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Sydney Raw Food Providers


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perhaps those looking for raw food providers should go to a topic that has been "pinned" to make it easy to keep all the information in one place.



You're a narky little one aren't you!

We're looking for providers that are current right now and prices in one City etc, it's a discussion piece, now please stop rail roading this thread.

Edited by sas
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for those wanting to feed something like rabbit or other very lean game meats as a primary meat source be aware they can be too low in fats. There is a condition called 'rabbit starvation'.

Go get a .22 and start shooting or make friends with ferreters. commercial rabbit prices are stupidity. We're going out again this weekend, hope to get at least 15 bunnies for the freezer

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Tyra yes we have done all the allergy testing/elimination diets etc under Dermatologist advice. We know what our dogs are allergic to, hence the need for NOVEL meat sources.

Two of us have allergic Danes - doesn't exactly represent the whole breed does it? But the reason our breed has allergies, the same as almost any other breed, is genetics.

We are aware of the pinned thread - there isn't anyone listed there who supplies game meat like goat, rabbit etc, hence why this thread was started.

Thanks Nekhbet - perhaps we should go join a shooters club! I actually considered posting my request on a shooters forum but was worried it might be inappropriate?!

Thanks for the info on Rabbit Starvation too - interesting!! I actually need leaner meats as Orbit, being on his medication, is a bit more prone to pancreatitis/stomach upsets with fatty meals. We're on mostly turkey now, with a lamp flap every few days. I just want to be able to find him some different meat sources to give a bit more variety.

It's amazing how we have such a feral rabbit and apparently camel problem, yet their meat is so hard to source and is so expensive!!!

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for those wanting to feed something like rabbit or other very lean game meats as a primary meat source be aware they can be too low in fats. There is a condition called 'rabbit starvation'.

Go get a .22 and start shooting or make friends with ferreters. commercial rabbit prices are stupidity. We're going out again this weekend, hope to get at least 15 bunnies for the freezer

Thanks for the heads up Nekhbet! Good luck on the hunt!

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for those wanting to feed something like rabbit or other very lean game meats as a primary meat source be aware they can be too low in fats. There is a condition called 'rabbit starvation'.

Interesting. All of mine love the wild bunnies but one in particular gets quite hungry after a few days of them and seeks out fattier meats. As I also feed a far bit of pork and lamb it isn't a problem, but I thought it was just her (she's a skinny thing at the best of times) rather than a known issue.

I actually considered posting my request on a shooters forum but was worried it might be inappropriate?!

I considered that too, if you go that route I'd be interested to know how it goes.

I get goat and venison at around $8 a kilo - hardly pet food prices but manageable for them. I don't feed them for allergy reasons, just like the idea of using the feral/game species when I can.

Edited by Diva
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