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Runny Poo In 12 Week Old Pup


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We have had out pup since she was 9 weeks old and is now 12 weeks old and has the same food that the breeder used (Eukanuba) and just this week she has started having runny smelly poo...it is a different colour each time.

Is this of concern?

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Is it of concern? yes.

what other food does she get ?




Is she otherwise bright and active and hungry?

having diarrhoea is not good - it depletes the body of nourishment...and in a young ,growing pup- is definitely not wanted :laugh:

What did her breeder suggest?

Mihht be a good idea to take her, with a FRESH sample of poo to the vets ,and get things checked out . It may be a simple case of cutting out a certain food- or it may be a tummy bug....

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I have had Zoe for 2 1/2 weeks and she also developed diarrhea, I hoped it was just the change of diet, as I couldn't get the Eagle Pack food the breeder recommended here. I did the change slowly over 4 days, but still had it, I took her to the vet where she promptly defecated on the vets floor :thumbsup: the vet changed her to a better quality puppy food Royal Canin and again 4 days later she is now on this fully and no more diarrhea :laugh: its a real worry if you don't know the cause of it.

It is usually just something that the pup is eating, in the meal or treat, that has upset its tummy. Oh and even though the breeder wormed Zoe the vet did it again as this too can cause the same problem. Whatever it was its now gone, but all through it she was never sick or feeling off.


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We had a pup that also had horrible smelly runny poos :thumbsup: . The food hadn't changed, but the water she drank turned out to be the culprit!

We gave her spring water for a couple of days and slowly added our town water to the mix until she was drinking our town water completely!

Now if we go away for the weekend we take a couple of bottles of our home water...it makes all the difference! :laugh:

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hmm thanks for the replies.

The only other food she has had is 2 bones and 1 pig's ear as well as some treat while training her. She doesn't get food scraps at all. She is due to be wormed tomorrow.

The poo colour has been green/yellowy and brown.

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I'd be ringing your vet and taking her in to be safe. It sounds like similar colouring to what our boy had, but it's better to get her checked to make sure she hasn't swallowed something she shouldn't have or there's nothing else going on.

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