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How Do I Stop My Dog Licking


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Hi I have a 10 month old dog and i was wondering if anyone would have any idea on how to stop her licking me, my family and anyone who greets her. I have been told once a licker always a licker and want to know is this true. She is a big dog and so you get quite a big sloppy kiss every time you pat her. ;) Any advice would be appreciated.

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when she licks say ah ah then say no lick....then when she is sitting nicely not licking say good girl, no lick and give her a pat or tummy rub.,..this worked for my constant licker!!

thank you for your advice i will try that.

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You could try putting the lick on cue. Or asking for an alternative behaviour like a down where she can't lick or gain access to lick anyone. You could also try a time out for the licking if it really bugs you.

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