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God I'm Fuming Atm!


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I meant to come back and reply, but I ended up having a big nap after lunch lol. The last couple nights have taken a bit of a toll on me :)

I had to wait ages for the vet, who by the way we have had many times for all our pets, and he is decent vet I must say, but I guess I am just feeling the level of service wasn't the best this time (imo). He was honest at least, and did say he checked on her at 10pm, and I think he said he took her out for a walk for a wee, and to give her a pat and she was excited to see someone (she would have been!), then he must've have clipped her cage back up properly. He did say she was perky and had enough fluids needed to make her better. He said that she probably has a tummy bug, since Joey had it very mildly also. She did have an injection last night, I think antibiotics? He gave me some pink liquid stuff, some clavax AB (sp?) and a tin of hills id canned food, which is to be slowly given to her over at least 2 days, then bland small amounts of normal food after.(Fifi, they told me about the hot water too that can be mixed with it). I doubt i will have any trouble giving it to her tho lol

I did make it known (not in front of anyone of course) that I wished I hadn't left her overnight there, but they said she got enough of the drip to have gotten her better, and it was still important she had stayed.

A young girl who works there said to me while i was waiting that Renae had scratched up the clinic's walls (she was only in the back part, not the reception)

I also asked which cage she had been in, as there's 2 levels, and they had said the bottom one (thank god!). It was just her and a cat that stayed overnight, if I heard right. Glad she wasn't on the top row then! not sure how they do it, maybe the cats go in the top ones?

It doesn't appear they have given us any real discount on the bill. They were ok to let us pay half now, and the remainder over the next week or two.

I am generally happy with them, but this has just irked me a bit. I know nothing really bad happened to her, but still.. I do feel bad. Where we live it would be hard to travel too far for another one, especially in an emergency situation.

Below is a pic of Renae. Their wonderful breeder has entrusted her with us (I think she was her foundation bitch), and I would hate to ever let her down as well (she knows about this, and has given me some good advice, and said if she wasn't busy with prior commitments this weekend, would have come down to help us with Renae!!!)

ATM Renae is sleeping soundly with her son Joey. It's good to have her home, and hopefully she will be ok! She normally never gets sick, she's one very tough Cavalier !

My apologies for not answering every comment personally, but thank you to those of you who have :) I may have overreacted a bit, but she means the world to me/us !!!


BTW, both her and Joey are crate trained, and altho I generally don't lock them in it, they have been in the past, and have never escaped out of it when it's been shut properly ..

Edited by JulesLuvsCavs
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Thank you Stormie :) I will be going there soon xxx

ps. when my husband called them also, the girl receptionist (nurse?) was having a bit of chuckle over the phone about her escaping. I Just know she would have been frantic tho looking for us. I feel i have let her down :)

You never know, she may have been having a slumber party!

Seriously though, and maybe we're just really awesome :) but I can assure you when we have patients in hospital/boarding they aren't frantically searching for their owners. Most of them are too busy sussing out the new areas and smells and seem to have an 'out of sight, out of mind' concept when it comes to their owners.

That is my guess, the vet checked on her at stupid o'clock, in the morning and didnt latch the crate properly, I know Im damn forgetful at that hour, YES that is a mistake, but it could have been much worse. I doubt she was stressing about you not being there, if its anything like my vet clinic there is loads of new sights and smells, food, toys etc, she could have only been out for an hour or two not all night

ETA Glad to see she is ok :(

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Goldengirl, just did an update.. she would have gotten out soon after 10pm and they only found her this morning about 8 am ish?

She had scratched up their walls/doors, which meant she wasn't that settled being there.. She's mostly deaf as well, so she gets a bit frightened at times..

Plus when we first was given her, she fretted heaps, especially the first few night nights and was going around to all the doors and scratching them and crying ... so I know she would have been upset until she saw someone..

ps.. They did all say she was very well behaved otherwise.

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What an aweful thing to have happen, so glad she is home safe and sound now!! I can understand you feeling you have let her down as the thought of her being there on her own and knowing she would have been anxious is just aweful. Don't beat your self up too much, you didn't really have a choice, as we usually trust what the vets tell us, as they said she got the fluids she needed. Hope fully it was just a tummy bug and she will be all better soon.

I am paranoid about leaving mine over night, have never had to do it and hopefully never will. Years ago my Cocker Spaniel 13 years old had something wrong with her, we didn't know what but she was crying in pain and we took her to the vets and they did a few tests and said she had a high content of fat in her blood and she needed a drip and had to stay over night. My mum rang the next day to see when we could come andf pick her up and the vet told mum she had died over night. No one was at the clinic with her, she died on her own, in the cage with no one :) the problem was she had a blockage, and the vet didn't realize this so by putting the drip in filled her up till her tummy burst and the rest is history. Our family has never got over this to this day, we were just devestated to say the least. I don't have much faith in vets and can't help but always think of this as it had such a big impact on us.

Jules give Renae bug hugs from us. Love the photo, she has such an adorable face!!

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If you want a vet nurse to stay overnight it will cost you extra, you'd have to pay their wages for the whole night. Dogs don't get out very often and it is negligent of the vet to let you take home a dog on a drip, so you wouldn't be able to have a drip on your dog at home unless you know what to look for and do. Though with some conditions it can be better to have the dog at home, but others it is better off at the vets.

and they are charging me the earth as it is !!

Well it seems she wasn't getting treated anyway there, if the drip had come out :)

I didn't let boy stay at the normal vets overnight. I took him to a 24/7 vet - with both nurses and vets onsite. I can't remember the exact cost but it would have been close to $700 just for a drip (if my memory serves me correctly). Most vets don't have someone overnight as they just wouldn't get the income for it.

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I hope they didn't charge you for the whole bag of fluids! And I also think you shouldn't be charged for overnight hospitalization as she was running wild for the majority of the night.

It seems pretty insensitive that the receptionist was making a joke out of it.

At least they were honest enough to tell you that it happened.

I am also reluctant to leave my pets at the vet overnight (unless they are really sick and need to be at a 24hr clinic).

I hope your doggie feels better soon though!

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hey Jules,hope everything is calmed down now and shes on the mend.

I would be just as upset, when your entrusting their wellbeing to someone else, you want only the best, espcially when your paying for that best.Plus everyone knows cavs need that extra bit of special attention, thats why we always get taken in by their eyes...it says it all!

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I don't think I could leave my boys at a vet for an overnight if I knew there wasn't going to be staff there monitoring them.

When our oldest was very sick with what turned out to be a paralysis tick ... the vet I took him to on the Sunday wanted to admit him overnight. When I asked if there was going to be staff there overnight then told me someone would check on him every 4 to 6 hours. I told them straight out that I wasn't going to leave him there and if he needed anything - tell me what to do and I will do it.

They kept insisting he was "on death's door" and need to be hospitalised.

I had to explain he didn't do well being in a hospital environment and I was taking him home ... they only agreed (reluctantly) when he got annoyed at their 4 or 5th attempt to put in an IV line that he bite one of the staff.

They did tell me what to expect etc and I took him home ... but it was very much like pulling teeth to get the information.

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What an aweful thing to have happen, so glad she is home safe and sound now!! I can understand you feeling you have let her down as the thought of her being there on her own and knowing she would have been anxious is just aweful. Don't beat your self up too much, you didn't really have a choice, as we usually trust what the vets tell us, as they said she got the fluids she needed. Hope fully it was just a tummy bug and she will be all better soon.

I am paranoid about leaving mine over night, have never had to do it and hopefully never will. Years ago my Cocker Spaniel 13 years old had something wrong with her, we didn't know what but she was crying in pain and we took her to the vets and they did a few tests and said she had a high content of fat in her blood and she needed a drip and had to stay over night. My mum rang the next day to see when we could come andf pick her up and the vet told mum she had died over night. No one was at the clinic with her, she died on her own, in the cage with no one :laugh: the problem was she had a blockage, and the vet didn't realize this so by putting the drip in filled her up till her tummy burst and the rest is history. Our family has never got over this to this day, we were just devestated to say the least. I don't have much faith in vets and can't help but always think of this as it had such a big impact on us.

Jules give Renae bug hugs from us. Love the photo, she has such an adorable face!!

Oh that is so very sad tlc, I am so sorry to hear your that your Cocker Spaniel died all alone :laugh::) That is my worse fear ..

Thank you also for your caring messages xxx

Be back later to acknowledge other comments :)

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What an aweful thing to have happen, so glad she is home safe and sound now!! I can understand you feeling you have let her down as the thought of her being there on her own and knowing she would have been anxious is just aweful. Don't beat your self up too much, you didn't really have a choice, as we usually trust what the vets tell us, as they said she got the fluids she needed. Hope fully it was just a tummy bug and she will be all better soon.

I am paranoid about leaving mine over night, have never had to do it and hopefully never will. Years ago my Cocker Spaniel 13 years old had something wrong with her, we didn't know what but she was crying in pain and we took her to the vets and they did a few tests and said she had a high content of fat in her blood and she needed a drip and had to stay over night. My mum rang the next day to see when we could come andf pick her up and the vet told mum she had died over night. No one was at the clinic with her, she died on her own, in the cage with no one :) the problem was she had a blockage, and the vet didn't realize this so by putting the drip in filled her up till her tummy burst and the rest is history. Our family has never got over this to this day, we were just devestated to say the least. I don't have much faith in vets and can't help but always think of this as it had such a big impact on us.

Jules give Renae bug hugs from us. Love the photo, she has such an adorable face!!

tlc I'm so sorry to hear that, how awful for you and your family. One thing though, and I really hope you don't mind me suggesting this, but I think you may have been given misleading information, as when an animal is put on fluids, none of it goes through their digestive tract; it just goes straight into the blood, so there's no way the fluid from the IV could have filled her tummy.

High fat in the blood is typical of pancreatitis which unfortunately, can be fatal and the only real treatment is IV fluids and support.

I understand how this would have been so traumatic for you and I am also saddened that the information you were given, which sounds odd, is also what has contributed to your lack of faith in vets....

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I won't be leaving her there tonight, whatever they say ! I will manage her at home if i have too!

I feel so sick and so stressed atm !!! :)

Jules what an awkward situation to be in, I am sure the vets are doing there best, we all want whats best and I am sure it was just one of those things, I do hope you and the dear mite are all ok now and on the road to recovery.

On a good note, gee what a great mom you must be for the dear old gal to escape and try to get to you, that is true doggy love!! :laugh:



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Jules what an awkward situation to be in, I am sure the vets are doing there best, we all want whats best and I am sure it was just one of those things, I do hope you and the dear mite are all ok now and on the road to recovery.

On a good note, gee what a great mom you must be for the dear old gal to escape and try to get to you, that is true doggy love!! :)



Hi and thankyou Wazzat Xolo :laugh:

Yeah i know vets generally do their best, and I've been mostly impressed with this particular vet, and I know 'accidents' can happen, and I glad they were upfront about it (as most would probably not have said anything!) but I still feel a bit upset about it. I'm not blaming anyone. It would have been nice had they given me a reduced price because of it, but that's not the issue.

Wonder what happens if there was ever a fire in those places that don't have a vet on the premises??

I was ok initially when they told me the vet would be checking in regularly, but it appears he only came in once at 10pm, so it seems from what I understood.

She was frantic, thats why she was scratching at the doors and walls!

I do go out sometimes, and leave them alone at home, but its usually only for a few hours at a time (and its in the comfort of their own home with music on etc). If we go out longer than that, I get my parents to dog sit them. Cavaliers especially, do need/require the extra attention..

I've had other dogs (and Joey) in the past that have been ok overnight at the vets, but then they have had procedures/op done, and have been sleeping it off most of the time because of the sedation they were given. Renae had nothing, so would have fairly fully aware of being alone for all those hours.

Anyway she's on medication, is drinking some water, and eating tiny bits, and is sleeping again close by me :laugh:

Thanks for the hug too xxx

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Jules what an awkward situation to be in, I am sure the vets are doing there best, we all want whats best and I am sure it was just one of those things, I do hope you and the dear mite are all ok now and on the road to recovery.

On a good note, gee what a great mom you must be for the dear old gal to escape and try to get to you, that is true doggy love!! ;)



Hi and thankyou Wazzat Xolo :)

Yeah i know vets generally do their best, and I've been mostly impressed with this particular vet, and I know 'accidents' can happen, and I glad they were upfront about it (as most would probably not have said anything!) but I still feel a bit upset about it. I'm not blaming anyone. It would have been nice had they given me a reduced price because of it, but that's not the issue.

Wonder what happens if there was ever a fire in those places that don't have a vet on the premises??

I was ok initially when they told me the vet would be checking in regularly, but it appears he only came in once at 10pm, so it seems from what I understood.

She was frantic, thats why she was scratching at the doors and walls!

I do go out sometimes, and leave them alone at home, but its usually only for a few hours at a time (and its in the comfort of their own home with music on etc). If we go out longer than that, I get my parents to dog sit them. Cavaliers especially, do need/require the extra attention..

I've had other dogs (and Joey) in the past that have been ok overnight at the vets, but then they have had procedures/op done, and have been sleeping it off most of the time because of the sedation they were given. Renae had nothing, so would have fairly fully aware of being alone for all those hours.

Anyway she's on medication, is drinking some water, and eating tiny bits, and is sleeping again close by me :)

Thanks for the hug too xxx

Thats good news she is home and eating and drinking a bit, its so nice to hear the "nice" stories makes up for all the sad and bad ones, I am a big sook and love the happy endings lol!

I know in the USA they have emergency 24 hr vets and mini hospitals, I am not sure if they have them here in Aus or WA ( luckily I have never needed one) Seems in the USA they have so much with animal treatments etc.


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They didn't reduce the price at all? Did you ask them about this, because it does seem reasonable in this situation.

and I think its pretty bad that they said she would be checked on throughout the night- IMO once at 10pm doesn't really count as checking throughout the night. I would have thought it would be at least every 3 hours. Some of my friends do overnight nursing and they are required to check on the animals hourly- and this is not even at a full on 24hr clinic (which requires at least one nurse and one vet to be up all night, checking the animals constantly).

I am sorry to say, if there is a fire it is required all humans evacuate the building immediately, only after everyone is out and accounted for are people allowed to go back for the animals (if it is safe) :eek:

I am glad to hear she seems to be doing better though.

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tlc I'm so sorry to hear that, how awful for you and your family. One thing though, and I really hope you don't mind me suggesting this, but I think you may have been given misleading information, as when an animal is put on fluids, none of it goes through their digestive tract; it just goes straight into the blood, so there's no way the fluid from the IV could have filled her tummy.

High fat in the blood is typical of pancreatitis which unfortunately, can be fatal and the only real treatment is IV fluids and support.

I understand how this would have been so traumatic for you and I am also saddened that the information you were given, which sounds odd, is also what has contributed to your lack of faith in vets....

Hi Stormie, Yes your right, it does make sense that the IV fluids would not have gone through her stomach, thats just typical of me not getting my facts right, it happened a long time ago. The bottom line is she died in the vet clinic that night all alone and in pain. It is easy to lay blame but who is to blame, ourselves? yes probley she must have ate something she shouldn't have?? The vet, maybe he should have done an xray then he would have seen the blockage and she may have lived?? Its all what ifs, I realize sometimes things happen that are out of our control and there is nothing we can do about it especially after the fact. also my faith in vets has been jaded not only from this incident but many others over the years. I'm sure a lot will agree it is hard to find a good caring vet that you trust 100 percent. But on the other hand I have heard lots say they are totally happy with thier vet. Anyway just for the record I realized I was probley out of line posting this here but I would not have posted it if Renae had of still been at the vet clinic!!

Anyway Jules how is the little possum, hope she is well and truly on the mend! :eek:

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Thank you LMC, and everyone else that has left replies in here :thumbsup:

I have woken up with a very sore throat and feel crap, so will just be brief in here.

Renae is a lot brighter today, but very sleepy. She seems quite settled. Hopefully she will back to her normal self over the next few days :laugh:

Hope all you all have a relaxing Sunday with your families and pets ! xxx

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Glad to hear your little dog is getting better it is very distressing when they are so sick I hope with all my heart that she continues to make a speedy recovery and I'm sure with all the TLC you will be giving you're baby girl she will be back to good health in no time. :laugh:

11 years ago I had a little dog who was attacked by another dog while we were out walking she sustained broken ribs and a punctured lung, rushed her to the closest vet which wasn't my choice of vet but it happened to be closest to where the attack happened to where we were walking.

I'm still fuming to this day that they didn't transfer her to a 24 hour emergency hospital but according to them they didn't consider her injuries to be life threatening even though she'd had a blood transfusion a stent put in to try and control the bleeding from her internal injuries and was put on a drip in a cage with nothing but newspaper on cold hard steel which IMO is soo wrong. I took in her blanket which had been washed and vet nurse got real shitty and said she didn't have time to wash the shit and pee out of it every day :laugh: to which I replied I'll bring in change of bedding and take home and do it.

Anyway I went and saw her the next day after she'd been there overnight I wasn't told they don't monitor over night but they were concerned as she was still in shock and were (debating) if they should send her to a specialist vet hospital as they'd never had a dog with her type of injuries before, (Alarm bells started ringing) but you try and have faith in the vet, anyway second day I went and saw her and the vet was force feeding her 3 large syringes of dog food to which she vomited straight back up, i asked if they should be doing this seeing as she was bleeding internally as was afraid she would rupture where they'd sutured up etc. Vet said there was no reason she couldn't eat was just being stubborn and that when they went in there that morning she was so much brighter was sitting up in her cage and when they opened it & said she bounded out of the cage in a hurry to go to toilet. On 3rd day I had that dreaded phone call at 9am in the morning to tell me that she'd died during the night that she'd drowned in her own blood which I didn't need to hear, as she'd dislodged her drip line over night somehow and they didn't know how ?

I was furious, devastated you name it and in a hell of a state after being told she was going to be ok, I put in a complaint to the vet board who investigated but of course the vet told all the lies about the place like they'd never said this or never said that, but funny enough the vet who had treated her resigned about a month later and moved to a practice somewhere in Canberra may be a coincidence but may not be, anyway I still blame myself to this day for not trusting my gut instincts and taking her out of their to a 24 hour hospital who may of been able to save her as IMO the other vet clearly didn't know what the hell they were doing, Oh and I was told by the vet nurse on the phone when she rang to say that "Bonnie" had died that "I should have some sympathy for the other dogs owners as their dog is going to be pts so they will have lost their dog also". At that point I just hung up or I would of said something not very nice, (Sympathy for other dog's owner Yeah Right)! :thumbsup:

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Thank you LMC, and everyone else that has left replies in here :thumbsup:

I have woken up with a very sore throat and feel crap, so will just be brief in here.

Renae is a lot brighter today, but very sleepy. She seems quite settled. Hopefully she will back to her normal self over the next few days :laugh:

Hope all you all have a relaxing Sunday with your families and pets ! xxx

Good news, back to bed JLC and hope you have a speedy recovery.

Hugs :laugh:

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Guest Willow
I know in the USA they have emergency 24 hr vets and mini hospitals, I am not sure if they have them here in Aus or WA ( luckily I have never needed one) Seems in the USA they have so much with animal treatments etc.


There are three 24 hour/emergency vets in Perth: Murdoch, Balcatta & now PVE in Osborne Park :thumbsup:

In country areas in WA you can usually get the local vet out on a call out.

I remember doing some work prac for a tiny, family owned vet clinic a few years back who would take home any animals that needed overnight care......lovely place :laugh:

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