be careful in not mistaking them with some native frogs when they are young baby toads, so know what they look like before you start dosing them with chemicals or freezing them etc, when they are grown big they are easy to identify though.

Edited by GeckoTree
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