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I Tried To Sneak In..


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I tried to sneak in, but was spotted, so thought I should do a proper "HELLO!" post.

I'm helping my Aunt find a dog, and there was only one place to come for info - DOL!

So, I am back for a short period of time.

A quick update for those that know me: I made the very hard decision last year to rehome Mika as I believed our living situation was not fair to her. I found the most amazing home for her and she slotted in perfectly. Lots and Lots of tears handing her over and lots of photo updates.

Then one day I get the call. Mika's new family had made the decision to have her put to sleep after she sustained a severe heart attack and drugs were not relieving the arrhythmia on the heart. The neighbours had found her in distress and had rush her to the vet on behalf of her new owners. All care was taken to try and get her back to normal, but she did not respond to the medication, and so was gently sent over the bridge. Both her new family, and her old family, wept tears of sadness at her passing. She died just after he 6th birthday. It is believed the pneumonia she got as a pup (caught via KC on a Plane trip from Vic to NSW), caused distress on the heart that was not apparent through stethoscope listening. I would never have rehomed her if she was apparently unwell. Her absence is very much noted.

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Hello TKS, loooooong time no see :-) you can't hide here eh ?!!!

So sad that you have such tragic news to share, goddess speed little Mika.

I hope the other parts of your life are happy though ?


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Hi fifi and Arolf!

We were looking at Aariel on Pet Rescue (through Victorian Dog Rescue Group). My aunt needs to get her fence finished though before she submits the application.

He's pulling on my heartstrings lots, but this is my aunt's choice. She's not very good a the internet though, and struggles with the computer, and so I am doing some of the leg work.

Mika is very much missed. I still feel terrible for the new owners that the new dog they paid to get from NSW to VIC (they paid for me to fly her to them to teach them about Mika's hand signals, and show her some of her deafness - mika's mum is also deaf I have since found out). and then for her to die tragically. And they have kidlets like me.

Other news - no other children yet. Trying, but no succeeding. 3 years of heartache, but am sure I will get there in the end. We just moved house, and we are looking at getting a bunny soon.

Tara was on the news the other night, if any one saw channel 9 NSW. She is adorable. :)

Here is the footage. Ignore me :laugh:


I breed good kids :laugh:

Other than that, life has been throwing us curve balls, but we will get there.

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Well, hello there! Tara did you proud :eek:

So sorry to hear of Mika's passing :) If I remember correctly, Pixie taught Mika to shake hands with a clicker or give a high 5 or something many many moons ago?

Best of luck finding the right dog for your aunt.

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Hello TKS. Very sorry to hear about Mika. I remember when you got her just before I got my Tri boy, Bronson. He will be 6yo in May.

I often wondered how you and Mika were going. It's good to hear from you but very sorry to hear about Mika.

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