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Adelaide K9 Force Seminar - 8th May


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Yep, Steve definitely called her a pitbull or a pitty - frequently, especially when making his point about scary looking dogs not necessarily being actually dangerous or scary. Pele is a perfect example of not fitting the popular although misguided stereotype about that kind of dog.

That's why I asked you why you didn't correct him and you said about porky bottomless pit.

I don't reckon she's that porky either. Maybe a little bit cuddly?

As for the toy - and losing interest - that's one reason why I didn't get one for Frosty or try her out with one. She's never interested in the same toy for very long and has no favourites. Same with food. She likes variety and novelty and new things. Or maybe it's me that likes all those things. Not sure. Novelty in manageable but not overwhelming levels. Otherwise, puppies wouldn't get bored "paddock bashing".

K9 facebook page. Will have to check it out.

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Hey all.

We had a great time at the consult. I'm so happy to finally be able to put a some faces to names :cheer:

Kei is now in love with Kenzie :thumbsup: (I may have to steal her lol). I think I am in love with Pele too she's the cutest thing I have ever seen :champagne:

I also really enjoyed chatting to Ness, Rivsky, KHM (lunch was great by the way :cheers: ), Zug Zug, Pete.the.dog, Bully.... there were a few more too but after the 4 hour drive home this arvo my brain is a little fried :thumbsup: And meeting all the dogs.

Steve managed to make the day fly! It was great watching him work the dogs - particularly what he did with the black lab. I was also amazed at what he was able to to with (Kynans??) GSD (who was stunning BTW).

Now it's time for me to sift through all my notes and start putting some of this stuff into action!

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I was also amazed at what he was able to to with (Kynans??) GSD (who was stunning BTW).

Thanks SecretKei :champagne:

Steve was great with Kynan and I think he was even suprised at how quickly he had improved. We only saw Steve Fri morning and I did some work with Kynan Fri night and Sat morning. Even this morning I noticed further improvement with Kynan on our morning run. Thanks Steve :thumbsup:

It was great to meet so many of you and your dogs are all beautiful and were so well behaved. Thank you to those that helped get Steve here and organized the yummy lunch. We should have booked Steve for the whole weekend!

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I think I am in love with Pele too she's the cutest thing I have ever seen :cheer:

Pele is definitely a character :thumbsup: She was on a mission all day to pinch Kei's i-squeak and sooo proud of herself when she succeeded :thumbsup: Even when we were working outside she was trying to drag me back inside to get it. She's got a memory like an elephant :cheers: Now if I can get her to apply herself to her schoolwork as well :champagne:

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K9: Thanks Guys for all the kind words, it was a great week down in Adelaide for me, just back now and reading all the positive feedback. Your dogs behaviour at the workshop is a real credit to you! Was great to put names to faces too!

It was really interesting for me to work with the dogs in private consults and the practical training sessions of the workshop gave me a chance to show you a little of what I can do. Would have loved to follow on Sunday with some more advanced work, especially with Kynan and the black lab, I know a few more hours will really pay with those guys although I must say, Kynans mum has really stepped up with him since the consult only one day before, he has improved so much in so little time :o I also hope to hear from the lady who owned the black lab so I can keep him on the right track.

Finally working with Zuma and Kei was great, 2 of my training in drive Distance Learning Package students, they both made me extremly proud, I am sure everyone will agree! I would also like to thank them for demonstrating a little of the work they have put in.

Once I get settled and some work out of the way, I am going to start a discussion on the K9 Pro Facebook page so the attendees from the workshop (and anyone else, everyone welcome) can join in a discussion and we can continue were we left off!

You can find us here...

Finally some well deserved thanks to all who attended for making it possible for me to, being able to bring my work to Adelaide is great for us as well! Big thanks must go to those who provided the food, it was sensational and plentiful!

Also of course last but not least, we all owe thanks to Ness who organised the workshop from idea to implementation!

Great work guys! :rofl::rofl::rofl::o :D :D :D :):):thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Thanks Steve. We really enjoyed our lesson and I was extremely proud of Kei on both days :rofl:

I think you have taught hubby quite a lot too - he has come away with a completely different attitude to things.

I hope you will consider coming back to Adelaide in the future :o

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K9 wrote: Also of course last but not least, we all owe thanks to Ness who organised the workshop from idea to implementation!

:rofl: I still can't believe it actually happened and is already over, done and dusted. Seems months since the original far fetched thought entered my head. I take pity on Steve for the number of emails I have sent him hassling for details. I lost track of the number of times he told me to be patient and that it would all happen in good time and to trust him on it.

Think I was more then slightly paranoid that it just wouldn't :rofl: . Guess I needn't have been quite as concerned - it all worked out well in the end without to much stress - well almost :o .

Thanks again for coming Steve.

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Thanks again for coming Steve.

x 2 :rofl: Good work ness!!!

I would love to go along to another workshop with the kelpie - I think she would work really well if I could harness her drive - plus I know there are a few people who would like to have attended...............

So Steve - what dates have you got free in about 6 months?? :o:rofl:

Big thanks must go to those who provided the food, it was sensational and plentiful!

Aw shucks - it was nothing :rofl:

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:rofl: KHM - I have you to blame for my sugar high the last 2 days - you shouldn't have left the lollies which nobody else took - think I have had a serious over dose of sugar :rofl::rofl::o . Although maybe just as well since it keeps my energy levels up with all this renewed enthusiasm to train and not just Kenzie :o .

And Ness your not really my dud dog :D - there is no such thing as a dud isn't that right Steve :D .

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Goodonya Daisy. I gave Ness to SecretKei to do a bit of heelwork with at the lunchbreak yesterday and before Ness started she promptly helped herself to SecretKei's plate of salad stuff which she had put down on the bench :o . Bloody garbage gutts she is - think its pretty safe to say she has food drive :rofl: . Maybe thats where her little sister is getting it from. Its a learned behavior.

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K9: Once I get settled and some work out of the way, I am going to start a discussion on the K9 Pro Facebook page so the attendees from the workshop (and anyone else, everyone welcome) can join in a discussion and we can continue were we left off!

K9: So it will be a couple of days yet lol...

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LOL Ness - I took a couple of bags of lollies to Steve's last Brissy workshop. Daisy ate the ENTIRE packet of freckles :)
Goodonya Daisy. I gave Ness to SecretKei to do a bit of heelwork with at the lunchbreak yesterday and before Ness started she promptly helped herself to SecretKei's plate of salad stuff which she had put down on the bench :hug: . Bloody garbage gutts she is - think its pretty safe to say she has food drive :rofl: . Maybe thats where her little sister is getting it from. Its a learned behavior.


Well at least salad and freckles are yummy things. I have a dog who goes for roo meat in sardine oil :hug: I'm pretty sure that Steve actively avoided me once the treat pouch came out on Sunday :hug:

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:hug: poor SecretKei. Thats called dedicated. I am sure Ness would go for roo meat soaked in sardine oil too and maybe that is why Kenz was so taken with you :hug: . Midget BCs love there sardines. I suspect Kenz would work in food drive if I went with sardines but not sure I could bring myself to being that dedicated :hug: . Edited by ness
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K9: So it will be a couple of days yet lol...

God and I thought I was impatient :hug: . I have to say there is a real problem with attending dog training workshops and that is my level of dog training motivation always increases and my motivation to think about anything else for the next week or so always diminishes :hug: .

MRB we could always start out discussion here while waiting for Steve :hug: . I was going to start a so if we had to pick one take home message from the workshop what would it be discussion.

Any body else want to play :rofl: .

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