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Newborn Dies After Dog Attack


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I listened to the 911 call, no sounds of desperation by the caller in fact he sounded barely coherent. He hadn't even gone in the room to check if the baby was dead or alive, didn't know how old he was etc. I hope that it wasn't the babies father or else it makes the tragedy even worse. It actually sounded if he said there were dogs plural, not one dog but he was very hard to understand.

Again RIP little angel

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i dont get it? was it their dog? how could a dog get in in the first place? Plus did it maul the child... i remember a story ages ago about a mother walked in to find her dog ' playing' like toy with her baby and of course it died. But to be in the same room on the same bed with a powerful dog you would have to have woken up.

hmm there has to be something more to this, a horribly sad situation RIP little baby this should NEVER of happened

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Agree, a new mother is wired to wake up to the smallest sound. I was as tired as I ever had been in my life when we had our newborn, but I woke up instantly if there was a change or a little noise.

Something else going on here, sleeping tablets, alcohol, drugs, .... poor baby, poor family

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Agree, a new mother is wired to wake up to the smallest sound. I was as tired as I ever had been in my life when we had our newborn, but I woke up instantly if there was a change or a little noise.

Something else going on here, sleeping tablets, alcohol, drugs, .... poor baby, poor family

Sure is something else going on, in the 911 call it states the mother has locked herself in the room, I mean why ? away from help ?

Probably why 16 year olds are not responsible to have babies mostly.


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There is NO way a new mother could sleep through her newborn being mauled.. it isn't possible.. unless she was under the influence of sedative drugs.

New mothers are wired to hear their babies... they might wake a few minutes after her baby had been crying in another room.. but in the same BED!.. not a chance.

Poor baby. RIP little one.

Yep I agree.

I can't imagine a dog quietly mauling another animal either, even if the baby was quiet. It doesn't matter how tired you are - how could that go on in the bed beside you without you being aware?

Sounds like drugs to me too.

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RIP Little Baby Thomas

another one who thinks also that a dog wouldn't maul quietly? and baby would have made than a little noise. How could the mother not wake up

very very sad

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Definitely completely suss. I can't remember whether it was on the news clip or the 911 call but someone said the dogs were barking when the neighbour was knocking on the door but they thought the mother must have been feeding the child or something and that was why she didn't answer the door. They went back later when a friend arrived and from what I can understand it sounds like the friend let herself in to the house and woke up the mother, which is when she realised the child was dead. The guy on the 911 call said he's not related at all, is just a neighbour I think.

That child should not have died...

:thumbsup: Rip little baby.

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OMG!! There were other adults in the trailer while the mother and baby were in the back room. They heard the baby cry around 9.30 and that's all. It all seems very suss to me.

Note the advice given at the end of the article Swiss Girl posted - re if you have a dog and a baby is on the way they suggest you "snatch it's food and poke it in the eye" to get it used to how the baby will behave!!!! WHAT?????????? My God! Are these people insane?

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what a crock of shit.... the follow up article makes out the family to be victims when is obvious there was something suss going on. i hope the parents get charged with some kind of manslaughter.

Agree, it's quite obvious they were junkies, or alcoholics, just a shame a child & dog have died because of all the idiots.

Edited by mantis
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if u want to provoke a dog attack, u do wat they say in the second article. that's just wrong, in my opinion. if u want to see how a dog is around children, u rough it up a tiny bit and slightly pull its ears, if u get no reaction from that, then all should be fine.

The poor dog got put down because of their stupidness.

They are just trying to get sympathy and money, which is why at the end the woman says she 'doesn't know where her family is going to get the money.'

The poor helpless child and dog died because of irresponsible people... Disgusting really

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OMG!! There were other adults in the trailer while the mother and baby were in the back room. They heard the baby cry around 9.30 and that's all. It all seems very suss to me.

Note the advice given at the end of the article Swiss Girl posted - re if you have a dog and a baby is on the way they suggest you "snatch it's food and poke it in the eye" to get it used to how the baby will behave!!!! WHAT?????????? My God! Are these people insane?

Could not bleive some of the suggestions in the follow on article. :)

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