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Is This Such An Awful Shot?


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Took this on the weekend , and it is one of my favourites . Parents not keen.. it is too casual . No real problem- it was mainly for me anyhow - but what do you think? ( I don't like obviously posed/stiff/smile-at-the-camera-shots :laugh: )post-1359-1271039277_thumb.jpg

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I think it's nice and natural - she's a pretty little girl. For me I think the lego bucket makes the photo a bit 'messy' and I found my eyes fighting between focusing on the girl's face and the bucket :( I find the angle a little odd to look at as well.

I've only started getting into photography myself though so that's just my opinion.

I had a play with the photo while eating lunch, hope you don't mind. :(


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What I love is the expression, you've got her absolute focus and attention, and no self-conscious or self-important 'smile for the camera'.

But yes, probably too much background, as well as the toy-bucket, the three conflicting patches of the cushion, the chair and the carpet. Just too many background patches/elements so it gives it a hint of wide-angle distortion.

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a lot going on so it is way too busy, and for me, another big giveaway is the flash washout, with the little pinpricks of light in the eyes from the flash, that just makes it look snap- shotty. Sorry, not sure if that was what you wanted to hear.

A great thing to do with kids is to shoot at their level - get down on the ground and shoot across at them, instead of looking down, and position the subject nearer to a window - natural light is so much better than flash, if you must flash, then either bounce it or use it off camera. A wider aperture as well will help concentrate things on the subject and not giving equal focus and therefore priority to those things around it

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