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Family Dog - Move To Us - What Will Happen?


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Having travelled a bit before we had our gorgeous dog, we are open to the suggestion of one day moving to the United States for a year or two. Does anyoen know what will happen if we want to take our family pet, de-sexed golden retriever with us.

Cost? Quarantine? what is the process, will she have to be locked up for months :( or are restrictions eased now. I know in Europe you can travel around the main countries with your pet if they have all their vaccinations etc and have the equivalent of their own passport.

Is it doable? Fair to the dog?



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My recollection when I was thinking about it was that it was relatively cheap to take the dog with us, but very expensive to bring back.

The advantage in the US is that they are far more welcoming of dogs travelling with you within the States eg dogs can stay in some hotels, recreation parks etc.

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I'm planning a return to the US (I'm from the USA, migrant to Oz, returning to the USA). I'll be moving four dogs from Perth to San Fran. The US side poses few problems. They care that you're not bringing rabies into the country and the burocracy is smart enough to realize that there's no rabies in Oz. The various transport arrangements may pose minor problems for documenting rabies vaccination, AQIS registered vets, etc. Basic red tape where it's easier to pay out than fight. I find JetPets wants to give a rabies vac at $110. A local AQIS cert vet will do the rabies vac for$70. Technically, if you put the dog in confinement when you hit the US, you can have it vaccinated on arrival and keep it in confinement for 30 days. Rabies vac is cheap in the US. Bottom line ... take care of the Oz side of thing. Don't worry too much about the US.

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Thanks thats good to know :(

but what about when we return to australia, does that mean she will have to be in qurantine for months?? :( anyone know what happens now?

That just seems cruel for a goldie to be away from family that long (proper vaccinations, health check etc etc) :o


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I thought when they came backt o Aus they had to be in quarantine for 4 or 6 weeks. But not 100% sure so maybe do a google search. Thats where I found my info about a year ago when I was thinking of going to the US for a year or two (same as you).

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When you return the dog will be required to do 30 days in Australian Quarantine.

Don't forget rabies test must begin at a specific time before the dog will be allowed back.

If you go to the States and if the rules have not changed it will be best to have the rabies shots done ther. Their paperwork will give the greater protection. By that I mean all the paper work will be registerd within the US.

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Things have changed with the Pet Passport system. It is a lot easier to bring dogs back to Australia within a shortish period of time, provided Australia was their country of origin. The worst thing about this is that it can make preparing to go a bit of a headache, but makes the return simpler.

Otherwise, returning to Australia will entail a MINIMUM of 30 days quarantine, more if you don't follow the strict timeline required to prep a dog for entry to Oz.

Also...be careful in the USA. If you are required to routinely vaccinated your dogs for leptospirosis, there is an almost certainty that they will not pass the lepto titre tests to come back into Australia. I have imported 3 dogs from the USA and was told to ensure each time that NO lepto shots were given because they boost the numbers and take forever to pass from the system.

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We have some friends that are emigrating to the US in June, and taking their boxer with them, so I'm reading this with interest. Not sure how long they're going for at this stage (she is from LA and would love to stay for at least 5 years, he's from Melbourne and is thinking 2 - 3 :( )

It's costing them more to ship Ruby across than all their household stuff and themselves. I think they were staggered at the price. We all told them to hold off a year and get the dog when they were over there, as they knew they were going, but they couldn't wait.

Any advice? She's not terribly well trained..... I suppose they should at least crate train her before they go, so she is used to the confinement. :(

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We have some friends that are emigrating to the US in June, and taking their boxer with them, so I'm reading this with interest. Not sure how long they're going for at this stage (she is from LA and would love to stay for at least 5 years, he's from Melbourne and is thinking 2 - 3 :( )

It's costing them more to ship Ruby across than all their household stuff and themselves. I think they were staggered at the price. We all told them to hold off a year and get the dog when they were over there, as they knew they were going, but they couldn't wait.

Any advice? She's not terribly well trained..... I suppose they should at least crate train her before they go, so she is used to the confinement. :(

I would say if its costing that much they are being ripped off big time or there telling porkies.

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We have some friends that are emigrating to the US in June, and taking their boxer with them, so I'm reading this with interest. Not sure how long they're going for at this stage (she is from LA and would love to stay for at least 5 years, he's from Melbourne and is thinking 2 - 3 :( )

It's costing them more to ship Ruby across than all their household stuff and themselves. I think they were staggered at the price. We all told them to hold off a year and get the dog when they were over there, as they knew they were going, but they couldn't wait.

Any advice? She's not terribly well trained..... I suppose they should at least crate train her before they go, so she is used to the confinement. :(

I would say if its costing that much they are being ripped off big time or there telling porkies.


Last dog I sent to the USA, the actual freight + AQIS work was not much more than the price of the puppy.

Even sending Bad Alice to Japan is still just over the $1k mark.

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We have some friends that are emigrating to the US in June, and taking their boxer with them, so I'm reading this with interest. Not sure how long they're going for at this stage (she is from LA and would love to stay for at least 5 years, he's from Melbourne and is thinking 2 - 3 :( )

It's costing them more to ship Ruby across than all their household stuff and themselves. I think they were staggered at the price. We all told them to hold off a year and get the dog when they were over there, as they knew they were going, but they couldn't wait.

Any advice? She's not terribly well trained..... I suppose they should at least crate train her before they go, so she is used to the confinement. :(

I would say if its costing that much they are being ripped off big time or there telling porkies.


Last dog I sent to the USA, the actual freight + AQIS work was not much more than the price of the puppy.

Even sending Bad Alice to Japan is still just over the $1k mark.

They asked us to help out to see if we could help lower costs for them as my OH's uncle works for Jetpets. I personally think the problem will be with the dog being able to manage the trip on her own as she is such a handful and they have no idea about training. You can only offer so much advice.....

Ruby is also arriving a good fortnight before them as they're having a pre-honeymoon in Bali on the way! Lucky there's family on the other side to look after her!

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wow, lots to read and think about. But I enjoy research so will get stuck in.

Thanks for all the tips and links. I will look at the expat forum as well as contact the dol who it was suggested I talk to.

Still cant image how hard it will be for my goofy goldie to be away from us for 30 days. But if the opportunity arises I suppose we will just have to deal with it.


keep any more information or personal expriences comming, really apprciated


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btw, it's cheaper per dog when you do more than one. I'm shipping 3 adult Labbies and a 6 mo old pup from Perth to SFO. Jetpets quoted me something a bit under $7k. Not cheap . . . but not that bad either (shipping a Lab from Perth to Sydney will run over $800). So if you can join up with someone else travelling with a dog, you may be able to cut the price down a bit.

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