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What To Do?!?!?

W Sibs

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How exciting for you. :thumbsup:

I have been waiting for the right puppy for aaaaaaages (well it seems that way) and I would find it really hard if a puppy came along right now that was perfect for us. I heard last week that the bitch from the litter I'm interested in is Pregnant, hopefully only three more weeks to go till their born. :D Then another 8-10 weeks till their ready to come home.

You'll know if she is right for you. Good-Luck and drive safely.

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How exciting for you. :thumbsup:

I have been waiting for the right puppy for aaaaaaages (well it seems that way) and I would find it really hard if a puppy came along right now that was perfect for us. I heard last week that the bitch from the litter I'm interested in is Pregnant, hopefully only three more weeks to go till their born. :D Then another 8-10 weeks till their ready to come home.

You'll know if she is right for you. Good-Luck and drive safely.



Good luck for you too!! What breed are you getting?!

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Breeder 1:

Have met and talked to her. Very lovely by answering all my questions about the breed. Met her dogs. Really want one of her dogs... they are simply gorgeous, but could be waiting for a while for a pup. We said that we will wait. She can't guarantee a pup (which is totally understandable) because no one knows how many pup is in a litter and not even sure if her current female dog is pregnant (we find out in about 3 or 4 weeks?).

Breeder 2:

The boyfriend was looking at puppy listing on DOL and found another breeder, and talked me into giving her a call (we called her on Easter break). We just clicked on the phone (we talked on the phone for about an hour :rofl:). Lives in Vic (but the boyfriend and I don't have a problem travelling far for the next member of our family). Has a pup that sounds absolutely perfect for our little family now. We can go down and see the parents and puppy on Anzac long weekend and if everyone is happy, we can bring her home with us (the puppy is currently 7 weeks now).

So, what to do? Go with Breeder 1 or Breeder 2?

I've been waiting for months and have at least until November to wait for my pup from the breeder I want to use. I own GSDs and they're a dime a dozen. There are always puppies on the ground and some of them are from good breeders who have good dogs. However, I have decided I want a pup from this breeder and any other pup would probably have to struggle to measure up to what I expect my as of yet non-existant puppy to be like.

If you have your heart set on a breeder then wait and the right pup will come along.

It is VERY hard to say no to a pup once you have seen it!

Lots of people seem lovely on the phone, but you seem to have done research on breeder 1 and not 2.

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