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Ndtf V Delta Instructors Course

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Haha, Aidan, that's exactly what I said to Erik a couple of weeks ago when I looked up to find him with an edge of carpet in his mouth, quietly backing up to see how much he could pull up. The little twerp lets it go and then actually kicks it back in place with his paw when it doesn't go on its own, then he trots over to me with ears flat as if he's the model puppy in all ways. I guess the command worked. :o

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it's a little kids toy, just a cheapy plastic one but the dog works for it - not very loud though :o The owner bought it, I got a clicker at a seminar and my dogs have walked away from the novelty of it. They really dont want to listen to it, must be the tinny click noise

I've been clicker training the poodle with it but she's a tough little cookie. Doesnt want to put in effort then vibrates her bottom lip whining at you like 'no insert food here, I DUN WANNA DO TRICKS!'

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  Nekhbet said:
let's not forget the ever faithful 'oi' command which has multiple wonderful uses

- dont touch that

- get away from that

- dont eye each other off

- get off the couch/clean washing

- dont you dare walk through that door

- try it again and it wont be worth your while


"Oi" works for me everytime... :o

Another is the BBC (By Bloody Crikey)!. You can add emphasis by saying "Dog" at the end....By BLOODY crikey DOG!!

Quality dog training :)

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  Kelpie-i said:
Another is the BBC (By Bloody Crikey)!. You can add emphasis by saying "Dog" at the end....By BLOODY crikey DOG!!

Quality dog training :o

:) Love it!

Fits in with my recent resolve to start bringing back words such as "cobber", "splendid", "oops-a-daisy", "Fred Nerk" and "youhoo". Will add "by bloody crikey [DOG!!]" to that list. Fits in perfectly :). And perhaps, instead of the poshiness of "free!!" to release the dog from its command, what about "goodonya"?

Edited by Erny
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Fits in with my recent resolve to start bringing back words such as "cobber", "splendid" and "youhoo". Will add "by bloody crikey [DOG!!]" to that list. Fits in perfectly . And perhaps, instead of the poshiness of "free!!" to release the dog from its command, what about "go on piss off", or, if you're in fine company, "nicky whoop".

:) :)

I can see nicky whoop being used by Sheltie owners :o ....sorry Sheltie owners.. :eek:

We should start out own society ... Call it the Boganis Modern Gentle Method of Dog Training

I'll be the No. 1 Ticket Holder ;) "Oi, oi oi"

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  Kelpie-i said:
I can see nicky whoop being used by Sheltie owners :o ....sorry Sheltie owners.. :)

I edited my post but not in time before you quoted the original. Only changed it because "piss off" isn't really what I mean when I say "free" to my dog. I still like "nicky whoop" although I think it more Aussie to say "Gedonwi'ya" .

We should start out own society ... Call it the Boganis Modern Gentle Method of Dog Training
  Kelpie-i said:
I'll be the No. 1 Ticket Holder :) "Oi, oi oi"

I'm in :eek:.

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Now to write up a charter and list of commands ... how about some advertising


Does your dog have a few bad habits?

Come to the Boganis Modern Gentle School of Dog Training! Started 5 minutes ago as what seemed like a great idea over a few beers out the back porch, we promise to use the most up to date, gentle and modern methods to fix up yer dog.

Or trained canine specialists will have your dog fixed aaaaaaaall up in:


working and hunting


under stimulated dogs and chronic leash pullers


socialisation and how to behave out in public


show training to enhance that eye catching factor in the ring!


The Boganis patented form of 'doggy dancing' (the actual content of dancing may or may not be as advertised. It also may or may not be involving some element of bitework. Maybe. Not really if the government asks)

Yes call us now with your problems ... I mean LOOK AT THESE RESULTS!

We'll have a TV show up and running in about a week so book quick 'cos after that we're bumping up the price tenfold

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  Erny said:
Fits in with my recent resolve to start bringing back words such as "cobber", "splendid", "oops-a-daisy", "Fred Nerk" and "youhoo".

Those words went out of use? :o

Erik's "go to mat" command is "bugger off". And his NRM (used sparingly) is "go away". I've been thinking he needs a "come inside" command that is shaping up to be "For the love of god and all that is holy!" or alternatively "Erik, don't make me hurt you."

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:thumbsup: at Nekhbet.

And of course, our Boganis Instructors can help you with dominance ........... this dog was specially trained and is now an expert :laugh:.

Boganis Modern Gentle Dog Training Happy Dominant Reinforcement Technique

Note the demonstration of our SPECIAL "purely positive modern gentle training technique" (2nd person in the video) and see how it promotes a good, strong recall response. Laughter is one of our special motivational techniques ;) and as you can see in the vid, it has absolutely WONDERFUL and QUICK results :). And NO tug toy needed !!!

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  Cosmolo said:
Yes i have heard euthanasia recommendations too- from Delta and one non delta trainers- a couple of which happened over the phone, before the trainer had seen the dog..

I am really late into this,I have just trawled through this with interest. I have a dog, my rescue newf, and it was recommended by a positive trainer to have her PTS.............We have been to many workshops, Craig Murray, some of Cosmolo's and many others all over the country. I am sure that she should not be PTS. Thank God I found a good trainer, who was willing to try several methods to find the solution for her.

It still angers me to see the person who told me to PTS her. And when they met her not long ago, they asked me if I had gotten a new dog. I just had to walk away, i could not trust myself.

Acually Nekhbet you met my uncontrollable (not) newf in Geelong last year........

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  Erny said:
:thumbsup: at Nekhbet.

And of course, our Boganis Instructors can help you with dominance ........... this dog was specially trained and is now an expert :3monkeys:.

Boganis Modern Gentle Dog Training Happy Dominant Reinforcement Technique

Note the demonstration of our SPECIAL "purely positive modern gentle training technique" (2nd person in the video) and see how it promotes a good, strong recall response. Laughter is one of our special motivational techniques :mad and as you can see in the vid, it has absolutely WONDERFUL and QUICK results :mad. And NO tug toy needed !!!


I just got up off the floor after watching that vid Erny....I suppose that poor dog just needed a good ole stress reliever :thumbsup: Oh my....I'm in tears

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Hi Newfsie .... it is so nice to hear good outcome stories, no matter which 'camp' they might have originated from. Well done for your dedication and to what sounds like a wonderful turn around to success :thumbsup:.

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