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Seattle Dog Number Law


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I was actually looking to see where I could source "Dog News" January, February and March 2010 editions. I went to google (which didn't help me) and saw this :

January 1, 2010 kicked off Washington's state law which limits dog breeders to 50 dogs under the age of 6 months. The law was enacted in an attempt to limit irresponsible dog breeding and "puppy mills". Having the law in place gives more power to enforcement agencies who have been notified of a potential puppy mill situation. ...

Seattle dog number law

Limit of 50 dogs under 6 months of age? Would that REALLY make a difference to puppy millers and would it really stop disreputable breeding practices?

BTW .... Does anyone have a copy of "Dog News" in the editions that I'm after, as per above? Is "Dog News" a magazine that one can purchase, or is it a dog organisation print?

Same link will show you this :

And finally, a tragic death in the Southeast. A Clarksville-Montgomery County couple returned home after an extended holiday vacation, to find their 1-yr-old Pit bull frozen to death in his doghouse. ...

How very, very sad :) . Poor dog.

Edited by Erny
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I can see the puppy millers just setting up multiple operations, I don't think a dog limit would stop them... maybe limiting to 20 dogs under 6mths might have an effect... allows for large litters and in most cases 2 litters on the ground at once but would possibly stop continual breeding of multiple dogs.

That poor pitbull :( I don't know how anyone could leave their dog alone in those sort of temperatures:(

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I can see the puppy millers just setting up multiple operations, I don't think a dog limit would stop them... maybe limiting to 20 dogs under 6mths might have an effect... allows for large litters and in most cases 2 litters on the ground at once but would possibly stop continual breeding of multiple dogs.

That poor pitbull :confused: I don't know how anyone could leave their dog alone in those sort of temperatures:(

Jake-K9 .... apparently the people left the dog in the care of a teenager.

Edited by Erny
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do the maths ... considering the high turnover of puppy farmers who would keep pups no longer then 8 weeks (let's be optimistic and say 3 months) thats up to 50 dogs bred in a 3 month period, in 12 months thats 200 + dogs coming out of one 'limited' breeding establishment. Thats still a hell of a lot of dogs and money. Not really prohibitive is it.

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