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Grandfather's Dog Mauls Toddler

Swiss Girl

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The owner of a Rottweiler that mauled his grandson on Queensland's Sunshine Coast has had his pet put down.

Grant Rayner was visiting his daughter and two-year-old grandson at their Nambour home when his dog attacked the boy about 9am (AEST) on Wednesday.

The boy was taken to Nambour Hospital with facial injuries, including puncture wounds around his mouth.

A hospital spokeswoman said he was in a stable condition.

A Sunshine Coast Council spokeswoman said Mr Rayner took the dog to a local vet and had it euthanased about two hours after the attack.

She said this didn't rule out prosecution.

"Council is investigating whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute the owner," she said.

She said the male dog was unregistered, which attracts a $200 fine.


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Again, how sad for everyone.

Perhaps there needs to be more public information campaigns about how even a friendly dogs can perceive a little child as prey, or as a subordinate, and how therefore even safe, friendly dogs should be kept away from tiny children?

Seems a lot of people don't understand that. I'm sure this gentleman would have kept his dog well away from his grandchild if he'd known the risks.

I love my dog, but I'd never trust her offleash with toddlers.

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I'm with you on that one, Staranais. I'm sure the Grandfather feels dreadful on all accounts. I don't understand how or why people have to have everything explained to them though. It should be common sense. It used to be. Where did it go?

"Council is investigating whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute the owner," she said. She said the male dog was unregistered, which attracts a $200 fine.

Ummm ... the point of fining the Grandfather for his dog being unregistered (other than revenue for the Council) being?

I hope that whatever the Council decides to prosecute for, they donate the money back into the toddler's rehabilitation.

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